Music Section 4 Flashcards
What piece is regarded as the oldest surviving European study of human ecology?
Written around the fourth century bce, Hippocrates, nicknamed the “Father of Medicine,” wrote De aëre, aquis, et locis (“Air, Waters, and Places”) which is regarded as the oldest surviving European study of human ecology.
What does ecology examine?
Ecology is a field of biology that examines the relationships between organisms and their physical environment.
What contributions did King Edward I exut to protect the natural world?
The British monarch King Edward I banned the burning of coal in London in 1306 because of the noxious smoke it produced.
Why was there resistance towards addressing the noxious vapors during the 16 century in England?
During the 16th century air quality a preserving concern in England, and a royal commission was launched to investigate “noxious vapors” that various industrial factories were producing, since witnesses were reporting “damage to trees, crops, vegetation and human health.” However, there was resistance to the commission’s findings because addressing the issues would often come at a financial cost.
What did Silent Spring documented about the effects of the chemical pesticide DDT?
Published in 1962, Silent spring demonstrated how DDT entered the food chain and accumulated in the fatty tissues of animals, including human beings, and caused cancer and genetic damage.
What did Silent Spring accomplished regarding DDT production?
Despite enormous pushback from the chemical industry, the President’s Science Advisory Committee vindicated Carson’s findings, and DDT was eventually banned.
What wide spread message and ideals did Silent Spring left as legacy?
People began to understand that “nature was vulnerable to human intervention,” and that, “at times, technological progress is so fundamentally at odds with natural processes that it must be curtailed.” Some see the widespread acceptance of the need to regulate industry in order to protect the planet as the birth of environmentalism.
What does Ron Cobb’s ecology symbol stand for?
Devised in 1969 in the Los Angeles Free Press on November 7. This symbol combined a lower-case “e” (for “environment”) with an “o” (for “organism”); the unbroken elliptical outer line of the “e” represented the planetary orbit, while the round nature of the inner “o” was a symbol for unity and wholeness. This symbol would later be added to the ecology flag.
How was Earth Day borne?
U.S. senator, Gaylord Nelson, wanted to raise awareness of environmental issues and promoted a series of informal lectures on college campuses. A volunteer for that campaign, Julien Koenig, suggested the term “Earth Day” to happen on his birthday April 22, which became an annual event to honor the need to protect the environment.
What turn did folk music take in the late 1960s?
Folk music and protest activities had become intertwined in the late 1960s, led by singers such as Pete Seeger, Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, and the group Peter, Paul and Mary.
What album earned Joni Mitchell her first Grammy award?
Clouds. The album included “Both Sides Now” and “Chelsea Morning,” two songs by Mitchell that had been previously performed by other artists. Clouds rose to Number 31 on the Billboard charts and led to hers first Grammy award, for “Best Folk Performance.”
What inspired Mitchell to write the Big Yellow Taxi?
Thought the windows of a hotel room in Hawaii she a “paradise” (green, lush hills, old Sugarloaf Mountain, white birds, Myna birds) and, right in the middle of it all, was a big parking lot. This inspired the one of themes, “misguided destruction of ‘paradise’ for the sake of money,” in her song.
What pesticide is referenced in Mitchell’s “Big Yellow Taxi’?
Mitchell references DDT, urging that it not be used in agriculture—a timely concern, since it would still be two more years before the United States would ban the pesticide.
What music genre is Big Yellow Taxi?
The environmental topics of “Big Yellow Taxi” led Mitchell to dub its upbeat style as “Ecology rock ’n’ roll.”
How does Mitchell create contrast in Big yellow taxi?
Mitchell creates contrast by shifting the harmony during each chorus, along with changes in the guitar’s strumming pattern and the number of accompanying instruments.
