Mycoplasma I & II (Exam 2) Flashcards
Mycoplasma lack a cell wall, so they have no ___________.
Mycoplasma have a single walled membrane made of ____________.
(T/F) Mycoplasma are more genetically similar to gram-negative bacteria and stain pink.
False - gram-positive but stain pink (lost peptidoglycan)
Mycoplasma are (facultative/obligate) parasites.
Mycoplasma are obligate parasites because they cannot make _________ and _________, which they must steal from the host.
How does Mycoplasma appear on culture?
fried egg appearance (small colonies)
(T/F) Mycoplasma is pleomorphic.
Mycoplasma makes high levels of what substance which is toxic to eukaryotic cells?
hydrogen peroxide
What is the oxygen requirement of Myoplasma?
facultative anaerobes
Do Mycoplasma have endotoxin? Exotoxins?
No endotoxin
Only 2-3 species make exotoxins
Disease caused by Mycoplasma infection typically causes __________ reactions.
(T/F) Mycoplasma usually infects the GI tract.
False - usually NOT
List 5 common tissues that Mycoplasma infects.
- serous surfaces
- respiratory tract
- mammary glands
- genitals
- circulatory system
Mycoplasma pneumoniae causes what disease in humans, specifically teens?
Primary Atypical “Walking” Pneumonia
Serology is commonly used to diagnose Mycoplasma infection. This is done via what process?
complement fixation
What does a positive complement fixation result mean in a serology test for Mycoplasma?
no RBC lysis (mycoplasma antibodies present)
What does a negative serology result for complement fixation indicate for Mycoplasma?
RBC lysis occurs (no antibodies against Mycoplasma)
In terms of antibiotic treatment, drugs with what mechanism usually work against Mycoplasma?
protein-synthesis inhibitor antibiotics
What 3 major antibiotics is Mycoplasma resistant to due to its structure?
(T/F) Most Mycoplasma are species-specific.
Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides causes what disease?
Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia
In Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia, Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides usually colonizes (one/both) lung(s).
one lung
Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia has a (low/high) morbidity and mortality.
(T/F) Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri is the most important cause of death in cattle.
False (subsp. mycoides)
Mycoplasma bovis primarily infects ________ cattle.
What disease does Mycoplasma bovis cause in cattle and bison?
Severe Epizootic Mastitis
List a few clinical signs of Mycoplasma bovis infection (Severe Epizootic Mastitis).
- polyarthritis
- respiratory disease
- swollen udders
- agalactia (“dry up”)
- abnormal milk secretions
How is M. bovis transmitted?
milking (teat canal)
Severe Epizootic Mastitis caused by Mycoplasma bovis can be part of a larger collection of bacterial and viral infections called:
Which two species are affected by Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri?
sheep & goats
What 3 disorders does Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri cause?
- mastitis
- polyarthritis
- pneumonia
Only goats are affected by Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumoniae. Which bacterial species causes this disease?
Mycoplasma capricolum capripneumoniae
(T/F) Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumoniae is a signficiant disease affected goats populations in the US.
False - NOT in US
Mycoplasma ___________ causes pneumonia in sheep and caused massive death of “big horn sheep” in the US.
All Mycoplasma species with the prefix hyo- only affect which species?
Which two species of Mycoplasma cause polyarthritis in swine?
M. hyorhinis
M. hyosynoviae
In addition to polyarthritis, Mycoplasma hyorhinis causes what two other diseases in pigs?
(T/F) Mycoplasma hyorhinis is in the normal flora of the swine nasal cavity.
Mycoplasma hyosynoviae causing Polyarthritis in swine is (erosive/non-erosive) and therefore, (fibrosis/no fibrosis) occurs.
no fibrosis
When should you treat for Mycoplasma hyosynoviae (Polyarthritis in swine)?
Early! (first 24 hours)
Which species of Mycoplasma causes Swine Enzootic Pneumonia?
M. hyopneumoniae
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in pigs has a (high/low) mortality and binds to ________ in the upper respiratory tract.
As Bordetella bronchiseptica initiates PRDC complex, _________ _________ initiates MIRD complex in swine.
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
What disease is caused by Mycoplasma suis in pigs?
What is the most important avian Mycoplasma species?
M. gallisepticum
Mycoplasma gallisepticum causes ____________ in chickens and ___________ in turkeys.
Chronic Respiratory Disease
Infectious Sinusitis
How is M. gallisepticum transmitted?
aerosols or transovarian
Mycoplasma gallisepticum uses ____________ to turn on and off surface proteins, via phase variation.
Tenosynovitis, arthritis, and respiratory disease, and Eggshell Apex Abnormality in birds are all caused by Mycoplasma __________.
What are the 3 clinical signs are seen in a bird infected with Mycoplasma synoviae?
- joint lameness
- “weakening” of eggshells
Which Mycoplasma infects turkeys causing air sacculitis, bone deformities, reduced growth, and genital tract infection?
Mycoplasma meleagridis
Mice and rats develop chronic respiratory disease by Mycoplasma ___________.
Mycoplasma pulmonis
(T/F) Mycoplasma pulmonis infection of mice and rats is subclinical until a stressor triggers chronic respiratory disease.
Which Mycoplasma species contributes to Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex in dogs?
Mycoplasma cynos
Unlike Mycoplasma, the genus Ureaplasma have the enzyme: