neural tube defects Flashcards
where is CSF made ?
in ependymal cells and choroid plexus
where does reabsorption of CSf occur ?
superior sagittal sinus to the blood
what is hydrocephalus ?
increased CSF in the ventricular system
what are the different causes of hydrocephalus ?
increased production
or due to obstruction
or decreased absorption
what are the cause of increased production of CSF in the brain causing hydrocephalus
choroid plexus papilloma
what are the obstructive causes of Hydrocephalus ?
congenital : aqueduct stenosis, Chiari II formation, Dandy Walker formation
Traumatic: bleeding followed by fibrosis
Inflammatory: meningitis followed by fibrosis
neoplastic : space-occupying lesions
MIscellaneous : achondroplasia
what are the causes of decreased absorption causing hydrocephalus ?
fracture base of the skull
basal meningitis
what is dandy walker malformation ?
cystic dilatation of fourth ventricle and absent cerebellar vermis
what is the presentation of Chiari malformation type II ?
almost always associated with Myelomeningocele and on MRI the hindbrain appears to be herniating through the spinal canal
flat occiput
what are the types of spina bifida ?
what appears on examination of an occulta spina bifida ?
a tuft of hair
sinus or nevus
what is the physical presentation of meningocele ?
a cyst like swelling
what is the physical presentation of myelomeningocele ?
the cyst may be covered with either intact or disrupted skin
what abnormality is spina bifida associated with ?
talipes equinovarus
what is the relationship between the level of myelomeningocele and the neurological deficit ?
the higher the the level of the myelomeningocele the greater the neurological deficit
what are the effects of hydrocephalus/spina bifida ?
massive head enlargement brain degeneration cranial nerve palsies headache limb weakness/paralysis bowel and bladder incontinence
what is the preventatitve management for spina bifida ?
folic acid supplementation prenatally
what is the management for choroid plexus papilloma ?
surgical removal
what is the general treatment for hydrocephalus ?
VP shunt
what shape does the occiput take in Chiari II syndrome ?
flat occiput
what are the clinical findings associated with hydrocephalus ?
sutures and fontanelles patent sun-set eyes squint skin stretched and shiny visible veins shunt scar of shunt placement