Normal Procedures Flashcards
Max difference between ISIS and PFD ALT?
Max difference between PFD Alt and Airfield Elev?
Max difference between Stby Alt and PFD Alt?
Max difference between two PFD Alts?
If no N Wheel Steering Disconnect memo can you push?
Yes, just don’t start during pushback.
When should you do a full IRS alignment?
Crew change
Within 2 deg of equator
On route with no GPS and Nav aid cover poor
On 3h+ route with no GPS.
When is a fast alignment required.
No Full alignment and >5nm difference on position monitor page.
PM call SPEED?
+10/-5 during approach
PM call BANK
7 deg
-2.5 or +10deg
+7.5 on 321
PM call LOC GS
1/2 dot deflection
PM call V DEV
1/2 dot
During landing when would PM call PITCH PITCH
10deg or tail strike limit
7.5deg in 321
What should you do if MACTOW is forward of 25% on 320?
If Go Around phase is inadvertently in the MCDU during Climb how will you sort it?
Enter an new different destination in the MCDU or select alternate destination.
How is the Managed Speed Target calculated on final approach?
Vapp + (current headwind - tower wind) up to max
VFe in Conf 1,2,3
VFe - 5kts in FULL
Never below Vapp min.
How is Vapp calculated?
VLS +5kts
1/3 of tower headwind whichever is higher.
What is VLS in the landing config?
1.23Vs in the landing flap setting.
Always above VMCL
What are the Airbus Golden Rules
Use appropriate Automation
Understand FMA
Take Action if things do not go as expected.
What is the lowest Circling Minima?
Minima on Chart, BA was 1000ft AAL
When can you descend from Circling Minima?
When visual with the threshold and in a position to land.
Briefing. What do they mean by vocalising changes? NUTA
Vocalise what is different.
In Alt Law, we can stall, pitch power couple etc.
TOGA take-off, going to be fast, need to push levers to TOGA
What are the Anti-Ice cold weather conditions for taxi in and out?
In icing conditions and 3deg or less. Or if significant engine vib felt.
Anti ice on
Run up to 50% N1 every 15 mins
Needs to be done before take-off too.
What N1 setting should you avoid on the ground?
If you get an Anti Ice FAULT when selecting on taxi?
Increase N1 by 5% to help open the valve.
What is the rule regarding planning for reverse thrust on landing?
Must use full, unless.
Dry runway
Wet runway do a medium-poor calculation with no reverse credit and no 1.15 factor.
What are the coding tolerances for a Non-Precision Approach flown in FINAL APP?
0.1deg on Vertical
1deg on Lateral
3deg if using NAV AIDS to back, up. NOT RNAV(GNSS) etc.
If not then TRK/FPA
If flying to LNAV only minimum, what XTK error would you go around?
1/2, can go to 1x if in turns etc.
If flying to LNAV/VNAV minimum what vertical deviation would you go around for?
-75ft or 3/4 of a dot.
What modes would you fly an SRA?
What modes would you fly a LOC only?
If utilising NAV on the final approach what must you have?
Listed in FCOM Special Procedures
2 IRS, NDs(may use xfr switch), FCU channels
Must be within Coding tolerances
What must be available for RNAV(GNSS)?
What are the coding tolerances for a non-precision approach flown in NAV FPA?
1deg on Lateral
3deg if using NAV AIDS to back, up. NOT RNAV(GNSS) etc.
If not use TRK/FPA
When can you arm LOC on an approach?
Cleared by ATC
Deviation correct sensing
What is the minimum AP in TRK/FPA or NAV/FPA?
When do you start a descent using FPA at the Final Approach Point?
0.3nm before, pull knob.
When will FINAL APP engage?
1.5nm from FDP and 150ft of the profile
What is the discontinued approach proacedure?
Above FCU Alt only
Announce Cancel Approach
Deselect APPR
Set appropriate Vertical and Lateral modes
Set altitude
Then fly away and clean up.
