Lecture 4: Equine Pelvic Limb pt 2 (Exam 1) Flashcards
What muscle create the round rump in equine
- large gluteal muscles
- the caudal thigh (hamstring) muscles
Caudal thigh muscles have what type of heads
vertebral heads
What do the gluteal muscles do
Collectively act to extend, abduct, & medially rotate the limb @ the coxal joint
What do the coudal thing (aka hamstring) muscles do
Collectively act in extension of the coxal joint & flexion of the stifle joint when it is not bearing weight
Label the following:
What is the origin & insertion of the superficial gluteal m
- O: Tuber coxae & gluteal fascia
- I: Third trochanter
What is the origin & insertion of the middle gluteal m
- O: Gluteal surface of the ilium, tuber coxae, & sacrosciatic ligament
- I: Greater trochanter (cd part) & the proximal femur btw/ the greater & third trochanters
Label the following:
T/F: the accessory gluteal muscle is considered to be a part of the middle gluteal m
F: This deeper muscle is often considered a seperate muscle
What is the trochanteric bursa
Where the middle gluteal tendon of insertion passes over the cranial part of the greater trochanter
What is the origin & insertion of the deep gluteal m
- O: Body of the ilium & ischiatic spine
- I: Greater trochanter (cranial part)
Label the following:
What is the common PELVIC origin of all the caudal thigh muscles
Tuber ischii
What is the origin of the biceps femoris
- Sacrum
- sarcosciatic ligament
What is the more proximal vertebral origins of the semitendinosus
- Sacrosciatic ligament
- Caudal vertebrae
What is the vertebral origin of the semimembranosus
Caudal-most edge of sacrosciatic ligament
List the muscles that make up the caudal thigh
- Biceps femoris
- Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
Label the following:
- 1 = Biceps femoris
- 2 = Semitendinosus
- 3 = semimembranosus
What are the insertions of the 3 parts of the bicep femoris
- patella & lateral patellar ligament
- cranial border of the tibia (lateral aspect)
- Crural fascia & tuber calcanei via common calcanean tendon
Label the insertions of the following
- 1 = patella & lateral patellar ligament
- 2 = Cranial border of the tibia (lateral aspect)
- 3 = Crural fascia & tuber calcanei via common calcanean tendon
Where does the semitendinosus insert
- Cranial border of the tibia (medial aspect)
- Tuber calcanei via the common calcanean tendon
Where does the semimembranosus insert
- Medial epicondyle of the femur
- Medial collateral ligament of the stifle
Label A, B, & C
What nerve supplies the vertebral heads of the biceps femoris & semitendinosus mm
Caudal gluteal nerve
What nerve supplies the pelvic head of the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, & the sememembranosus mm
Sciatic n
Label A & B
- A = semitendinosus muscle
- B = Biceps femoris m.
What muscles doe the cranial gluteal nerve supply
- Tensor fasciae latae m
- Deep gluteal muscle
- Middle gluteal muscle
- Superficial gluteal m
What muscles does the caudal gluteal nerve supply
- Middle gluteal muscle
- Superficial gluteal muscle
- Biceps femoris m
- Semitendinosus m
Label A - C
- A = Superficial gluteal muscle
- B = Middle gluteal m
- C = Tensor fasciae latae m
OI of the sartorius m
O: Psoas fascia & tendon
I: Medial aspect of stifle
OI of the Gracilis
O: Pelvic symphysis via symphyseal tendon
I: Medial aspect of stifle & cranial border of the tibia
OI of Adductor m
O: Ventral surface of the pubis & ischium; symphyseal tendon
I: Caudal aspect of the medial epicondyle of the femur
OI of Pectineus
O: Margin of pubis (pecten)
I: Medial surface of the femur
What muscles does the obturator nerve supply motor function to
- Gracillis
- Adductor
- Pectineus
What muscle is innervated by the saphenous nerve
Label the following A - D
- A = Sartorius m
- B = Pectineus
- C = Gracilis
- D = Adductor
Label A & B
A = Sartorius
B = Gracilis
Label the following:
A = Iliopsosas
B = Sacrosciatic ligament
C = Pectineus
D = Adductor
What muscle forms the caudal border and which one forms the cranial border of the femoral triangle
- Caudal border: Pectineus m
- Cranial border: Sartorius m
What nerve emerges from the iliopsoas m
Femoral n
What nerve passes through the obturator foramen
Obturator n
What nerve innervates the sartorius m
Saphenous n
Label the following:
- A: Femoral n
- B: Obturator n
- C: Obturator n
What muscles are lateral rotators of the hip (the ones in equine are the same as in a canine)
- External obturator
- Internal obturator
- Gemelli
- Quadratus femoris
Where do the lateral rotators of the hip insert
- Trochanteric fossa
- Trochanteric crest of the femur
Label A & B:
- A = External obturator m
- B = Quadratus femoris m
Describe the internal obturator m
- A pelvic floor muscle dorsal to the obturator foramen
- The tendon of insertion passes over the lesser ischiatic notch
Describe the crainal & caudal gemelli
- Originates from the ischium
- Ventral to the lesser ischiatic notch
- Appears to be two identical muscles on either side of the internal obturator tendon