OMA Flight Policy OMA 8 Flashcards
How much will you add to MSA/MGA/MEA in windy conditions?
Wind Speeds above 20kts add 2000ft.
Generally, when are cold weather temperature corrections required?
At 0deg or below at the Airport.
When are cold weather corrections NOT required?
ATC Radar Vectored Altitude
ATC assigned FL.
What is the approved method for calculating cold weather corrections?
Fly Smart
Can you use VNAV minimums below 0 deg?
Yes, only if the chart specifies a minimum temperature and the actual temperature is above this.
If the temperature is below the minimum for the 3D approach (VNAV) what must you do?
Correct all of the altitudes and fly in NAV/FPA or LOC/FPA.
What is the definition of an adequate aerodrome?
Can be used by the aircraft type.
Runway Characteristics
RFF cat etc.
Nothing to do with weather yet.
What is the definition of a suitable aerodrome?
And Adequate aerodrome becomes Suitable when wether indicated that it will be above minima and the runway condition is within limits.
What is the RFF for the A320/319 and A321
A319/320 6
A321 7
Can the RFF be reduced?
Can be reduced by 1
A319/320 becomes 5
A321 becomes 6
Can go below but need approval.
Not below 4.
What is the distance for a Take-off alternate in the Airbus?
1 hour flight time at OEI
Must be suitable to land OEI so CAT 3 SINGLE!
When do you NOT need a destination alternate?
Planned flying time does not exceed 6hrs
Ceiling at least 2000ft or circling +500ft
Viz 5km or above
For one hour before and after
2 separate runways. NOT LGW
When do you need 2 destination alternates?
When weather below minima or when no met information is available.
When considering a Non-precision approach wrt landing minima and weather what must you do?
Ceiling must be above MDA.
If there is a Non-precision approach at the destination alternate what additions are made?
MDA +200ft
RVR/VIS +1000m
When does the Approach Ban come into focre?
1000ft AAL
Or Final approach track if MDA/DA is above 1000ft AAL
What is the minimum RVR for Midpoint?
125m or Touchdown if lower. So could be 75m. If equipped with Rollout guidance then can be 75m.
What is the minimum RVR for Rollout if relevant?
What is Relevant wrt LVOs
What is the RVR limit for a visual approach?
What do you need to see at MDA for CAT 1/2 or Non-Precision?
Elements of the airfield or lighting system. including a lateral element
What do you need to see at DH for CAT 3A
3 Lights
What do you need to see at DH for CAT 3B with DH
1 light.
What is the minimum Viz for a Visual Approach?
800m RVR once established on centreline
Can you fly a Visual Approach at an airfield with no Radar coverage?
Only provided no other procedure is available or stated in the OM C.
What is the minimum cloud base for a Visual Approach?
Circling minima or 1500ft AAL whichever higher.
If no Circling minima then MSA
When can you NOT convert Viz to RVR
Cat 2/3
When RVR minima less than 800m
Take-off Minima
When RVR is reported (although reporting above 1500m is not considered reported)
Can you operate in Class F and G airspace?
Yes, but need the highest ATC service available.
What is Final Reserve Fuel?
Fuel to fly for 30 minutes at holding speed at 1500ft AAL.
If dispatching without an Alternate what is the minimum additional fuel to carry?
Fuel for 15 minutes holding at holding speed 1500ft AAL.
What are the Tankering restrictions?
Planned 1:15 or more
OAT between -2 and 10deg C
Precipitation or High Humidity
Limit to max 6T on arrival.
What should you check on the Loadsheet?
Date, Flight no.
Take-off and Trip Fuel
Signature or Licence No.
If ACARS has failed can you use the OFP figured to load the FMGC?
Yes according to OMA.
Are LMCs approved?
If there is a fuel spill during boarding/disembarking what should you do?
Hazzard Call. Attention crew at stations
Call ATC
Cabin Crew need to put all closed doors to armed.
Can we fuel on the LHS of the aircraft whilst boarding?
Only with direct communication to the Fueller, FO or someone needs to be outside.
Can we refuel with one engine running?
Only with NPFO approval.
Can you let the SCCM go from the aircraft during disembarking?
Yes. They need to be there for boarding though. Or a SCCM trained CC.
Can you board without flight crew?
Need 1 in the flight deck at all times.
Can you disembark or board only through the rear?
Yes. Need to make sure not more than 75% of the pax are at the rear of the aircraft. Do it in rows of 10 at a time or something.
What is the minimum age to travel alone?
- a 16yr old can take someone below 14.
What Wx conditions prohibit take-off.
Mod/Hvy Freezing Rain
Heavy Ice pellets
Snow Pellets
Heavy Wet Snow around 0deg C.
WRT Holdover Times, what does the lower and upper time limit signify?
Lower time indicates holdover in moderate precipitation. Higher in light precipitation.
If the cabin crew inform you of ice on the wings what do you need to do?
On the ground you MUST do a check from inside the cabin.
When does the sterile flight deck end?