Who said “A man can do all things if he will” and what was the nickname associated with that quote
Leon Battista Alberti and the “Renaissance man”
Where was Donald Glover born
Kern county California
What religious group was Donald Glover a part of growing up
Jehovah’s Witness
At his highschool graduation Donald Glover got voted as most likely to write for what show
The Simpsons
What did Donald Glovers parents work as
A postal worker (His father) and, a Daycare worker (his Mother)
What did Donald Glovers put in his resume/application that got him a major writing job
A script of a Simpson episode he thought of
What was the pseudonym that Donald Glover made Rap under
Childish Gambino
What year did Donald Glover first release any songs
when did Donald Glover get his first Grammy, and what song was it for
2018 for “Redbone”
When was feel like summer released
who wrote feel like summer
Donald Grover
What is the song “Feel like summer” trying to talk about
climate change
Where did Donald Grover grow up
Stone mountain, Georgia
What was the first animated series Donald Grover worked on
The Simpsons
What art school did Donald Grover attend
Tisch School for Arts in New York
What did Rachel Carson’s 1962 book about the dangers of DDT helped rase awareness for?
That industry needs to be monitored to ensure that the environment is protected.
How far does the oldest known study of ecology date back to?
The fourth century BCE
Why was a 1969 ecology symbol added to a flag?
In support of the first Earth Day gatherings in
How many people took part in the first Earth Day gatherings?
20 Million people.
What did Joni Mitchell call the style of her 1970 song?
“Ecology rock ’n’ roll,”
What song does Rolling Stone Magazine have listed as Number 48 in the “500 Greatest Songs of
All Time.”?
How did Donald Glover get the name of “Childish Gambino
A name-generator on the Wu-Tang
Clan website.
What job did Einaudi’s grandfather used to have?
He is a former president of Italy.
Who helped Einaudi learn to have an open way of thinking about music?
Composer Luciano Berio (1925–2003).
Who made Icarus in Flight (2018)?
Richard Festinger (b. 1948).
Which climate-focused composition that received worldwide attention in 2016?
Elegy for the Arctic
Who made is Audyssey (2022)?
Eduardo Del Signore (b. circa 1955),
What was Audyssey (2022) created for?
The Climate Music Project.
What did Greenpeace lobby in 2016?
In 2016, Greenpeace was lobbying the delegates to that year’s OSPAR Commission meeting to create a sanctuary in the fragile international waters around the North Pole that would protect it from destructive industries such as drilling and over-fishing.
What is the nature of an elegy?
The nature of an elegy is sorrowful or melancholy, and it is often intended to mourn one who is dead.
When was the Climate Music Project founded and what is their aspiration?
Founded 2014, to unite “science + music + action” It is a nonprofit organization
Stephan Crawford was the founder of “Climate Music Project” what did he serve as a director of outside of the project?
U.S. Department of Commerce’s Commercial Service office while a student at Tufts University
How is a Climate Music Project’s Concert set up?
Performance is introduced by climate scientist, followed by Q&A Panel, or other call to action. Each Concert “pairs an original composition with a visualization of one aspect of climate change”
Who wrote “Elegy for the Arctic” (2016)?
Ludovico Einaudi
What is Greenpeace?
an organization devoted to peaceful activism on behalf of the environment, it had gotten underway in 1971 when a group of British Columbians were alarmed about U.S Nuclear weapon testing on Amchitka Island off of Alaska’s cost
What did Greenpeace commission Ludovico Einaudi to assist them with in 2016?
A company to persuade the Convention for Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (better known as OSPAR commission) to create marine sanctuary. This made Einaudi write “Elegy for the Arctic”
The Tempo Project was lead by Dr. Lucy Jones who wrote “In Nomine Terra Calens: In the name of a warming Earth” (2019) for a voila da gamba ensemble. What did the Bass Viols play and what was it derived from?
It was derived from the Earth’s average surface temperature data for 138 years; the melody starts on the instruments lowest pitch and ends on the highest pitch
“Feels Like Summer” (2018) used a contemporary R&B approach what was the song form that he used and what lyrical meaning was within it?
It was set in Verse-Chorus form with a pre-chorus. The Lyrics made a clear reference to environmental threats stemming from ever-warming planet. He employed Word-Painting to simulate the silence that would result from loss of birds
True or False: Einaudi’s “Elegy for the Arctic” reaches a clear conclusion where the mourning of the piece is brought to light
False: The Piece does not reach a clear conclusion; instead, it leaves listeners hanging on a unresolved leading tone (E natural)
What kind of mood does “Elegy for the Arctic” by Lodovico Einaudi have?
