Neurologic Diseases Of Ruminants Flashcards
Gram positive rods - short rods
Facultatively anaerobic
Most common species causing disease in domestic speices
Origin of listeria
Listeria monocytogenes
Soil, silage, sewage, decaying matter, GIT of various species
Present in animals & humans as asymptomatic enteric carriers & shed in feces
Important sources of listeria
Human - food, soft cheese, seafood & meat
Domestic species - spoiled silage (pH >5.5)
(Can cause abortion)
Route of infection - listeria
Direct entry through mucus membranes
Ingestion of listeria
Usually = septicemia or “visceral form” = abortion
Direct entry of listeria
Eyes, nose, oropharynx
Can spread along cranial nerves (esp trigeminal)
= “neural form” of diseas
Virulence factors of listeria
Listeriolysin O (hemolysin)
Produce lysis of cells (RBC) and aid intracellular survival /transfer between cells
Neural form of listeria
Circling disease
Common in sheep. Sporadic form of disease
Entry to CNS is retrograde, intra-axonal migration along trigeminal nerve or occasionally hematogenous
Infection = encephalitis w unilateral lesions localized to brainstem
Asymmetric disorder of cranial nerve function
Clinical signs of circling disease
Anorexia, depression
Head tilt or pressing and/or circling (towards
affected side)
• Unilateral facial paresis/paralysis with
drooping ears, deviated muzzle, flaccid lip
and lowered eyelid (on affected side)
• Lack of menace reflex, (central) blindness,
and profuse, continuous salivation
• Terminal – unable to rise (recumbency),
involuntary running
Visceral form of listeria
animals infected with L. monocytogenes may also get septicemia, with dissemination to various organs ü this form of the disease is the most frequent form seen in neonates and non-ruminant species;
may also get abortion (mostly in ruminants
Diagnosing listeria
History, clinical signs, species
Asymmetric brainstem dysfunction with depression/
Obtain sample from lesions
Brain (brainstem), blood, aborted fetus, Ø Gram stain/Diff Quik
Should see gram + short rods; but may
not be present especially in chronic disease
enrichment for Listeria)
Culture aerobically (+/- cold Ø Other tests e.g. Histology (classical
Antibiotics for listeria
Penicillin and oxytetracycline - treat quickly
Treatment is not effective in chronic cases
Trimethroprim/sulfonamides and rifampin combo therapy is used for dogs
Management of listeria
Vaccine for listeria
Clostridium perfringens type D
normal flora in Large intestine - gut stasis migrate to SI = epsilon pro-toxin = active toxin = entry to blood
= enterotoxemia
- acute disease = pulpy kidney
- chronic disease = focal symmetrical encephalomalacia (FSE)
Acute disease - epsilon toxin = endothelial damage = vascular leakage and severe tissue damage
Aka pulpy kidney
Chronic type D
Epsilon toxin causes endothelial damage = vascular leakage and tissue damage in lateral thalamus and cerbellar peduncles
Histophilus somni
Gram negative rods - microaerophilic
Normal flora of mucosal membranes of cattle (genital and URT)
Environmental stressors
Spetic emboli lodging in CNS results in lesions of thrombus formation = thrombotic meningoencephaliitis
Neuro disease in pigs
Glasserella parasuis
Gram neg rods - Facultatively anaerobic
Normal flora of URT of pigs
(FPT or stressors = septicemia with localization in serous surfaces)
Glassers disease
Including meningitis (arthritis, pleuritic)
Lameness, pyrexia, anorexia & convulsions
Strept suis
Gram positive cocci - Facultatively anaerobic
Asymptomatic carrier pigs have organisms in tonsillar tissues
Risk for invasion - over crowding and poor ventilation
Septicemia and meningitis
Also arthritic and bronchopneumonia
Fevers, tremors, in coordination, convulsions, death