What is the speed limit for taxi below 400m Viz?
What is the maximum taxi speed for crossing rigged up cables?
25kts need and engineering inspection above 60kts.
What are the FO restrictions for Take-off?
20kts X-wind
1800m Runway
600m RVR
200ft Ceiling
Cat C
What is NADP1 and 2?
NADP 1 - 1000/3000
NADP 2 1000/1000
Think we do 2
What is the maximum ROC/ROD?
5000ft except for momentary exceedance.
What is the maximum ROC/ROD within 2000ft of level?
What is the limitation on high rate of descent close to terrain?
3000fpm within 3000 of MSA
What is the maximum and minimum ROD in the holding pattern?
1000ft Max
600ft Min
When PF says clearance below MSA, what do you respond with?
MSA XXXX and justification
What are the elements of the safe landing policy?
Stable Approach Criteria
Safe Touchdown Criteria
Safe Rollout
What is the Stable Approach Criteria?
In planned Config
Correct Vertical Profile
At the Target Approach Speed
How is the vertical profile defined in the Stable Approach Criteria?
Visual Profile (no 4 W or 4 R)
Rate of descent commensurate
When must the Landing Checklist be completed?
500ft AAL
What is the Target Approach Speed?
Target speed -5/+10 kts.
Managed or selected Target.
When can a Speed Call be made?
In occasions with rapid wind changes or adherence to ATC procedures. Must be stable on Target by 500ft AAL.
When must runway alignment be complete?
500ft AAL.
Unless on a specific procedure
Watch Bank Angle.
Are transient stability deviations allowed?
Yes, provided corrective action is being applied.
What are the restrictions on side step maneuvres?
Must be complete by 500ft AAL. Also need to make sure the Missed Approach is in the box.
What is the Safe Touchdown Criteria?
Main Gear within the TDZ
Main Gear and Trajectory within runway edge.
Normal Contact within geometric limits.
What is the Safe Rollout Criteria?
Aircraft must be decelerated as such to achieve stop before the end of the runway and to routinely achieve taxi speed by the last 300m.
What are the FO Landing restrictions
20 kts X-Wind
600m RVR
200ft Ceiling
Contaminated or Slippery when Wet
Captains only
Narrow Runway
Windshear or Hail
Cannot Taxi after landing on contaminated taxiways.
Normally when will you stow the Thrust Reversers on Landing?
20kts Groundspeed
Can we accept a Land and Hold Short?
Can we do a fly-by if gear is not down?
Can we request a Foam Carpet?
Company policy not to. Can do it if it wont cause delay.
Where is RVSM airspace?
FL290 - FL410
What is the tolerance allowed between Altimeters at the FL200 check? And Why?
To check RVSM requirements.
Can we use OFE procedures?
When should you carry out an inflight fuel check?
Every 30 minutes on flights longer than 60 minutes.
When would you advise minimum fuel?
When any further delay may result in us going below Final Reserve Fuel.
What lateral deviation is recommended from Thunderstorms?
20nm from greatest threat. Ideally upwind.
What vertical deviation is recommended from Thunderstorms?
If windshear is suspected on departure what thrust setting should you use?
What Wake Vortex Category are we?
When shall the CC update the flight deck?
Every 30 minutes. SCCM every 1 hour.
What is the minimum CC for boarding?
One SCCM and 1 per pair of doors.
Can you start the APU during re-fuel?
Yes but only one attempt.
When will a Fuel Alternate be planned?
When a Diversion is unlikely.
What is the A320 Speed Cat and Ref Code?
C and C
When should you request another Cirrus Flight Plan?
When ZFW exceeds by 5T
What CI is a diversion planned at?
What is Contingency Fuel?
Lowest of
5% Trip
3% if ERA
20 Mins
5 mins, whichever is higher.
What is the approximate fuel burn for an extra 1T of fuel?
3% per hour. So on a 2 hour flight its roughly 60kgs.
If you fly 4000ft below planned level what penalty do you incur?
5% extra fuel.
If you suspect a Fuel shortfall with no delay known what do you need to ensure?
Can always land at 2 airports where landing is assured with FRF.
What letter would you issue for smoking?
Smoking Violation Letter.
When would you consider increasing the Stabalised Approach gate?
High MDA, steep approach path.
What is the CC release to service?
Required when crew must stay seated after take-off, brief the SCCM on how you will release them.
What are the flight deck security checks?
Under seats
All Compartments
Crew rest/toilet.
What is the minimum CC for boarding?
One crew member per pair of floor level doors. Other stuff in OMB Need a SCCM trained crew member Electrical Power No refuelling Max 50pax per crew member
What could you do if you needed to reduce the fuel load prior to departure/dispatch?
Could reduce to 5min contingency, below SCF
remove the alternate
CI 0
Reduce Taxi Fuel
What differences will trigger a revisions message on the Final Loadsheet?
+1000 -2000kgs 2%MACTOW
Who can upgrade Pax? and what needs to be checked?
Capt or SCCM. Need to ensure trim is ok.