It’s a mournful piece for the ecological suffering of the Arctic Region. It’s minor mode reinforced with pedal tones contrasting with Delicato passages.
What form does “Elegy for the Arctic” (2016) by Lodovico Einaudi follow?
What did the Steinway & Sons Corporation point out as “the northernmost grand piano concert ever held.”?
Elegy for the Arctic by Ludovico Einaudi
What are some performance details for “Elegy for the Arctic” (2016) Ludovico Einaudii?
Since the sun does not set in the Arctic in June, filming began half-hour past midnight. Einaudi brought audio recording as back up but ended up being very happy with the tuning and action of the piano despite the cold. (It was around 0 degree C/ 32 degrees F)
How does “Elegy for the Arctic” (2016) begin?
Left hand sustains a pedal tone “F” in octaves; right hand plays two phrases of slowly rising melody in F minor (Harmonized in sixths) marked “rubato”; third archlike phrase ends with Leading Tone
What three nations blocked all attempts to create the protected Arctic region according to the video posted June 20th 2016?
Norway, Denmark, and Iceland
Who published Silent Spring?
Rachel Carson
Who’s picture was taken standing in front of Yosemite Valley in 1906?
John Muir and President Theodore Roosevelt
What year did John Muir began writing essays about the Sierra Nevada?
When was the Sierra club founded
When was Yellowstone established?
What was the second national park?
Sequoia 1890
The National Park Service itself was created in what year?
When did Britain pass a “Clean Air Act”?
When did America pass an act similar to the “Clean Air Act”?
When was America’s version of the clean air act strengthen?
Who wrote Walden; or Life in the Woods
Henry David Thoreau
Who inspired the Author of Walden; or Life in the Woods
Ralph Waldo Emerson’s
When did Joni Mitchell adapt the nickname “Joni”
until she reached high school in 1957.183
How did Joni get her Surname?
From her ex husband and fold singer Chuck Mitchell
Who was responsible for the first layer of material for “Idioteque”?
Jonny Greenwood.
What track number is “Idioteque” on the album Kid A?
Eighth track.
What type of equipment did Greenwood use to create the drum sounds?
Old-style synthesizers.
What does the term “ostinato” refer to in music?
A persistent repeating pattern.
What genre does the drum pattern in “Idioteque” resemble?
Electronic Dance Music (EDM).
What does theorist Brad Osborn suggest the syllable “-teque” in “Idioteque” refers to?
“Discothèque,” indicating it’s a dance piece.
How is “Idioteque” sometimes categorized aside from EDM?
Intelligent Dance Music (IDM).
Who wrote the “Tristan chord”?
Richard Wagner
In what year did Paul Lansky compose his piece mild und leise?
Which composer’s work did Greenwood sample for “Idioteque”?
Paul Lansky
What type of meter is the drum pattern in “Idioteque” transcribed in?
^ meter
What does “fx” stand for in the context of the “Idioteque” score?
Effects, or artificially created sounds.
What is the significance of the voice in “Idioteque”?
It enhances the sense of stress and hysteria.
What does melismatic text-setting involve?
Extending a syllable over several different pitches.
What type of images does Yorke’s lyrics in “Idioteque” evoke?
Anxious postmodern images, often with environmental themes.
What is the more gender inclusive nickname instead of ‘Renaissance man’ to describe a person who is” gifted and skilled in many different areas”?
