OINAs (Exam 1) Flashcards
Ventral serratus
*O: Transverse processes of C4-7
* I: Scapular cartilage
* N: Ventral branch of local cervical
* A: Suspends the trunk, raises the neck when the forelimb is fixed, & may support inspiration
*O: Sternum & costal cartilages
* I: Blends w/ supraspinatus & shoulder fascia
* N: Cranial pectoral n.
* A: Suspends the trunk & stabilizes the shoulder joint
*O: Shoulder fascia
* I: Transverse processes of C2-4
* N: Medioventral branch of local cervical nn
* A: Protract the limb & bends the neck laterally
Superficial pectoral
- O: Costal cartilages & Manubrium sterni
- I: Forearm fascia & deltoid tuberosity
- N: Cranial & caudal pectoral n
- A: Connect the forelimb w/ the trunk, adduct, & pro & retract the forelimb
Deep pectoral
- O: Sternum, distally on ribs, & tunica flava abdominis
- I: Major/minor tubercles of the humerus & tendon origin of coracobracialis
- N: Cranial & caudal pectoral
- A: Suspends the trunk btw/ the forelimbs, retracts limb, & stabilizes the shoulder joint
- O: Nuchal & supraspinous ligaments from C2 to T10
- I: Dorsal third of scapular spine (thoracic part) & entire scapular spine (cervical part)
- N: Dorsal branch of accessory n
- A: Elevates the shoulder, draws scapula craniodorsally & caudodorsally
- O: Nuchal & dorsoscapular ligaments from C2 to T8
- I: Scapular cartilage
- N:Medioventral br of the local thoracic & cervical n
- A: Draws scapula dorsally & cranially & elevates the neck
Latissimus dorsi
- O: Supraspinous ligament from T3 caudally via thoracolumbar fascia
- I: Teres major tuberosity of humerus together w/ teres major muscle
- N: Thoracodorsal n
- A: Retracts the limbs, flexes the shoulder joint, & when the limb is fixed it draws the trunk cranially
- O: Supraspinous fossa & scapular cartilage & spine
- I: Greater & lesser tubercles of humerus
- N: Suprascapular
- A: Extends & Stabilizes the shoulder joint
- O: Infraspinous fossa & scapular cartilage & spine
- I: Fleshy on the greater tubercle of the humerus, strong tendon to the lat & surface of the greater tubercle distal to lat insertion
- N: Suprascapular
- A: Extends & flexes the shoulder joint, functions as a contractile ligament
Teres minor
- O: caudal border of the scapula
- I: Proximal to deltoid tuberosity
- N: Axillary
- A: Flexes the shoulder joint
- O: Caudal border of the scapula & clavicular inscription
- I: Crest of the humerus & deltoid tuberosity
- N: Axillary
- A: Advances limb & Flexes shoulder joint
- O: Subscapular fossa of scapula
- I: Lesser tuberosity
- N: Subscapular & axillary
- A: Predominantly an extensor of the shoulder joint
Teres major
- O: Caudal border of the scapula
- I: Teres tuberosity
- N: Axillary
- A: Flexes shoulder joint
Biceps brachii
- O: Supraglenoid tubercle
- I: Radial tuberosity, medial collateral lig, vialacertus on the tendon of the extensor carpi radi
- N: Musculocutaneous
- A: Extensor of the shoulder joint, flexor of the elbow joint, stabilizer of carpus (in stay apparatus)
- O: Proximocaudal surface of humerus
- I: Proximomedial surface of radius
- N: Musculocutaneous & radial
- A: Flexor of elbow joint
Triceps brachii
- O: Caudal border of the scapula (long head), deltoid tuberosity (Lateral head), medial surface of humerus (medial), & border of olecranon fossa (anconeus)
- I: Lateral surface of olecranon
- N: Radial
- A: Extends elbow joint & raises joint capsule to prevent its being pinched during extension of joint
Extensor carpi radialis
- O: Lateral supracondylar crest & radial fossa
- I: Proximodorsal on Mc3
- N: Radial
- A: Extends carpus
Common digital extensor
- O: Lateral epicondyle f the humerus
- I: Proximal phalanx & extensor process of distal phalanx
- N: Radial n
- A: Carpal & digital extensor
Lateral digital extensor
- O: Proximal end of radius & ulna
- I: Proximodorsal on the proximal phalanx
- N: Radial
- A: extensor of fetlock joint (not digit)
Extensor carpi ulnaris (ulnaris lateralis)
- O: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus
- I: Short tendon on the accessory carpal bone & proximal on Mc4
- N: Radial
- A: Extend carpus
Flexor carpi ulnaris
- O: Medial epicondyle of humerus & medial on olecranon
- I: accessory carpal bone
- N: Ulnar
- A: Flexes carpus
Superficial digital extensor
- O: Medial epicondyle of humerus
- I: Distal collateral tubercles of the proximal phalanx & proximal collateral tubercles of the middle phalanx
- N: Ulnar
- A: Flexes digit & carpus & extends the elbow joint
Deep digital flexor
- O: Medial epicondyle of humerus, olecranon, & middle caudal surface of radius
- I: Flexor surface of distal phalanx
- N: Median & ulnar
- A: Flexes digit/carpus & extends the elbow joint
Flexor carpi radialis
- O: Medial epicondyle of humerus
- I: Proximal end of MC 2
- N: Median
- A: Flexes the carpus
Interosseus (medius)
- O: Proximocaudal on MC & palmar carpal lig
- I: Proximal sesamoid bones
- N: Deep branch of ulnar
- A: Counteracts overextension of the fetlock joint
Superficial gluteal
Middle gluteal
Deep gluteal
Quadriceps femoris
Biceps femoris
Long digital extensor
Peroneus (fibularis) tertius
Cranial tibial
Lateral digital extensor
Deep digital flexor
Superficial digital flexor
Long digital extensor
Lateral digital extensor