Autoflight Systems Flashcards
What are the pilots inputs to the FMGS?
What are the FMGS outputs?
What is the FMGS
Flight Management Guidance system, consists of two FMGCs
Two FACs
How many FMGCs
Normally MCDU 1 talks to which FMCG?
FMGC 1 although the will cross talk.
Which FMCG does the FCU send signals to?
Both FMGCs
What determines which FMGC is the master?
Whichever AP is on.
When does the speed window change from SPD to MACH?
FL300 roughly.
Can you have a manged vertical profile without a managed lateral profile?
No, need lateral.
What does the Exped button give you?
Best Rate-of-climb speed.
Can you select AP or ATHR off on the FCU?
Yes but not the recommended procedure.
Where should short term actions be made to the flight?
Through the FCU
How many FMA Columns are there?
- Thrust, Vertical, Lateral, Approach capability and DH, AP FD ATHR.
What are the FMA Common Modes?
When Lateral and Vertical FMAs display just one mode.
What can appear on the third line row of the FMAs?
Reminders and info.
When can the AP be engaged after take-off?
100ft or 5 sec
How else can you de-select the AP?
With FCU, Side Stick or Rudders. Will get a continuous warning.
Where does each FD get info?
From its onside FG unit.
If you turn FD back on in flight what modes do you get?
Basic Modes HDG VS TRK FPA.
If you display the Bird with FD selected what do you see?
The Flight Path Director FPD.
if you have the Bird/FPD and Go Around what happens?
FDs are displayed as normal.
What are the 2 modes the ATHR can operate?
Adaptable Thrust or Speed Mode and Thrust Mode (THR CLB)
What are the 3 ATHR states?
What is the ATHR state during taxi? FMA?
Disconnected, no.
What is the ATHR state once take-off initiated?
Armed. ATHR Blue and A/THR on FCU illuminated.
What happens to the vertical mode when moved from FLX to CL?
CLB mode is active.
What mode is the ATHR in when THR CLB?
Thrust Mode. A fixed thrust setting.
What happens when you move the Thrust Levers above the CL detent again?
Will get MAN THR white and ATHR will go back into armed mode.
What is the ATHR mode when ALT VS GS or generally during approach.
ATHR in Speed Mode
What happens if you don’t retard in the Flare?
ATHR will maintain speed.
How do you disengage ATHR and Alpha Floor for the rest of the flight?
Push the ATHR disconnect buttons for 15 sec.
What are the three sources of position for the FMGC?
Mix IRS, Radio aids, GPS. Uses a selection based on altitude
Which IRS to each FMGC use?
Onside IRS or IRS3.
What is the GPIRS position?
A mix of GPS and IRS, calculated by each IRS and FMGC selects one it thinks best.
What is the difference between the Mix IRS and the GPIRS position called?
The Bias
When is the FM position updated on take-off?
At the end of the runway.
What is the EPE?
Estimated position error. Compared to the RNP.
What will you get when EPE>RNP?
Systematically check position using raw data.
What happens if you activate second nav database in flight?
All current data will be lost.
What will a positive idle factor do to your T/D point?
A positive factor will give an earlier one and vice versa.
What colour is the TO waypoint on the F-PLN page?
What will happen if you delete a waypoint in the F-PLN page?
Will get a F-PLN Discontinuity.
How are Hold speeds calculated?
Lowest of Endurance, ICAO Holding, Speed constraint.
What are the F-PLN phases in the FMGC?
Pre-flight Take-off Climb Cruise descent Go-Around Done Characterised by the speed flown.
What are the CI limits? And speeds?
Anything above 100 is fast
0 is green dot
999 is Vmo-10
How is Vertical Deviation displayed?
Green YoYo in Descent and Green Brick on approach (1 dot = 100ft deviation)
When off track and NAV is armed when will it engage?
When within 1nm of track.
If FM Navigation accuracy check is negative what must you have on the ND?
Raw Data
What happens to the Flight Plan track when HDG is selected and flown off track?
Changes to dashed green line.
If Vertical mode controls speed what does ATHR command?
If Vertical mode is a path what does the ATHR coommand?
When will ALT be magenta?
When armed for a constraint.
How is the DES mode planned?
Idle to first constraint and then geometric to reach 1000ft at Vapp.
If in DES and above the path what will happen?
Pitch down to recover, assumes 1/2 speed brake.
If DES mode and below path what will happen?
Pitch up to recover, respect speed targets, may add thrust.
If HDG mode selected whilst in DES what happens?
Reverts to VS or FPA and disregards any constraints.
What do you need for SRS to engage?
V2 in the PERF page and Slats extended
What does SRS command?
V2+10 min and V2 in EFATO, also controls pitch.
When will NAV engage?
30ft as long as RWY and SID inserted.
When can LOC GS be armed?
When ILS/RA not faulty
Above 400ft
Both ILSs tuned identically
What will happen if ILS ground transmitter fails on approach?
LOC and GS will stay on FMA and FD will flash.