How did Donald Glover (the composer of Listening Companion 13: “Feels Like Summer” (2018) come up with pseudonym ‘Chidish Gambino’ under which he’d write rap?
he had taken it from a name generating tool on the website of the hip-hop group Wu-Tang Clan
When is it evident in Listening Companion 12: “Feels Like Summer” (2018) by Donald Glover (aka Childish Gambino) that there is a darker meaning behind the lyrics than is originally thought due to the song having a “lush and rhythmic” background that sounds like a “night club party” despite the mode being minor?
in the pre-chorus (the section of the song that functions as a transition between the verse and chorus
What idea, that is suggested by the title Listening Companion 13: “Feels Like Summer” (2018) composed by Donald Glover (aka Childish Gambino), does the introduction and first verse of this song support?
that the song will be similar in character to “Summertime Magic” which was also composed by Donald Glover
In the pre-chorus of Listening Companion 13: “Feels Like Summer” (2018) composed by Donald Glover (aka Childish Gambino), how does Glover express his worry of Earth being and rapidly becoming too overcrowded? (Hint: Marvin Gaye also fretted about the overcrowded land”)
by referencing the “seven billion souls” on the planet that are rolling even faster despite mankind building machinery that takes control over our choices
In Listening Companion 13: “Feels Like Summer” (2018) composed by Donald Glover (aka Childish Gambino), what is the significance of the minor mode in the first chorus?
subconsciously prepares the audience for the chorus’s last rather defeated phrase “but it just seems the same” after the previous lines in the chorus expressed hope that the world would change
When in Listening Companion 13: “Feels Like Summer” (2018) composed by Donald Glover (aka Childish Gambino), does Glover clarifies his environmental concerns?
the second pre-chorus as he it is not done in the second verse because it is very similar to the first verse
What is word painting, and how is it used in Listening Companion 13: “Feels Like Summer” (2018) composed by Donald Glover (aka Childish Gambino)?
word painting is a technique in which a composer uses musical elements to help convey a word’s literal meaning; it has been popular since the Renassaince era. In our listening example, this technique is used in the second pre-chorus when he sings the lyric “no sound” and all other background noises disappear as his word fade away.
How does using the musical technique word painting in his piece Listening Companion 13: “Feels Like Summer” (2018), allow Donald Glover (aka Childish Gambino) help him prove his point?
after a moment of utter silence, the background music resumes which proves Gembino’s point that we tend to about out normal business rather than address the Earth’s urgent needs
What does the last line (“Oh, I hope we change”) of Listening Companion 13: “Feels Like Summer” (2018) composed by Donald Glover (aka Childish Gambino) emphasize?
the unlikelihood that his hopes [of people to stop ignoring the planets needs and begin to address climate change] being realized due to it being almost inaudible
How come there are no song reviews that mention the animation Donald Glover (aka Childish Gambino) created to support his song Listening Companion 13: “Feels Like Summer” (2018)?
because when the two Summer Pack tracks were first released (dropped) the video had no been released yet, and it would not be until September 2, 2018
True or False? Due to Donald Glover waiting six weeks before dropping his animated video to support his song Listening Companion 13; “Feels Like Summer” (2018), the extensive reviews that were written therefore focused more on the lyrics and message of his song?
False; despite viewers having six weeks to listen and absorb his message of environmental concerns found in the lyrics as soon as the video became released all the attention was diverted away from the real meaning of the songs. This perfectly demonstrated how celebrity obsession allows us to completely disregard the more uncomfortable messages/facts
When Donald Grover (aka Childish Gambino) released an extended version of “Feels Like Summer”, he added it to his RCA album, 3.15.20 (which was released March 15th, 2020) and retitled the name to what?
42.26 (reflecting its position, timewise, from the start of the recording)
What does the Tempo Project (led by Dr. Lucy Jones) believe?
that music can inspire action and “that it can be used to change the emotional climate about climate change”
In her composition “In the Nomine Terra Calens: In the name of a warming Earth”, how does Dr. Lucy Jones generate a bass line that is played by a bass viol (synonym for viola da gamba)?
by using Earth’s average surface temperature data from the previous 138 years (1880 to 2017)
Who is considered the “Father of Medicine”?
Hippocrates, published De aëre, aquis, et locis.
Emerson’s “Nature” outlined an approach to
limit human expansion into the wilderness
What British monarch banned the burning of coal in London?
Edward I in 1306
What organization was MOST influenced by the writings of John Muir?
