OINAs (Exam 1) Flashcards
Ventral serratus
*O: Transverse processes of C4-7
* I: Scapular cartilage
* N: Ventral branch of local cervical
* A: Suspends the trunk, raises the neck when the forelimb is fixed, & may support inspiration
*O: Sternum & costal cartilages
* I: Blends w/ supraspinatus & shoulder fascia
* N: Cranial pectoral n.
* A: Suspends the trunk & stabilizes the shoulder joint
*O: Shoulder fascia
* I: Transverse processes of C2-4
* N: Medioventral branch of local cervical nn
* A: Protract the limb & bends the neck laterally
Superficial pectoral
- O: Costal cartilages & Manubrium sterni
- I: Forearm fascia & deltoid tuberosity
- N: Cranial & caudal pectoral n
- A: Connect the forelimb w/ the trunk, adduct, & pro & retract the forelimb
Deep pectoral
- O: Sternum, distally on ribs, & tunica flava abdominis
- I: Major/minor tubercles of the humerus & tendon origin of coracobracialis
- N: Cranial & caudal pectoral
- A: Suspends the trunk btw/ the forelimbs, retracts limb, & stabilizes the shoulder joint
- O: Nuchal & supraspinous ligaments from C2 to T10
- I: Dorsal third of scapular spine (thoracic part) & entire scapular spine (cervical part)
- N: Dorsal branch of accessory n
- A: Elevates the shoulder, draws scapula craniodorsally & caudodorsally
- O: Nuchal & dorsoscapular ligaments from C2 to T8
- I: Scapular cartilage
- N:Medioventral br of the local thoracic & cervical n
- A: Draws scapula dorsally & cranially & elevates the neck
Latissimus dorsi
- O: Supraspinous ligament from T3 caudally via thoracolumbar fascia
- I: Teres major tuberosity of humerus together w/ teres major muscle
- N: Thoracodorsal n
- A: Retracts the limbs, flexes the shoulder joint, & when the limb is fixed it draws the trunk cranially
- O: Supraspinous fossa & scapular cartilage & spine
- I: Greater & lesser tubercles of humerus
- N: Suprascapular
- A: Extends & Stabilizes the shoulder joint
- O: Infraspinous fossa & scapular cartilage & spine
- I: Fleshy on the greater tubercle of the humerus, strong tendon to the lat & surface of the greater tubercle distal to lat insertion
- N: Suprascapular
- A: Extends & flexes the shoulder joint, functions as a contractile ligament
Teres minor
- O: caudal border of the scapula
- I: Proximal to deltoid tuberosity
- N: Axillary
- A: Flexes the shoulder joint
- O: Caudal border of the scapula & clavicular inscription
- I: Crest of the humerus & deltoid tuberosity
- N: Axillary
- A: Advances limb & Flexes shoulder joint
- O: Subscapular fossa of scapula
- I: Lesser tuberosity
- N: Subscapular & axillary
- A: Predominantly an extensor of the shoulder joint
Teres major
- O: Caudal border of the scapula
- I: Teres tuberosity
- N: Axillary
- A: Flexes shoulder joint
Biceps brachii
- O: Supraglenoid tubercle
- I: Radial tuberosity, medial collateral lig, vialacertus on the tendon of the extensor carpi radi
- N: Musculocutaneous
- A: Extensor of the shoulder joint, flexor of the elbow joint, stabilizer of carpus (in stay apparatus)
- O: Proximocaudal surface of humerus
- I: Proximomedial surface of radius
- N: Musculocutaneous & radial
- A: Flexor of elbow joint
Triceps brachii
- O: Caudal border of the scapula (long head), deltoid tuberosity (Lateral head), medial surface of humerus (medial), & border of olecranon fossa (anconeus)
- I: Lateral surface of olecranon
- N: Radial
- A: Extends elbow joint & raises joint capsule to prevent its being pinched during extension of joint
Extensor carpi radialis
- O: Lateral supracondylar crest & radial fossa
- I: Proximodorsal on Mc3
- N: Radial
- A: Extends carpus
Common digital extensor
- O: Lateral epicondyle f the humerus
- I: Proximal phalanx & extensor process of distal phalanx
- N: Radial n
- A: Carpal & digital extensor