Obstetrics & gynae Flashcards
Threatened miscarriage
foetus is intrauterine, mild symptoms. Cervical Os is closed.
Complete miscarriage
all uterine contents expelled. Cervical Os is closed.
Missed miscarriage
dead foetus in the uterus. Cervical os is closed
Inevitable miscarriage
Fetus is dead, bleeding. Cervical os is opened
What anti-epileptic drugs are safe for pregnancy?
Pre-eclampsia and Mx
High blood pressure during gestation
Assoc, with proteinuria, oedema, headaches
Anti-hypertensives e.g. labetalol.
Prevent eclampsia - magnesium sulphate
Symptoms of pre-eclampsia but abnormal creatinine
Acute Tubular Necrosis
Symptoms of pre-eclampsia but no proteinuria
gestational hypertension
Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome
Happens in monochorionic twins. Donor baby begins transferring blood to recipient baby through new vessels.
Both babies are abnormal
Donor baby: more likely to survive
Recipient baby: high cardiac output -> heart failure. increased fluid -> fetal hydrops.
Transect the vessels with lasers
what is the difference between partial and complete molar pregnancy
complete mole = 2 sperm, 1 egg with no genetics material
partial mole = 2 sperm, 1 egg with genetic material. makes an unviable fetus
danger of invasive mole
metastasise into choriocarcinoma
Dx and Mx of molar pregnancy
grape like/cloudy on ultrasound
removal of fetus, follow up with beta hCG testing, don’t get pregnant until 6 months after beta-hCG is normal
Px of placental abruption
firm woody uterus
no visible bleeding
Px of placenta previa
soft uterus
visible bleeding
no pain
Px of vasa previa
rupture of membranes
painless bleeding
fetal bradycardia
Px of HELLP syndrome
haemolytic, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets
HTN, DIC, epigastric/RUQ pain, headaches
Px of haemolytic disease of the newborn
jaundice, kernicterus
hydrops fetalis
what is cervical ectropion, common cause of ??
benign. glandular cells grow outside of the cervix, causing increased levels of oestrogen
common cause of post-coital bleeding
uterus that feels tense/large for dates. hard to palpate fetal parts
too much amniotic fluid
sudden gush of fluid and non-reassuring fatal trace
cord prolapse
fever, abdo pain, offensive fluid from vagina, preterm rupture of membranes
turtle neck sign, failure to progress labour
shoulder dystocia
position to relieve shoulder dystocia
mcroberts maneuvre
Mx of ectopic pregnancy
methotrexate and salphingectomy
common cause of recurrent miscarriage and the Mx
anti-phospholipid syndrome
aspirin and LMWH
trimethoprim avoided in the…
and why
1st trimester
it is a folate antagonist. contraindicated in 1st ttrimester when the neural tube is developing
nitrofurantoin avoided in the … and why
3rd trimester
risk of haemolytic anemia
medical termination of pregnancy
oral mifepristone + vaginal misopristol
Px of ovarian torsion
sudden 10/10 peri-umbilical pain radiating to the lower back
internal bleeding (from the ovary)
Mx of confirmed ovarian cancer
total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
difference between salpingotomy and salpingectomy
salpingotomy just removes the ectopic pregnancy
salpingectomy removes the ectopic pregancy AND the fallopian tube
first line Ix and gold standard diagnosis for endometriosis
first line: transvaginal ultrasound
gs: diagnostic laprascopy
Sheehan syndrome what is it and Px
Necrosis of anterior pituitary after post partumhaemorrhage
Low prolactin , so difficulty feeding
Ovulation pain
Prolactinoma Px, Mx
Prolactinoma is a benign pituitary tumour
Px: galactorrhea, + gonadal dysfunction (amenorrhea, erectile dysfunction,) + neuro (headaches, visual impairment)
Mx: dopamine agonists (cabergoline/bromocriptine) or surgery
cabergoline used for…
managing prolactinoma
what are the 4 blood results for DIC
prolonged PT and APTT
raised D Dimer
low fibrinogen
1st and 2nd line for managing epilepsy in pregnancy
- lamotrigine
- levetiracetam
suspected varicella in pregnancy, don’t know if immune
test varicella antibodies
if not immune, give Ig
how to assess tubal patency (2 methods)
hysterosalpingography (no comorbid conditions)
laparoscopy and dye (with comorbid conditions)
commonly used test to test for ovulation
day 21 progesterone
where is ectopic pregnancy most likely to be