Normal Procedures Flashcards
Max difference between ISIS and PFD ALT?
Max difference between PFD Alt and Airfield Elev?
Max difference between Stby Alt and PFD Alt?
Max difference between two PFD Alts?
If no N Wheel Steering Disconnect memo can you push?
Yes, just don’t start during pushback.
When should you do a full IRS alignment?
Crew change
Within 2 deg of equator
On route with no GPS and Nav aid cover poor
On 3h+ route with no GPS.
When is a fast alignment required.
No Full alignment and >5nm difference on position monitor page.
PM call SPEED?
+10/-5 during approach
PM call BANK
7 deg
-2.5 or +10deg
+7.5 on 321
PM call LOC GS
1/2 dot deflection
PM call V DEV
1/2 dot
During landing when would PM call PITCH PITCH
10deg or tail strike limit
7.5deg in 321
What should you do if MACTOW is forward of 25% on 320?
If Go Around phase is inadvertently in the MCDU during Climb how will you sort it?
Enter an new different destination in the MCDU or select alternate destination.
How is the Managed Speed Target calculated on final approach?
Vapp + (current headwind - tower wind) up to max
VFe in Conf 1,2,3
VFe - 5kts in FULL
Never below Vapp min.
How is Vapp calculated?
VLS +5kts
1/3 of tower headwind whichever is higher.
What is VLS in the landing config?
1.23Vs in the landing flap setting.
Always above VMCL
What are the Airbus Golden Rules
Use appropriate Automation
Understand FMA
Take Action if things do not go as expected.
What is the lowest Circling Minima?
Minima on Chart, BA was 1000ft AAL
When can you descend from Circling Minima?
When visual with the threshold and in a position to land.
Briefing. What do they mean by vocalising changes? NUTA
Vocalise what is different.
In Alt Law, we can stall, pitch power couple etc.
TOGA take-off, going to be fast, need to push levers to TOGA
What are the Anti-Ice cold weather conditions for taxi in and out?
In icing conditions and 3deg or less. Or if significant engine vib felt.
Anti ice on
Run up to 50% N1 every 15 mins
Needs to be done before take-off too.
What N1 setting should you avoid on the ground?
If you get an Anti Ice FAULT when selecting on taxi?
Increase N1 by 5% to help open the valve.
What is the rule regarding planning for reverse thrust on landing?
Must use full, unless.
Dry runway
Wet runway do a medium-poor calculation with no reverse credit and no 1.15 factor.
What are the coding tolerances for a Non-Precision Approach flown in FINAL APP?
0.1deg on Vertical
1deg on Lateral
3deg if using NAV AIDS to back, up. NOT RNAV(GNSS) etc.
If not then TRK/FPA
If flying to LNAV only minimum, what XTK error would you go around?
1/2, can go to 1x if in turns etc.
If flying to LNAV/VNAV minimum what vertical deviation would you go around for?
-75ft or 3/4 of a dot.
What modes would you fly an SRA?
What modes would you fly a LOC only?
If utilising NAV on the final approach what must you have?
Listed in FCOM Special Procedures
2 IRS, NDs(may use xfr switch), FCU channels
Must be within Coding tolerances
What must be available for RNAV(GNSS)?
What are the coding tolerances for a non-precision approach flown in NAV FPA?
1deg on Lateral
3deg if using NAV AIDS to back, up. NOT RNAV(GNSS) etc.
If not use TRK/FPA
When can you arm LOC on an approach?
Cleared by ATC
Deviation correct sensing
What is the minimum AP in TRK/FPA or NAV/FPA?
When do you start a descent using FPA at the Final Approach Point?
0.3nm before, pull knob.
When will FINAL APP engage?
1.5nm from FDP and 150ft of the profile
What is the discontinued approach proacedure?
Above FCU Alt only
Announce Cancel Approach
Deselect APPR
Set appropriate Vertical and Lateral modes
Set altitude
Then fly away and clean up.
FMS will stay in approach phase
May need to re-enter a destination on FPN
When will you get Red WINDSHEAR
3 sec after liftoff to 1300ft
1300ft to 50ft with at least CONF1
Red message for 15sec
WINDSHEAR audio 3 times.
What are the guidance on deviations that suggest windshear?
5deg pitch
10deg HDG
1 dot GS
Thrust unusual for the position
When is the Predictive Windshear available on take-off?
up to 100kts then 50ft when airborne
What will you do for MONITOR RADAR DISPLAY with amber W/S AHEAD on PFD, below 100kts on take-off?
Reject, but technically can continue.
What will you do if MONITOR RADAR DISPLAY during initial climbout?
Try and avoid area of windshear shown as red arcs on the ND. Select TOGA. Continue to clean up and be ready.
