ETOPS 1 Flashcards
What is the threshold distance?
The distance travelled in still air in 60 minutes by an aircraft at the normal one-engine- inoperative cruise speed
What defines the despatch point?
The point at which the ac moves under its own power
What wx minima are req’d for an ETOPS flight?
Planning stage: ETOPS Planning minima
Once despatched: Landing minima
What should be done if the wx falls below ldg minima when within rule dist of an AD?
The flight should proceed so as to come within the rule distance of another ETOPS ERA as soon as practicable
What is rule distance?
The distance traveled in still air in the Rule Time, at the normal one-engine-inoperative cruise speed.
What are the first 3 steps in the Crit Fuel Scenarios?
- Descent @ selected speed sched to req’d div level
- Cruise @ selected div speed
- Normal descent to 1500ft above div airfield
What are the three initial descent profiles?
- 1 eng out (1X)
- Decompression (DC)
- 1 eng out and decompression (DX)
What is the max crosswind limit?
32 kts (EAT)
If delayed on the ground what must be considered for ETOPS purposes?
If ERAs wx is still in limits for delayed times
Where is the most turbulent part of the jet stream?
Slightly below core on cold side (usually on left side on flow of jet stream in NAT)
What is the min RFFS?
DEP/DEST 5 (6 preferred) ERA 4 (at 30 mins notice)
When can an RCL be requested?
90-30mins before entry (Shanwick and Gander)
What is RCP?
Required communications performance
How is the RCP set?
Connection then max uplink delay
What is the difference between adequate and suitable aerodrome?
Suitable includes weather
What is the time window for getting oceanic clearance from Shanwick?
90-30 mins before entry
After what time should you recontact shanwick if no clearance received?
15 mins
What free text is added to the request for oceanic clearance?
Max FL
How are New York oceanic clearances obtained?
From the IFR clearance at departure airfield. Speed and Mach number allocated en route
What will need to be done to balance fuel on Elec emer config
Cycle L2 pump to active R2 pump to balance fuel.
Around what weight will you be unable to comply with BGSF std GA?