Sierra Club
What does the unbroken elliptical outer line of “e” in Ron Cobb’s ecology symbol represent?
planetary orbit
What event inspired Joni Mitchell to write music?
giving up her baby for adoption
Joni Mitchell was FIRST interested in
poetry and painting
What song was released on the Clouds album?
songs “Both Sides Now” and “Chelsea Morning”
The title of Ladies of the Canyon alludes to an area called
Laurel Canyon, which is a bohemian neighborhood in Southern California.
Joni Mitchell composed “Big Yellow Taxi” after
visiting the Hawaiian Islands in 1969
To what venue does “Big Yellow Taxi” refer?
Foster Botanical Garden and Royal Hawaiian Resort
What subject De aëre, aquis, et locis address?
Henry David Thoreau published a text regarding time in Massachusetts called?
Walden; or Life in the Woods
Who composed “Big Yellow Taxi”?
Joni Mitchell
In “Big Yellow Taxi,” the “bop vocal” singing was credited to
“The Saskatunes”
How does the artist in “Big Yellow Taxi” create contrast among the verses?
shifting the harmony
Multi-tracking requires an artist to
assemble several recordings and combine them
What mode does “Big Yellow Taxi” feature?
How did the “live” version of “Big Yellow Taxi” differ from the original?
It included a saxophone studio
The “live” version of “Big Yellow Taxi” FIRST appeared on
Miles of Aisles
How many versions of “Big Yellow Taxi” exist as of January 2024?
575, these versions are known as ‘covers’
What instrument opens “Big Yellow Taxi”?
acoustic guitar
What lyric is part of the FIRST verse in “Big Yellow Taxi”?
“And a swinging hot spot”
What musical technique accompanies the word “Please” in “Big Yellow Taxi”?
melisma, which involves singing multiple pitches to a single syllable
What percussion instrument is part of the accompaniment in “Big Yellow Taxi”?
gourd, congas, and finger cymbals
What version of “Big Yellow Taxi” was performed on Friends?
“Traffic Jam Mix”
The artist who wrote “Big Yellow Taxi” also compiled
Shine in 2007
In “Big Yellow Taxi,” the “bop vocal” comprises the verse
“Woo, pa-pa-pa-pa”
Who founded Motown Records?
Berry Gordy, Jr. in 1959
What was the initial name of Motown Records?
Tamla Records
Rhythm and blues was originally a broad term for
music written by non-white performers
What song was the BIGGEST hit for Motown Records in 1968?
“I Heard It Through the Grapevine”
How many songs were on the original LP of What’s Going On?
9 songs
How did What’s Going On differ from past Motown records?
It included the lyrics for each song.
What song in What’s Going On was included on Side 2 of the LP?
“Right On” , there are a total of three songs on Side 2
One of Marvin Gaye’s early hits included
“How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)”
The sign over the Motown Record offices read
“Hitsville U.S.A.”
Where was Motown Records based?
Detroit, Michigan
What religious text do the notes of What’s Going On mention?
Ten Commandments
What song reached number one on the 1971 Billboard charts?
“What’s Going On”
What song on What’s Going On was in the top 10 of the 1971 Billboard charts?
“Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)”
How did “What’s Going On” differ from Marvin Gaye’s older work?
It was a protest piece.
Marvin Gaye’s father worked as a(n)
preacher at the “The House of God, the Holy Church of the Living God, The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, the House of Prayer for All People”
What instrument opens “Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)”?
The Mellotron appears in
“Strawberry Fields Forever”
What is distinctive about “Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)” compared to the other songs on the album on which it premiered?
The singer wrote the lyrics exclusively
What form does “Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)” use?
Who was the percussionist who recorded “Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)”?
Jack Ashford
“Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)” premiered on
What’s Going On
What is the tempo indicator of “Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)”?
What verse is in the LAST section of “Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)”?
“What about this overcrowded land?”
What verse in “Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)” is over-dubbed?
“Have mercy, father”, which means they were recorded separately and then layered onto the main record
The genre of “Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)” is
rhythm and blues
What environmental issue does “Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)” feature?
high mercury levels in fish and radiation in the sky
The coda of “Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)” opens with a
saxophone solo followed by the Mellotron entrance
The Mellotron relies on
pre-recorded sounds
In what section of “Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)” does the Mellotron appear?
