GI tract- infections Flashcards
Give an example of a Good bacteria?
E.coli- required for blood clotting.
Give an example of a bad bacteria?
Helicobacter Pylori
- the bacteria that causes peptic ulcer disease.
What does Gastroenteritis normally present as?
Compare viral gastroenteritis to Bacteiral gastroenteritis.
Profuse watery stools
abdominal cramps
Bacterial Dysentery-
Bloody mucoid stools.
Suprapubic pain
Compare direct and indirect infections?
Direct- the organism enters mucosal cells and destroys them- Diarrhoea & blood in stool.
Indirect - the organisms releases enterotoxins which cause fluid release and result in water stools. There is very little tissue damage.
What is norovirus?
The winter vomiting bug.
What is salmonella?
A food borne infection due to eating infected animal produce or drinking contaminated water.
What is Clostridium Difficle?
A bowel infection that most commonly affects people who have been treated with antibiotics
Describe how a C. Difficle infection occurs.
Antibiotics alter the microflora.
C. difficle proliferates.
A and B toxins are produced.
Damage to the colon
Can become pseudomembranous colitis.
What antibiotics are used for treating C.difficle?
Vancomycin. .