What will you do for MONITOR RADAR DISPLAY during approach?
Go around if it is sensible although you can continue, Flap 3 and increase speed up to VLS+15kts.
What will you do for GO AROUND WINDSHEAR AHEAD on appraoch?
TOGA and Go-around and can reconfigure, avoid the area on the ND.
Reactive Windshear Memory Item?
Call WINDSHEAR TOGA. Follow SRS, keep AP in if you can, otherwise follow FDs. If no FD then 17.5deg and hold level flight. Keep Config.
What would you add for Vapp in strong winds?
1/3 of headwind up to 15kts max.
DO NOT include gusts.
In practice only more than 15kts headwind as the 5kts for ATHR will be there
What would you add to VLS for Vapp with Ice acreation?
5kts FULL
10kts CONF 3
In a gusty crosswind what could you add for Vapp?
Up to 15kts
For winds over 20kts generally
Remember to think about how much of this is headwind? Add SPD addition on IFLD if needed.
What config for windshear on approach?
When are you dispatched according to the MEL?
Moved under own power.
Where would you find info on Maintenance STS messages?
At the beginning of each ATA Items chapter in the MEL.
If after Dispatch you have an (m) procedure, what should you do?
Contact maintrol, only depart if you are sure the (o) procedure will make you safe.
Is an item not listed in the MEL required?
Usually yes, unless non-airworthy.
Are CDL performance penalties accumulative?
How many CDL items that do not have performance penalties attached are you allowed?
Then go to CDL for penalties above this.
What would you do when operating in Heavy rain?
Check the SUP procedure. Close the Skin Valves
When would you consider Ice Shedding?
Icing conditions and 3deg or less. Or if significant engine vibration occurs.
What is the Ice Shedding procedure, 319 and 320/321CEO?
Consider the taxi time from the previous flight.
Should write the time or the time since the last ice shedding procedure. (if maintenance action then can disregard)
Accelerate to 50% N1 no greater than 15mins apart.
What is the Ice Shedding procedure before Take-off 319 and 320/320CEO?
50% N1 again, up and back and watch the engine parameters.
What is the Ice Shedding procedure before Take-off on 320/320NEO?
50% N1 for 5s
If conditions do not permit then dwell time for as long as possible.
What is the Ice Shedding procedure, 320/321NEO?
Consider the taxi time from the previous flight.
Should write the time or the time since the last ice shedding procedure. (if maintenance action then can disregard)
Accelerate to 50% N1 for 5s no greater than 60mins apart.
On the NEOs what is the absolute limit for taxi in icing conditions and 3deg or less?
120mins then maintenance action.
What would you do if wanted to keep cabin crew seated after departure?
Release to service.
Can be a chime or a call on interpone.
What will the Cabin crew do in the event of a Go Around?
Remain seated and do a quick PA.
What is the Hazard Call?
Attention Crew at stations.
Done for RTO or emergency on ground which is unplanned.
What is the Alert Call?
Will the senior cabin crew member report to the flight deck immediately. Or via interpone if smoke fumes etc.
Turn the seatbelt sign on as well.
How many crew will come up during alter call?
- Return one if no pilot incapacitated
How will you give a NITS briefing when on Oxygen Masks?
Via Interphone.
When would you select WAI?
When significant icing expected or when you see Ice accretion
Considerations when Holding in Icing Conditions?
Stay clean. Prolonged holding with flaps in icing is not recommended.
What is the minimum speed with Ice Accretion and WAI operative?
VLS + 5 CONF Full
VLS + 10 CONF 1,2,3
What is the minimum speed with Ice Accretion and WAI inoperative?
VLS+10/Green Dot.
What is the recommended cool-down for ops at close to idle thrust?
3 mins.
What is the Buffet Margin at the Max Rec FL?
Will allow you enter above this up to 0.2g margin.
At TOC what do we do usually?
Check SD pages
Check Fuel used Vs in tanks
Check MSA/Driftdown/alternate airfields
When should we do a fuel check in the cruise?
At least every 30mins
When do we do a Nav Accuracy Check in the cruise?
If No GPS primary.
Allowed up to 3nm
When would you go around on an approach in FINAL APP? Deviations?
3/4 dot on vertical scale which is 75ft
On a FINAL APP approach, what messages on MCDU would you go around for?
Can have Nav Accur Downgrade or GPS Primary on one side, an can switch to the other.
If on both sides or see ECAM, FM/GPS Disagree then go around.
After a failed auto start, can you do another one?
No, must be a manual start after cooling.
Single engine taxi-in procedure
APU if required, non SETWA
Eng 2 shutdown
Y ELEC Pump on
On stand,
Y ELEC Pump off
Eng shutdown
If using LP ground air what should you check?
