Derm Flashcards
target lesions
erythema multiforme
Happens as a result of infection, usually self-limiting
light brown papules with a depressed center
molluscum contagiosum
caused by a poxvirus, in children/immunocompromised people
eczema Mx
topical hydrocortison / eumovate
Px of psoriasis
demarcated plaque, scaly, pink
nail onchylosis
Mx of mild psoriasis
vitamin d analogue
both topical
muscle pain and weakness
eczema on knuckles/elbows
photosensitive rash on back
rash around eyes
gottron lesions
heliotrope rash in the periorbital region
differentiating between SJS and TEN
SJS: <10% of body, TEN > 10%
Px of SJS / TEN
blistering patches all over body, peel to reveal raw flesh
blisters in mucosal membranes e.g. mouth
TEN is >10% of body surface
SJS is <10% of body surface
Mx of acne vulgaris
benzoyl peroxide
isotretinoin (must be prescribed by dermatologist)
difference between cellulitis and erysipelas
cellulitis has poorly demarcated edges
erysipelas is superficial cellulitis
cause of hand foot and mouth
coxsackie a virus
pearly papule with telangectasia
basal cell carcinoma
red ulcerated bump that doesn’t heal
squamous cell carcinoma
dark patch, irregular edges, growing bigger, getting darker
what is assessed to determine severity of melanoma
depth of melanoma
breslow hickness
scaly patch across feet, central clearing, inflamed edges
tinea pedis (athletes foot)
Mx of scabies
topical permethrin
tuberous sclerosis
benign tumours (hamartomas) forming in many organs
fleshy nodules on skin, hypomelanic maculas, cafe au lit patches
seizures, developmental delay
NF1, cause
cafe au lait spots
tumours grow in the nervous system
Autosomal dominant
tumours in auditory/opthalmic nerve
bilateral vestibular schwannoma
sturge weber
port wine stain
leptomeningeal angioma
(seizures, glaucoma, learning disability)
actinic keratosis
sun exposure
scaly crusted lesions
Mx of actinic keratosis
Efudix (flourouracil)
sebborrheic dermatitis
itchy red plaques, yellow oily crust
eczema that affects the oil glands of face
Mx of seb. derm.
ketoconazole shampoo and topical corticosteroid
treatment for head lice
4% dimeticone
Blanching red lesions developing on lips, tongue, chest, ears, hands, feet
What is it? Most common initial presentation? Cause?
Hereditary haemorrhagic telangectasia
Most commonly presents with nosebleeds in early childhood
Autosomal dominant
Tuberous sclerosis skin presentation
Subcutaneous nodules
Cafe au lait spots
Hypomelanic patches
What is tuberous sclerosis
Hamartomas (benign tumours) develop in brain, eyes, skin
Px: seizures, learning disability
example of vitamin D analogue
topical calcipotriol
cause of verruca
Mx of verruca
topical salicylic acid
1st line mx of psoriasis
8 weeks of topical steroid and vitamin D analogue
2nd line mx of psoriasis
Stop steroid
Start twice daily vitamin d analogue
bowens disease
scc in situ
red scaly plaque
salmon pink spots all over trunk
starts with a herald patch
pityriasis rosea
1st line Mx of hyperhidrosis
aluminium chloride roll on
hypo pigmented spots all over back
pityriasis versicolour
Mx of pityriasis versicolour
ketoconazole shampoo
Mx of tinea corporis
topical terbinafine
fungal nail infection caused by dermaphyte. Mx?
oral terbinafine
fungal nail infection caused by candida. Mx:
oral itraconazole
Mx of moderate psoriasis
UVB phototherapy
Mx of severe psoriasis
systemic treatments e.g. methotrexate, cyclosporin
how many weeks break in between courses of corticosteroids for psoriasis
4 weeks
urticaria 1st line
non sedating anti histamine = cetirizine
urticaria severe acute MX
oral pred alongside cetirizine
urticaria night symptoms Mx
sedating anti histamine
4 types of malignant melanoma
superficial spreading
acrual lengtingous
lentigo maligna
most common type of malignant melanoma
superficial sspreading
fastest spreading melanoma
what can cause exacerbation of psoriasis
beta blockers, lithium, NSAIDs
trauma, ACEIs, infliximab