Neoplasia and Immunity Flashcards
major in histocompatibility antigens (MHC)
tumor-specific transplantation antigens
the TSTA’s of tumors produced by chemical carcinogens are called?
private antigens
evoke transplantation immunity only against the same tumor and not against different tumors produced by the same carcinogen.
private antigens
Kind of Tumors
✓ papilloma(s)
✓ adenomas
✓ polyp
✓ hemangiomas
✓ lymphosarcoma
✓ leukemia
✓ myelogenous leukemia
usually occur on skin and may have a variety of forms from pedunculated to flat, smooth or villous
occur in glands
example of adenomas
✓ circumanal gland adenoma
✓ sebaceous gland adenoma
✓ mammary gland adenoma
✓ thyroid gland adenoma
a smooth, spherical or membranous mass projecting on a mucosal surface; maybe broad-based or pedunculated
example of polyp
✓ nasal polyp
✓ rectal polyp
a common group of epithelial tumors in dogs is the basal cell group- derived from the basal layer of the squamous epithelium
✓ sweat gland adenoma
✓ sebaceous gland adenoma
✓ hair follicle tumor (trichoepithelioma)
common in the skin of dogs
the proper term of malignant tumor of lymphocytes
malignant tumor of lymphocytes has been called various names such as;
leukemia, leukosis, lymphoma, malignant lymphoma, and lymphomatosis
malignancy usually involving the granulocytic group and may also involve the red cells and the megakaryocytes
myelogenous leukemia
are the proper terms that can be used when non-specificity of lesion raising from the bone marrow is described
reticuloendotheliosis and myeloproliferative
is the common descriptive term used for usually or greatly enlarged organ
abnormal mass
ulcerated lesion particularly on body surfaces
persistent nonhealing ulcerating lesion
gross description of tumors
✓ abnormal mass
✓ persistent nonhealing ulcerating lesion
microscopic description
✓ sheet of cells
✓ acinar arrangement
✓ nest of cells
✓ palisading
✓ tubular arrangement
term that is used to described a monotous pattern of masses of cells with similar appearance
sheets of cells
characterized by cells forming or attempting to form acinar units
acinar arrangements
are typical of endocrine tumors in which a clump or nest of cells is surrounded by a narrowband of connective tissue stroma
nest of cells
occur when cells line up in a picket fence type arrangement along a strand of connective tissue, such as in the testicular interstitial cell tumor
palisading or trabecular patterns
occur when a single, double or finger-like projection of tumor cells invade surrounding tissue.
tubular arrangement
when there is little apparent stroma, stromal arrangements may be described as?
✓ scant
✓ locular
✓ scirrhous
terminologies for sarcomas
✓ solid or loose arrangement
✓ whorls
✓ sheets
✓ localized around blood vessels
✓ spindly cells
✓ fleshy cells
✓ well or poorly-differentiated
✓ monotonous
✓ variable
four main mechanisms for the spread of tumors
✓ by infiltration
✓ by spreading via blood vessels
✓ by spreading via the lymphatics
✓ by implantation
two theories on the success of metastasis
✓ the soil theory
✓ the mechanical theory
this theory states that a tumor must find “suitable soil” for its growth requirements before it will survive as a metastatic nodule
the soil theory
this theory states that the tumor wil grow wherever it lands, and only mechanical factors and chance influence sites of metastases.
the mechanical theory
Methods of tumor diagnosis
✓ histologic examination
✓ immunocytochemical examination
✓ DNA probe analysis and DNA flow cytometry
✓ tumor marker detection
tumor marker detection
✓ alpha fetal globulin
✓ carcinoembryonic antigen
- detected in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
- abnormal antigen detected in blood of patient with neoplastic condition
- produce by fetal hepatocytes but normally disappears late in fetal life.
alpha fetal globulin
- widely used for cancer detection particularly in respiratory and gastrointestinal tumors
- normally made by intestinal epithelium in fetal life appear in adult life in of tumor
carcinoembryonic antigen
are genes whose products are associated with neoplastic transformation.
are normally cellular genes that affect growth and differentiation
proto-oncogenes (proto-oncs)
proto-oncs can be converted into oncogenes by;
✓ v-oncs
✓ c-oncs
viral oncogenes
cellular oncogenes
treatment of tumors
✓ by surgery
✓ by irradiation
✓ by chemotherapy