OM-A 2 Flashcards
After a ramp inspection what information must be provided to EAT?
- Ramp inspection form for envelope.
- Aviobook report
What has to be done if forced to mix wide cut fuel and kerosene?
Call TOC for approval
What fuels must be recorded in the tech log “for info”
What size of fuel spill is considered an emergency situation?
Greater than one wing area
Call emer services and file ASR
What is required for animal or special freight attendants to go in the MDCD in flight?
Prior approval from DFO
What type of frost is acceptable on the fuselage provided all ports and vents are clear?
Hoar frost
What is hoar frost defined as?
Uniform white deposit - possible to distinguish features underneath.
What depth of frost is acceptable on the underside of the wing due to cold-soaked fuel?
What RFFS is required for an A330F
6 (can be lowered to 5)
What is the best nav standard than is legally permitted without GNSS?
When are the RNAV app temp limits valid?
Only for the final app, initial and intermediate sections require TEC
What is the call post-TCAS RA and back at original level?
“clear of conflict (assigned clearance) resumed
What does the “MINIMUM FUEL” call indicate to ATC?
Any change in clearance would result in landing with less than final reserve fuel.
What is the min height that CBs should be cleared by?
If an aircraft has less than normal fuel reserves what guidance is provided in the FCOM?
Weather limits - if below than must consider alternate or not continuing to dest.
What is the max permitted contamination on a rwy?
1 inch
Below what height must a GA be executed if a “SINK RATE” call heard on EGPWS?
When must rev above idle be used?
- Tailwind on landing
- Contam or slippery rwy
- Any wheel brake or spoiler inop
How long is a daily check valid?
36 Hours