Obesity Flashcards
What have been the trends in age-adjust obesity and severe obesity prevalence among adults ages 20 and older since 1999?
Both have increased, though not signficantly

Does obesity vary with age and gender?
No - all those over 20 when binned into age groups were similarly affected
No differences between prevalence in men and women

Does obesity prevalence vary with race and gender within race?
Yes it does vary with these factors
- Non-hispanic asians have lowest prevalence
- For totals - non-hispanic whites and hispanics had similar prevalence
- Non-hispanic blacks had highest prevalence
- Among men, non-hispanic asians have lowest prevalence while hispanic men have highest
- Among men, non-hispanic white and non-hispanic black are similar
- Among women, non-hispanic asians have lowest prevalence while non-hispanic black women have highest
- Non-hispanic white and hispanic similar
- Non-hispanic black women have highest prevalence of all groups

Which state has the lowest prevalence of obesity?
Which has the highest?

What is the definition of obesity?

- BMI is an imperfect screening tool, but it is correlated with […].
- What are the categories of BMI classification?
- Why is the BMI cutoff for obesity different in Asian and south asians and what is it?
- What else should be measured in addition to BMI?
- Body fat %
- See image
- BMI > 25 is obese for asian/south asian because data shows that they are put at higher risk for negative health outcomes when they put on more fat mass than is correlated with BMI of 25
- Waist circumference –> independent risk factor for CVD

What are the limitations of using BMI as a screening tool?

What is the most common cause of obesity?

What factors play into a person’s risk for developing obesity?

Genetic Contributions
- What do twin/adoption studies show about the heritability of obesity?
- What are some genetic syndromes that are commonly related to obesity?
- Deficiency in which hormone can lead to obesity?

What are some endocrine disorders associated with obesity?

What are some social, environmental, and economic factots that affect obesity risk?

Summarize the pathophysiology of obesity as a disease.

Mortality was found to increase with BMI > […]
What BMI is associated with the lowest cause of risk?

What are some major complicatiions we should recognize as a result of diabetes?
Metabolic syndrome
Toxic stress
Other psychological conditions
What is the recommended treatment plan for someone who is found to need to lose weight to improve their helath benefits and reduce health risks?

When is it appropriate to consider pharmacotherapy for weight loss?

What surgical options are available to treat severe obesity?