OB- Periodontal tissue Flashcards
What is the most important part of periodontal disease?
The junctional epithelium.
In what area(s) of the tooth is treatment of periodontal disease less successful and why?
In the apical areas as there are less Sharpey’s fibres. (cellular cementum is found in the apical part)
What is the residual ridge?
The ridge produced due to the alveolar process being resorbed when we loose a tooth. (think dentures.
What infrastructure does the periodontal ligament have and why is this beneficial?
It has a visoelastic. This is like jelly so when pressure is applied it has the capacity to return to the original structure.
What effect does Periodontal disease have on the periodontal ligament?
It can cause the loss of viscoelasticity.
What is the interdental col?
The area between 2 teeth that is protected by a contact point.
What is the epithelium found at the interdental col?
This is non keratinised as there are no loading forces for mastication.
Compare the true periodontal ligament and the gingival ligament
The true periodontal ligament attaches the tooth to the bone. The Gingival ligament supports the gingiva above the tooth.
Label these true periodontal liagment fibres and provide their function

A- alveolar crest (for compression)
b- Horizontal (for pulling up)
c- oblique (to transfer force)
d-Apical (coils from this region)

What are these fibres?

These are transeptal fibres which connect one tooth to another tooth

Label these gingival ligament fibres and provide their function

A- Circular (surrounding the tooth)
B- Alveolo-gingival (bone to gingiva)
C- Dento-gingival (tooth to gingiva)
D- Dento-periosteal (tooth to periosteum)

What is the junctional epithelium.
The physical barrier that seperates body tissues from the oral enivronment