Flight Controls Flashcards
How many spoilers?
Which spoilers for roll controll?
4 outer 2/3/4/5
Which spoilers for speed brake?
3 central, 2/3/4
Which spoilers for GND spoiler?
All 5
What is in the FCC?
ELAC x 2
SEC x 3
FAC x 2 (not on flight control page)
What is the FCDC?
Flight control data concentrator, takes info from SEC or ELAC and sends to EIS/ECAM Two FCDCs
Data from both FACs sent directly to EIS
How many Slats?
5 on each wing
How many flaps?
2 on each wing
What is the SFCC?
Slat Flap Control Computer.
2 Channels in each, Flaps Slats.
Normally both operate together
Slow if only one channel
When will the Green Bank limit show during start?
When 1st engine started.
What is the flight control Ground mode?
Direct relationship between stick movement and control deflections.
What happens to the ailerons when flaps are out?
New neutral position of about 5deg, will see a new neutral position on ECAM page
When will the auto flap retraction happen?
At 210kts. Will retract to Conf 1 which in the air is slats only. So if you take-off with 1+F will retract just flaps. If you select Conf 2 in air then accelerate it will retract to Slats only at 210kts.
Is there auto slat retract?
If AP in and move speed brake to full what happens?
It is limited to 1/2 position. 25deg for 3/4 12.5deg for 2
As opposed to 40deg and 20deg respectively
When flying at high speed how long to fully retract spoilers?
Up to 25 sec.
When will you see a green Speed Brake memo?
Each time you use it with Idle
When will you see a flashing amber speed brake memo?
One engine above idle for more than 50sec
What is the flare mode?
At 50ft memorises pitch attitude, at 30ft reduced pitch over 8 sec
When will you see Landing Memo?
Or 800 if not flown above 2200ft
When will the GND spoilers activate?
Both main wheels compressed and both thrust levers at idle.
Will GND spoilers activate if not in armed position?
Yes when at least one rev selected.
What will happen to GND spoilers if only one wheel gear is compressed?
Will extend by 1/2 until both wheels compressed.
When will ground spoilers retract on ground?
Not in idle
Lever set to Ret
If hadn’t Armed the lever then will retract when reverse is cancelled.
What will happen to the AP disconnect warning after a few seconds if disconnected normally?
Will stop automatically.
Who has priority if both pilots press take-over button?
Last one to press.
How long should you press take-over button for?
40sec, to deactivate other stick so inputs are not added together when released. To activate again one wee press on take-over button.
When will the green CAPT/FO priority light go out?
When other pilot releases stick.
What does CAPT/FO green lights flashing mean?
Dual input, will hear ‘Dual input’
What is Load Factor limitation?
+2.5g -1g Clean
+2 to 0g in other config.
What is Pitch attitude protection?
Small green dashes on PFD from 20-30deg depending on configuration. Nose down at 15deg
What does the AoA protection do?
Prevents stalling, optimum performance in extreme manoeuvres such as windshear or EGPWS
What is V alpha prot speed?
Top of the amber and black line in normal mode. Speed that the Alpha protection kicks in and side stick defection is now proportional to AoA instead of Load Factor.
What is V alpha max?
Max AoA available in normal mode.
What calculates VLS?
What is VLS?
- 13Vs on take-off
- 23 after 1st flap retraction
- 28 after clean
What is the Low Energy Warning?
Speed x3
Computed by FAC
Normal Law 100-2000ft RA in conf 2/3/full
not in TOGA.
What happens to AP at V alpha prot?
If no side stick input at Alpha Prot what will the FCC do?
Maintain V alpha prot by pitching down.
How do you override alpha prot?
Pull back side stick, if release it will go back to V alpha prot.
When is Alpha floor available?
From lift-off to 100ft RA
When will Alpha Floor kick in?
Between alpha prot and alpha max. Depending on configuration.
What shows you when high speed protection will be activated?
Green dashes on speed scale.
When will you get Overspeed ECAM warning?
Above Vmo+4
Mmo + 0.006.
What happens to AP at overspeed protection.