Who is the lead vocalist of Radiohead?
Thomas Yorke
What label FIRST signed Radiohead?
EMI signed them in 1992
The FIRST album Radiohead released is called
Pablo Honey
What was Radiohead’s first American hit?
What Radiohead album was released MOST recently?
Amnesiac in 2001
“Idioteque” was released on the album called
Kid A
The “Tristan” chord comprises
F, B, D-sharp, G-sharp
Who FIRST developed the Tristan chord?
Richard Wagner
Info: developed the “Tristan” chord for his opera Tristan und Isolde. It was modified for mild und leise
What is the interval between the FIRST two notes of the foundational chord in mild und leise?
minor third
The primary meter of “Idioteque” is
What musical characteristic is MOST typical of electronic dance music?
ostinato drum pattern
Info: a classic component of electronic dance music
The rhythmic passage in the intro of “Idioteque” FIRST appeared in
“Short Piece” done by Arthur Kreiger
What word in “Idioteque” is sung using melisma?
The fx during the outro of “Idioteque” sound MOST like
faint shriks
The FINAL lyric of “Idioteque” is
“Ev’rything all of the time”
What lyric opens the chorus in “Idioteque”?
“Here I’m allowed”
The Beatles’ FIRST album is called
Please Please Me
What event caused Paul McCartney to develop a drinking problem?
the breakup of the Beatles
How many copies must be sold for an album to be certified “platinum”?
1 million
The title of Egypt Station came from a
painting made by Paul McCartney in 1988
What group did Paul McCartney launch?
Wings, a rock group
A symphonic rock song will MOST likely include
multi-movement structures
What instrument opens “Despite Repeated Warnings”?
What is the key of Section II in “Despite Repeated Warnings”?
G minor
What song follows a “suite structure”?
“Band on the Run”
In “Despite Repeated Warnings,” the backup singers sing the verse,
“What can we do”
In order to modify the harmony in “Despite Repeated Warnings,” Paul McCartney uses a
chromatic mediant in Section II
Paul McCartney was inspired to write “Despite Repeated Warnings” after
reading an article on climate change
What event did Paul McCartney mention during his explanation of the rationale for “Despite Repeated Warnings”?
sinking of the Titanic
What Beatles’ album sold the MOST copies?
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
What diagram BEST represents the structure of Section I in “Despite Repeated Warnings”?
Where did Donald Glover refine his comedic skills?
New York University at the Tisch School of Arts
The term “Renaissance man” refers to someone who is
skilled in many areas
What event prompted Donald Glover to create a mixtape?
labor strike by writers
The music video for “This Is America” featured
scenes of gun violence
What record label FIRST signed Childish Gambino?
Glassnote Records signed him in 2011
What series did Donald Glover create?
Atlanta with FX, it premiered in 2016 and ran until 2022
How did Summer Pack differ from Childish Gambino’s earlier work?
It featured rhythm and blues-influenced songs.
What term refers to the section between the verse and the chorus in a song?
What phrase in “Feels Like Summer” is an example of word-painting?
“No sound”
Who drew the characters in the music video for “Feels Like Summer”?
Justin Richburg
What lyric in “Feels Like Summer” is part of the chorus?
“I’m hopin’ that this world will change”
An extended version of “Feels Like Summer” appears on
3.15.20 album
What is the FIRST track on Summer Pack?
“Summertime Magic”
What animated celebrity appears FIRST in the music video for “Feels Like Summer?
Lil Pump
Who established the Tempo Project?
Lucy Jones
What instrument is MOST like the viola da gamba?
The goal of the Tempo Project is to
change the perception of climate change risks
What profession is one of the specified audiences for the Tempo Project?
psychologists, social scientists
In what government department did the founder of the ClimateMusic Project work?
Department of CommerceW
What composition did Richard Festinger write?
Icarus in Flight
What composition was the FIRST one commissioned for the ClimateMusic Concerts series?