Turn off the cabin fans to check no air before opening APU bleed. Must not connect the APU bleed with air conditioning.
What is the GS from above procedure?
Must have LOC green and GS blue. Wind Alt up above you and VS-1500. Use speed brake and gear.
If diversion is likely where will you build the diversion route?
In the SEC FPN. Can put the performance in as well.
Can you use FLEX during Windshear?
Yes if the Windshear is suspected to be caused by wind only and not CBS etc.
What is the approximate cool-down for the brakes?
3deg per minute after stabilised without the brake fans. So on a 30min turnaround will only loose 90deg. Need to be below 300 for next take-off.
When an E/O acceleration altitude is shown on CARD what should you do?
Select this in the MCDU. Also must select it for the AEO case as well unless CARD asks you to put in the noise abatement. Which will always be 1500-3000.
With RECAT wake, what do we need behind a Heavy 777/350/330 etc?
With RECAT what do we need with a Super?
140 secs
What is MEA?
Minimum En Route Altitude
Nav Aids
What is MGA?
Minimum Grid Altitude
Rounded up to 100ft
1000 to 6000
2000 above 6000
What is the terrain clearance during radar control?
1000ft within 5nm
What is the terrain clearance on CIRRUS.
20nm either side of track
2000ft minimum
What is MTCA
Minimum Terrain Clearance Altitude
Worked in the usual way
3100ft on Low ENR
10100ft on High ENR
10nm Airways.
If no Ground Crew comms what should you do during start?
Wait until pushback complete until starting engines.
What is the recommended warmup if you have been shutdown for more than 2hrs?
5 mins
Warmup for engines if shutdown for less than 2 hours?
2 mins
When can you stick the landing lights on?
During approach.
What does Green Ops say about selecting Flex for Take off?
Higher flex will increase the fuel consumption to climb but will reduce the engine wear.
What is the optimum landing configuration according to green ops?
Conf 3 idle lo
Go Flap Full first
Then full reverse
Then Med
When would you consider requesting an alternate CofG CARD?
A320 only
When below 27 on provisional load sheet.
What is the CPDLC change procedure?
Clear message
What tech log pages do you leave at main base?
Yellow and white
What tech log pages do you leave down-route?
Just the white station copy.
If going Dir-To an RF leg what must you do?
Use the Radial in function.
What is the allowance on TOBT?
5mins either side.
Update through TRM or HAC?? Maybe Dispatch.
What is the formula for calculating the top of a weather cell ahead?
Distance below is range x tilt x100
Gives feet below aircraft.
What is the difference between a Prelim and Provisional Loadsheet?
Prelim is what comes via ACARS
Provisional will come from ground staff and needs to be signed, in this case you will still get a final via ACARS
Can you open a cabin door for ventilation?
Only if steps are there
Do you have to accept the prelim loadsheet through ACARS?
No, may have initialised the ACARS and message gone, could do it for inbound crew. May as well just in case they try and send another one.
Consider you are landing with close to 1.5T. What caution will you get?
Lo level. Look at the balance in flight to see what one might come on first.
If short taxi what could you say to crew?
Doors and demo once all equipment clear of aircraft, check cargo hold too.
If no ground power when must you start the APU?
Within 30mins of batteries on.
What are the normal indications after n engine start?
N1 21%
EGT 414deg
N2 57%
FF 350
EPR 1.01
Practically can you start in a tailwind?
Yes, TRE said so haha. Try it and if it fails then try a manual start.
If S speed is above 210kts what will happen?
Will get AFR and the flaps will retract, VFE will go up to 230kts.
Who will you call if you put something in the Tech Log?
What is the concern with SET in a NEO?
Dry cranking time can be up to 90sec and then a 3 min warmup. Could be 6 mins to start the engine.
What is the lowest margin below S speed before selecting Flap 2 on approach?
When do you perform Glide Slope Check?
At any time, call Glide Slope Checked.
When will you select the brake fans?
Green eyebrow
5 mins after landing or turning onto stand
Short turnaround
Above 500deg
When do you need maintenance action on the brakes at the gate?
Above 900deg on one brake
Difference between two brakes on same wheel 150deg and one is more than 600deg or less than 60deg
200deg difference between two sides?
Can you log into CPDLC on the ground?
Yes, or at least put the code in ready to connect.
When will you get Auto Flap retract?
When S speed is above 210kts. Flaps will retract and the Vfe will jump to 230kts
What can you do if tight on time for an emergency brief?
When did they last do one
What will they call stop for
Mini plan for return
What is the after start flow with SET?
Y pump
Then arm spoilers
Zero trim
And doors
If removing the shift on departure what should you do after setting the MCDU?
Hand over and then get them to check the MCDU.