What will happen if both ILS receivers onboard fail?
Reverts to HDG VS and get red flags. Go Around.
When will you see LAND on FMA, and what does it mean?
LOC and GS engaged and <300ft. Cannot use FCU.
When will Flare mode engage?
40ft RA, the 30ft will guide on runway centreline and pitch for flare, at 10ft retard message, thrust is reduced automatically.
When will you get Auto Land red warning?
Below 200ft
Both APs trip off
Excess dev or loss of LOC>15ft GS>100ft
Difference between Rad Alts
On a Non-ILS what will you get when arm APPR mode?
FINAL APP NAV, will change to FINALAPP when established fully.
When will AP disengage on Non-ILS?
MDA-50ft or 400ft if no MDA.
If preselected HDG on departure, how long does it stay for after take-off?
45 sec
How do you put in a Step Climb?
Vertical revisión page
What is soft Alt hold?
Alt CRz
Maintains within 50ft
What speed in Expedited climb/descent?
Green dot or Vmo-10
Nav Accuracy check? What would you do if no GPS Primary?
Set up a waypoint in the Prog page, check the difference between this fms derived distance and the raw data from nav aids. Should be within 3nm
When is Go Around Armed?
Flaps out until 30sec after touchdown.
When is Alpha Floor available?
Lift-off to 100RA
What will you get with Alpha Floor?
A.Floor FMA
TOGA thrust
A/THR white if off previously.
When won’t you get Alpha Floor
Pressing a AT disconnect for more than 15 sec
OEI when Slats out
Alt or Dct law.
When is the Windshear warning available?
3 sec after lift off to 1300ft RA
1300ft RA to 50ft with at least config 1
What will the SRS mode do during windshear on take-off GA?
Provide at least a small r.o.c
What will happen to AP with high AoA?
Will disengage
If CLB nd you set an altitude below you what vertical mode will you get?
VS and sync
If climbing in NAV and select HDG what vertical mode?
Open climb
If DES and NAV then HDG what vertical mode will you get?
If you don’t follow FDs when will you get reversion?
VLS-3 VLS -2 to -19 with speed brake Vmax + 4 Triple click SPEED on ATHR
If both thrust levers to idle in flight what happens to AT?
Above what height can you disengage APPR with the button on FCU?
If one FMGC fails what impact?
Other FMCG does everything.
What are the main FMCG databases?
Navigation Performance Company policy, fuel etc Mag variation Pilot waypoints- 20 waypoint 10 rwy 20 navaids 5 routes
What does the FAC do?
Computes data for flight envelope and speed, low energy, windshear. Controls rudder, rudder trim and yaw damper.
What are the three FMCG modes?
What is the FMGC master logic?
AP1 FMGC1 AP2 FMGC2 FD1 on FMGC1 only FD2 on FMGC2 No AP/FD then FMGC1
What is independent mode?
When each FMGC is controlling its own side.
What does OPP FMGC IN PROCESS msg mean?
You are in single mode and one FMCG has failed.
What ND modes will you see Wx Rdr
All except PLAN
What colour is the alternate fpn on ND?
Dashed Blue
What colour is secondary flight plan on ND?
Dimmed white
What colour is the Eng out SID on ND?
Solid yellow
What is the definition on V2 for A320?
1.13 Vs1g
What is the definition of V2 for A320?
1.23 Vs1g
What is VLS?
Lowest selectable speed
- 13VS on take-off
- 23Vs during flap retraction
- 28 Vs clean
What is the maneuvre margin on VLS in the cruise?
What is Green Dot speed?
Best lift drag
Eng out operating speed
Below 20000 2xweight+80
Above 20000 add 1kt/1000ft
What is Va PROT
AoA protection speed, when protection will kick in, top of black and amber strip in normal law
What is Va MAX
Max AoA in Normal Law, black strip on the speed scale in normal law
What is VSW?
Stall warning speed, normal law inop, black and red speed tape.
Vmo/mmo or VFE/VLE
How is Vapp calculated
VLS + wind
Min 5kts max 15kts
In GA when will NAV mode not engage?
Pre-set HDG/TRK, GA TRK will engage until HDG pulled.
What speed does SRS command in the GA?
Current speed of Vapp if higher, up to maximum Vls+25 AEO or Vls+15 OEI
When accelerating in GA mode what speed is commanded?
Green Dot or speed constraint if lower.
When does SRS engage?
When Thrust to TOGA or FLX/MCT, as long as slats out, V2 in MCDU and on ground for 30s or more
What speed does SRS command in AEO and OEI
V2+10 AEO
V2-V2+15max OEI or current speed
What is the SRS pitch guidance?
18deg or 22.5 in windshear
Also maintains 120fpm climb
Absolute max V2+15
When will RWY TRK engage?
At 30ft if HDG preset on take-off
When does LAND engage?
Below 400ft RA FCU inop
When might you see Red AUTOLAND?
Below 200ft RA with LAND or FLARE, if something happens which means no auto land.