Climate by Erik Ian Walker
Ludovico Einaudi first wrote
film scores for Italian films
What organization commissioned Elegy for the Arctic?
Elegies are intended to
mourn the dead
What is the pitch of the pedal tone in Elegy for the Artic?
F, it is sustained in the beginning for ten measures
The second section of Elegy for the Arctic is marked
What is the opening dynamic level of Elegy for the Arctic?
What is the leading tone in Elegy for the Artic?
Elegy for the Arctic was commissioned to reinforce a campaign to
create a sanctuary in the North Pole
The field of ecology dates back to the
fourth century BCE
Rachel Carson’s 1962 book describes the dangers from
pesticide usage
In “Big Yellow Taxi,” Joni Mitchell used over-dubbing to
add bop-vocal harmonies
What musical characteristic is MOST representative of Radiohead’s style?
experimenting with synthesizers
What percussion instrument produces a unique tone color in “Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)”?
wood block
What composer does Radiohead sample in “Idioteque”?
Paul Lansky
The chord progression in “Idioteque” stems from one found in
Tristan und Isolde
In “Idioteque,” melismatic text-setting is used to
create a sense of wailing
What is the genre of “Despite Repeated Warnings”?
progressive rock
“Despite Repeated Warnings” was released on what album?
Egypt Station
How did Donald Glover develop his rap alias?
He used an online name-generator
What group was the target audience for Elegy for the Arctic?
OSPAR Commission to establish a marine sanctuary in the Arctic Ocean.
What composition did Lucy Jones write?
In Nomine Terra Calens: In the name of a warming Earth
In Le chant des oiseaux, the composer mimics
bird calls
Which event occurs in the sixteenth century?
a. Richard Wagner composes Tristan und Isolde.
b. King Edward I bans coal-burning in London.
c. Athanasius Kircher authors Musurgia universalis.
d. John Muir publishes his first essays.
e. Conquistadors visit the Grand Canyon
Conquistadors visit the Grand Canyon
Who composed Winterreise?
Franz Schubert
Which of the following events occurred LAST?
a. Sequoia is named the United States’ second national park.
b. Antonio Vivaldi publishes the “Four Seasons” violin concertos
c. Europeans encounter Niagara Falls.
d. Richard Wagner composes Tristan und Isolde
e. Henry David Thoreau publishes Walden; or Life in the Woods
Sequoia is named the United States’ second national park.
“The Flight of the Bumblebee” was FIRST included in what opera?
The Tale of Tsar Saltan
Which piece did Ferde Grofé compose FIRST?
a. Niagara Falls Suite
b. Yellowstone Suite
c. Death Valley Suite
d. Hudson River Suite
e. Dawn at Lake Mead
Death Valley Suite
Olivier Messiaen composed Le quatuor pour la fin du temps while
staying in a prisoner-of-war camp
Which event occurred in the 1960s?
a. Marvin Gaye releases “What’s Going On.”
b. The Berlin Wall falls.
c. Tōru Takemitsu establishes an experimental workshop in Japan.
d. Michael Abels earns the “Outstanding Senior” award at USC.
e. Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring
Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring
Which composition did Frank Bridge write?
a. Elegy for the Arctic
b. Reflections on the Mississippi
c. Rain Tree Sketch II—In Memoriam Olivier Messiaen
d. Queries
e. The Sea
The Sea
Which song was a hit in the same year as Louis Armstrong’s version of “Hello, Dolly!”?
a. “How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)”
b. “Big Yellow Taxi”
c. “Idioteque”
d. “I Heard It Through the Grapevine”
e. “What’s Going On”
“How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)”
Where did Mississippi Suite: A Journey in Tones premiere?
New York in 1926
Hovhaness composed Symphony No. 10 to commemorate the
eruption of Mount St. Helens
Which album was voted “Best album ever” by the readers of Q magazine?
a. Kid A
b. 3.15.20
c. Shine
d. Amnesiac
e. OK Computer
OK Computer in 1997
What is the genre of Yellowstone for Violin and Orchestra?
Which record label produced 3.15.20?
a. Sony Music Entertainment
b. