EFIS Systems Flashcards
Should you ever only have 1 FD on?
When does the Rad Alt display?
When will you see the Red pitch arrows on the PFD?
30deg +/-
What does the side slip indicate?
Lateral G on ground and slip in the air.
When does the ground roll bar guidance display? Yaw Bar
On ground, or, below 30ft Radio, AND LOC tuned
Displayed with RWY during take-off
Or with FLARE and ROLLOUT modes
What does the White box corners show after start?
The max control deflection limits.
How long is the Speed Trend Arrow?
10 sec. Driven by FAC
How is Managed Speed shown on Speed tape?
Magenta Triangle. Above the tape when not in view.
How is selected speed shown on Speed Tape?
Blue Triangle. Written above when off the scale.
How are V1 Vr and V2 normally shown on PFD?
V1 blue line with 1
Vr Blue circle
V2 Magenta triangle
When will the VLS display after take-off?
10 seconds after lift-off.
How is Vfe next displayed?
Two orange lines, equals sign.
What is the best L/D ratio speed?
Green Dot.
When does the Mach appear below the speed scale?
What does VMAX show?
When does the Vmo limit change to Mmo?
What is Vmo and Mmo?
350kts and .82
In Managed descent how is the speed target range shown?
Magenta equals sign at the target and the arrow splits top and bottom to show you upper and lower limits.
When App selected in FMCG what is the target speed?
Vapp, and slows to Green Dot.
What happens to the speed indications when you land?
All disappear except trend arrow.
When does the Baro/STD start to flash?
When you set a level above/below TA/LT.
When does the red ribbon show on the altitude tape?
570ft Rad alt, shows ground according to rad alt.
What does the brown tape show on altitude?
FMCG airport elevation. Could also be a blue horizontal bar. Disappears below 80kts.
When will the VS digits not show?
Less than 200fpm.
What colour is the track diamond?
How is HDG shown on the PFD ATT when FDs removed?
Blue vertical line moving with the white heading ticks.
What will the flashing amber ILS mean on PFD?
App mode selected and no LS displayed.
How is the ILS course displayed on the compass scale?
Magenta Dagger. NPA its a double dagger
Is the wind speed on ND true or mag?
written in true and the arrow shows mag.
When will ILS27R be shown on the top of the ND?
When within 250nm of runway.
If you see M with a line under it in the Rose modes what does it mean?
Manually selected ADF or VOR. Wont be there if it is auto tuned.
Is Plan mode true or magnetic north?
True and centred on active waypoint.
If the PFD DU fails what appears on the ND DU?
The PFD is automatically displayed, push XFR to see ND.
When is Vfe next displayed?
Below 15000 or 20000 depending on FAC mod.
What are the two sub modes of RWY?
RWY which is below 30ft and LOC tuned, need V2 in MCDU and Slats 30s on ground.
RWY TRK engages above 30ft and NAV not armed. Takes aircraft track at that point.
When will the Loc scale start flashing?
exceeds 1/4 dot for 2 sec above 15ft RA, to 1000ft
1 dot for 2 sec above 100ft for GS
What do the FWCs do?
Generate Warnings and cautions, either from the SDAC (amber) or the systems themselves (Red).
Also Rad Alt calls
Decision height calls
Landing distance and speed calls
Drive Attention Getters
Announce through loudspeaker, even when off.
if the EWD DU fails what happens?
Auto transfer to the lower DU.
How many seconds to present a STS page when only one ECAM?
3 sec push
What happens if both ECAM DUs fail?
No auto switch, will have to use the switching to bring the EWD up on an ND. Same with failure of lower ECAM DU.
What happens if a PFD or ND DU fails?
PFD will auto-switch
ND can only be brought up by PFD/ND XFR switch.
What does it mean if the grey background disappears from the speed/alt tape?
DU is getting too hot.
What does the Beta target centred mean?
You are at the optimum for OEI operation performance.
How is the ECON speed range shown on the speed tape?
Same as managed descent. = sign and a split arrow,
What is Alpha Prot speed?
Top of Amber and Black band, speed at which alpha prot becomes active. In Normal Law
What is the Alpha Max speed?
Red strip in Normal Law. Represents the highest AoA you can achieve in Normal Law.
What is the Vdev marker? What is the maximum deviation in ft?
Magenta circle and 500ft.
When is the Rad Alt Green
2500 to DH+100 if DH entered.
2500 to 0ft if ‘no’ entered
2500ft to 400ft if DH left empty.
What happens to the DH letters when you reach DH?
They flash amber for 3 sec then stay amber.
When will TRU appear on the HDG?
Above 73N and 60S
IF FD1 fails what will be displayed on PFD1?
FD2, FD2 will flash on the FMA for a few seconds
When do the FD bard automatically move out of view?
On Rollout in ROLL OUT mode.
When will the FDs flash for 10 sec
Downgrade to basic HDV/VS modes
Select another ALT when in ALT capture
Loss of LOC/GS in LAND mode or loss of LAND mode
At first FD or AP engagement
What deviation is 1 dot on Loc and GS sacles?
- 8 LOC
0. 4 GS
What is the Non-ILS Vert deviation indication scale?
100ft per mark
Approaching your selected altitude when will you get pulsing yellow?
750ft to 200ft. C chord inhibited with AP engaged.
Will get C chord if you deviate by more than 200ft once established. Can cancel the C Chord
What does an R mean next to a Nav-aid?
Tuned by the RMP
What deg of HDG does the arc mode show?
What colour is the secondary flight plan on the ND?
Continuous white.
What colour is the Eng out SID on the ND?
Continuous yellow.
What colour is the revised FPN on the ND?
Dashed yellow.
If there are multiple CSTR at a waypoint what priority is given on the ND?
ALT, Speed, Time
What are the Max and Min QNH values?
745 and 1050