If you are expecting to be tight on fuel for departure, what can you check on CIRRUS?
Check what you can reduce, can you depart without an alternate?
Can you reduce contingency or set CI 0
Only dispense of alternate fuel entirely when dispatched.
What is an approximate taxi burn per minute?
15kgs a min
When do you set the stby altimeter in the climb?
Passing transition
What will you do if you get a Ground Stability Message?
Talk with SCCM and ACARS ARC
To help with workload into LHR when could you do the approach checks?
Inbound to holding, activate approach phase then do it. Gets very busy after the hold.
What might you say to an FO who is doing something you don’t like?
I am uncomfortable with that.
What would you say to someone who you reckon is pissed when pitching up for work?
Get a witness, say I think you are unfit to fly. State facts. I can smell booze on your breath.
What do you need for the PWS to work?
Moisture in the air.
When can you use speed brake in A319,20,21?
Up to Conf 3 in 319/20
Up to Conf 2 in 321
What are the holding timings at 14000ft?
1 min
1.5 above 14000
If flying with a low experience FO, what might you consider with gates?
Instead of 1 gate on final, give them another further up. Say around 30nm from the GS or final intercept, should be 10000ft and 250kts here. 40nm to go, 10000ft and 250kts.
When can you burn contingency and consider binning the alternate?
After dispatch, moving under power.
Can you reach two airfields where landing is assured?
Or one with 2 runways within 2 hours.
If under speed control in descent what mode is best?
VS or Open Des
What will you do if revisions to message on Final Load sheet.
PM acknowledges the loadsheet and actions the significant changes. Both pilots confirm TO data
remains valid. PM confirms that late closeout procedure has been completed. PF announces the GW
from the SD which PM cross checks against the TOW from the final loadsheet.
If leaving the slats at 1 when temp above 30deg what should you do?
Check the airfield requirements for operations with flap down.
Do Not do the secure checklist until flaps are up.
When can you accept a land after?
1000ft base
Tailwind max 5kts
On wet runway or better
Responsible for own separation
Remote Hold, who do you contact and would you hand over control?
Yes. Preserve your capacity. Contact OPS and then ask ATC
What is the Change Management Model?
If Windshear is reported / suspected and in case of strong or gusty crosswind greater than 20 knots can we add
any increment to the approach speed?
Yes up to VLS+15
If the wind is Calm what will you use for Take-off Perf Calc?
If Variable use this as a tailwind
When is the sterile flight deck?
All flight below 10,000ft and any critical phases of flight.
When will you use Noise Abaitment?
When told to do so in the AOI
Are you allowed to use CLB mode to capture SID at or below altitudes?
No, must set in the FCU window.
Should you crosscheck the DOI/DOW on the loadsheet?
Can you depart with the Wx RDR off?
Only if no possibility of Wx Threats
If Wx Rdr needed for departure, who SHALL have it displayed?
PF, PM may have it unless TERR needed.
When can you accelerate in a Go-Around?
At the Missed App Alt or MSA if it is lower and all constraints have been met.
What are the ROC/ROD limits
1500 within 2000
1000 within 1000
PM call ‘Check Rate’ if not
What are the FO restrictions for Take-off BAEF?
<600m RVR
Ceiling <200ft
Max 20kts X-wind
No Cat C
Prohibited in OMC
If no SID what is the minimum height for a turn?
400ft AAL
What are the taxi speed limits?
30kts normally
20kts when in a ramp area
15kts during taxiway turns
10kts during turns on slippery areas
10kts for 90deg
10kts when below 400m
40kts when backtracking
Maximum N1 on taxi?
What is the max speed to cross a rigged cable?
Need an inspection if you go over 60kts
When would you normally need to do a Dispatch LDG weight check?
If conditions are different from LIDO
Autoland require
Contaminated runway
MACG different to LIDO
If no NW STRG DISC memo what will you do?
Check that the Pin is in, if all is ok from the ground crew then push but dont start until the push is finished.
What do you call on each engine start?
Engine 1(2) Start.
After pressing Neutral on the rudder trim after start, what is the allowable tollerance?
At LGW with a CTOT <30 mins will they push you?
Usually yes to absorb in taxi.
At LGW with a CTOT, when should you be ready with engines warm if doing SET
3 mins before earliest airborne.
How long should you press the RCL button for during the preliminary cockpit prep checks?
3 Sec.
Why do we do a brake check on taxi?
To check the changeover from the yellow to the green hydraulic system. There may be a momentary blip of pressure as the pedals are pressed quickly but make sure it drops to zero. The Triple Guage indicates yellow pressure to the brakes upstream of the alternate servo valve.
What is the break wear technique during Taxi?
Allow acceleration to 30kts then reduce to 10kts.