allergy inn a nutshell Flashcards
what is an allergy ?
abnormal response of the immune system to external stimuli or allergens
what is the mechanism of allergy ?
can be IgE or non IgE mediated
what are the feature of an IgE mediated response ?
quick onset
weel defined mechanism
easy to diagnose
what are examples of IgE mediated reactions ?
acute food allergy
what is the most common allergy in newborns ?
which patients must be tested for allergy ?
all immediate type food allergies moderate to severe atopic dermatitis respiratory allergens drug allergens venom allergy
what age is the most common age of onset of eczema ?
usually before the age of 2 years
what factors affect the prognosis of eczema ?
the severity
early onset
presence of atopy in parents
eczema to extensors, wrists
what is the most common cause of anaphylaxis ?
food allergies
what are the red flags in IgE mediated reactions ?
immediate reproducible multisystem affection Skin affection Gut affection
what are the red flags associated with anaphylaxis ?
asthma airway signs wheezing collapse sense of doom severe abdominal pain or vomiting
what are the risk factors for anaphylaxis ?
nut allergies
adolescent age
co-existing asthma
what is the definitive management for allergies ?
avoidance adrenaline being educated communication food challenge immunotherapy
which food allergies continue for life ?
fish and shellfish allergy
what is the prognosis of CMA ?
most of them go away by the age of 3 years