FMS will stay in approach phase
May need to re-enter a destination on FPN
When will you get Red WINDSHEAR
3 sec after liftoff to 1300ft
1300ft to 50ft with at least CONF1
Red message for 15sec
WINDSHEAR audio 3 times.
What are the guidance on deviations that suggest windshear?
5deg pitch
10deg HDG
1 dot GS
Thrust unusual for the position
When is the Predictive Windshear available on take-off?
up to 100kts then 50ft when airborne
What will you do for MONITOR RADAR DISPLAY with amber W/S AHEAD on PFD, below 100kts on take-off?
Reject, but technically can continue.
What will you do if MONITOR RADAR DISPLAY during initial climbout?
Try and avoid area of windshear shown as red arcs on the ND. Select TOGA. Continue to clean up and be ready.
What will you do for MONITOR RADAR DISPLAY during approach?
Go around if it is sensible although you can continue, Flap 3 and increase speed up to VLS+15kts.
What will you do for GO AROUND WINDSHEAR AHEAD on appraoch?
TOGA and Go-around and can reconfigure, avoid the area on the ND.
Reactive Windshear Memory Item?
Call WINDSHEAR TOGA. Follow SRS, keep AP in if you can, otherwise follow FDs. If no FD then 17.5deg and hold level flight. Keep Config.
What would you add for Vapp in strong winds?
1/3 of headwind up to 15kts max.
DO NOT include gusts.
In practice only more than 15kts headwind as the 5kts for ATHR will be there
What would you add to VLS for Vapp with Ice acreation?
5kts FULL
10kts CONF 3
In a gusty crosswind what could you add for Vapp?
Up to 15kts
For winds over 20kts generally
Remember to think about how much of this is headwind? Add SPD addition on IFLD if needed.
What config for windshear on approach?
When are you dispatched according to the MEL?
Moved under own power.
Where would you find info on Maintenance STS messages?
At the beginning of each ATA Items chapter in the MEL.
If after Dispatch you have an (m) procedure, what should you do?
Contact maintrol, only depart if you are sure the (o) procedure will make you safe.
Is an item not listed in the MEL required?
Usually yes, unless non-airworthy.
Are CDL performance penalties accumulative?
How many CDL items that do not have performance penalties attached are you allowed?
Then go to CDL for penalties above this.
What would you do when operating in Heavy rain?
Check the SUP procedure. Close the Skin Valves
When would you consider Ice Shedding?
Icing conditions and 3deg or less. Or if significant engine vibration occurs.
What is the Ice Shedding procedure, 319 and 320/321CEO?
Consider the taxi time from the previous flight.
Should write the time or the time since the last ice shedding procedure. (if maintenance action then can disregard)
Accelerate to 50% N1 no greater than 15mins apart.
What is the Ice Shedding procedure before Take-off 319 and 320/320CEO?
50% N1 again, up and back and watch the engine parameters.
What is the Ice Shedding procedure before Take-off on 320/320NEO?
50% N1 for 5s
If conditions do not permit then dwell time for as long as possible.
What is the Ice Shedding procedure, 320/321NEO?
Consider the taxi time from the previous flight.
Should write the time or the time since the last ice shedding procedure. (if maintenance action then can disregard)
Accelerate to 50% N1 for 5s no greater than 60mins apart.
On the NEOs what is the absolute limit for taxi in icing conditions and 3deg or less?
120mins then maintenance action.
What would you do if wanted to keep cabin crew seated after departure?
Release to service.
Can be a chime or a call on interpone.
What will the Cabin crew do in the event of a Go Around?
Remain seated and do a quick PA.
What is the Hazard Call?
Attention Crew at stations.
Done for RTO or emergency on ground which is unplanned.
What is the Alert Call?
Will the senior cabin crew member report to the flight deck immediately. Or via interpone if smoke fumes etc.
Turn the seatbelt sign on as well.