Dissengages at Vmo +15 Mm0 +0.04
What happens to side stick authority at overspeed protection?
Reduces pitch down authority
Then apply pitch up to slow you down
As soon as below Vmo/Mmo it reverts back to normal.
How far above Vmo/Mmo when side stick pitch down is removed?
Vmo +16
Mmo +0.04
May accelerate above this speed though.
What happens to Bank angle when in overspeed?
Reduces to 0deg if no sidestick input. (instead of 33)
Limit reduced from 67deg to 40deg
Bank angel protection, what happens at 33deg?
Auto trim stops. Need to apply back pressure
What is the maximum angle of bank normally?
45deg if AoA protection
40deg if High Speed Protection
What angle of bank will autopilot disengage/FD disapear?
When will the FD bars return after bank >45deg?
Return below 40deg
What sets the Beta Target?
What are the three levels of reconfiguration?
Alternate with or without reduced protection
Mech backup
When does ground mode become active on landing?
5sec after touchdown
What is the Alternate Law pitch control in flight mode?
Similar to Normal law, G, but with reduced protections
What is the flare mode in alternate law?
Direct Law when you lower the gear.
What is the Alternate Law roll control?
Direct Law
What is the alternate Law Yaw control
Yaw damping only up to 5deg of deflection.
What is the alternate law reduced load factor protection?
Similar to Normal Law
What is the alternate law reduced pitch attitude protection?
None, will see amber XX next to where green bars would normally be
What is the low speed stability in alternate law?
Will still have VLS but black and red bar now to show Vsw
Gentle nose down signal around 5-10kts above Vsw
Can be overridden
Injects a bank angle protection to maintain angle of attack
STALL +crickets sound
No Alpha Floor
Same in all configurations
What is the high speed stability in alternate law?
introduces nose up demand above Vmo/Mmo
No Green Dashes
Still get Overspeed Warning
AP out at Vmo/Mmo
What is the bank angle protection in alternate law?
Green dashes replaced by amber xx
AP out at 45deg
What is alternate law without reduced protections?
No high or low speed protections, only load factor.
How will you know in Alternate Law?
Protections are replaced by stabilities.
What is available under direct law?
No protections, only overspeed and stall oral alerts
Manual trim
Yaw control through rudder pedals
What mode if loose power to all FCCs?
Mech backup
How will you know if you’re in Mech backup mode?
Man pitch trim only red message on PFD.
How do you control pitch in Mech backup?
THS through man pitch trim as long as green or yellow hyd pressure
How do you control lateral in Mech Backup?
Rudder pedals provided at least one hyd system powered.
What do the ELACs control?
Elevators and Ailerons
What do the SECs control normally?
Spoilers, shared by three SECs
What can the SECs control?
Elevators and THS during reconfiguration if both ELACs fail
What do the FACs control?
How many Hyd systems for Aileron Elev Rud and Spoilers
Aileron 2 Rudder 3 Elevator 2 Spoiler 3 Each individual spoiler is only connected to one Hyd system.
What are Active and Damping mode?
Either hyd actuator 1 or 2 is in active mode and the other in in damping mode. One Hyd actuator controlled by one FCC
What does a partial amber box around the hyd G B or Y mean on the F/CNTR page?
Associated actuator has gone into damping mode.
When resetting a P/B switch how long should you wait?
3 sec
What happens when both ELACs fail?
Roll control by Spoilers SEC
Elevator and THS to SEC 2
If an Elevator fails what will happen?
Other Elevator will be limited to reduce stress.
If both elevators fail what will happen?
Both set to damping mode and centred.
What happens if one Spoiler fails inposition?
Symmetric one will be inhibited automatically.
What happens if speed-brake extension is inhibited?
Need to return to RET for 10 sec
What are the WTBs?
Wing tip breakers, will stop movement of flaps slats or spoilers if any failure, runaway or asymmetric situation.
With Slat WTB will flaps be effected?
No, and vice versa.
Slats Alpha Speed Lock Protection?
Prevents retraction at high AoA or low speed. A LOCK pulsing blue.