Gastroenterology / GI surgery Flashcards
Px of ulcerative colitis
chronic inflammation of the large bowel
abdominal discomfort,
bloody diarrhoea, tenesmus
what is seen on imaging and bloods in UC
loss of haustral markings = lead pipe
continuous inflammation
raised fecal calprotectin
Mx of acute UC
- IV hydrocortisone
- ciclosporin/inflixamab
- surgery
Mx of mild/moderate UC
- mesalazine
- prednisolone
what is seen on Ix in Crohns
high fecal calprotectin
skip lesions, cobblestone appearance
non-casaeated granulomas
abdominal pain, discomfort. worse after eating, relieved by defecation.
what infection causes pseudomembranous colitis?
what is seen on imaging
C diff infection!!!
Raised yellow plaques
ABs: vancomycin
Ix in celiac disease
Anti TTG IgA antibodies
B12, folate deficiencies, IDA
Zollinger Ellison Syndrome pathophis + assoc.
gastrinoma (neuroendocrine tumour in the duodenum)
results in hypersecretion of gastrin + gastric acid; and peptic ulcer disease
not relieved by PPI
associated with MEN1
gold standard diagnosis for ZES
secretin stimulation test
wilsons disease pathophys, symptoms, Ix
copper deposition in tissues
jaundice, akinesia, tremor
low ceruloplasmin and low serum copper
Hereditary Haemochromatosis
pathophys, symptoms, Ix
iron deposition in tissues
bronzed skin, joint pain, liver cirrhosis
high serum ferritin+transferrin
Haemochromatosis Mx
lifestyle changes (avoid iron supplements, vitamin C)
phlebotomy in later stages
Charcots triad
ascending cholangitis/Biliary obstruction:
1. RUQ pain
2. jaundice
3. fever
ascending cholangitis
px, ix, mx
infection of the biliary tree
Px: charcots triad
Mx: antibiotics,drainage, ERCP to remove blockage, treat systemic illness
difference between primary biliary cholangitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis
PBC = more women, PSC = more men
PSC associated with IBD e.g. UC
PBS = chronic inflammation of the biliary tree
PSC = chronic fibrosis and scarring of the biliary tree
anti mitochondrial antibodies are raised in:
Primary biliary cholangitis
painless rectal bleeding
murphys sign positive
on inspiration the inflamed gallbladder moves up and can be palpated, causing pain
Acute cholecystitis
RUQ pain, radiates to the shoulder
Fever, raised CRP, WBC
Px of acute cholecystitis
Mx of acute cholecystitis
what do you see on US in acute cholecystitis
thickened gallbladder wall
Gallbladder distension
Causes and Px and Ix of acute pancreatitis
alcohol, gallstones
RUQ pain, relieved when sitting forwards, worse after a meal
High lipase & amylase, hypocalcemia
Mx of pancreatitis
fluid resus (crystalloid)
irregular border of enlarged, tender liver
deranged LFTs
weight loss
hepatocellular carcinoma
Rovsing’s sign positive
pain on the right side when the left iliac fossa is palpated
rigid abdomen, rebound tenderness
peritonitis, infection due to perforation
Appendicitis pain
peri-umbilical pain spreading to the right iliac fossa
Trousseu’s syndrome
migratory thrombophlebitis
repeated venous thromboembolism in the peripheries
associated with pancreatic/gastric cancers etc
common cause of sigmoid volvulus
chronic constipation in older patient.
causes bowel to weight down and twist -> volvulus
sign of sigmoid volvulus
coffee bean sign on xray
signs of peritonitis
rebound tenderness
percussion tenderness
positive urea breath test indicates:
H pylori
ulcer. better after eating, worse when hungry
duodenal ulcer
which hernia is more common in older people and trauma
which hernia is more likely to be strangulated
Mx of suspected bowel obstruction
insert NG tube
CT abdomen & erect chest x ray
barium enema
surgical exploration
imaging used for penumoperitoneum
use erect chest x ray
severe retching and vomiting, now presenting with chest pain and haemodynamic instability
boerhaave syndrome
definitive treatment of primary sclerosis cholangitis
liver transplant
anal fistula presentation
an abnormal tract that connects the anal canal to the perianal skin
peri-anal discharge, itchiness, pain, swelling
Peutz-jeghers syndrome
autosomal dominant
colonic polyps + mucocutaneous hyper pigmented macules
what drug is used to maintain IBD remission
Mx of relatively stable patient with suspected bowel obstruction
Ng tube, abdominal CT
what antibody is raised in PBC and PSC
PBC: anti mitochondrial
PSC: anti smooth muscle and pANCA
what antibody is raised in celiac disease
cause of secondary achalasia
Chagas disease
infection causing destruction of myenteric plexus
two types of oesophageal cancer, which is more common
squamous cell
adenocarcinoma is more common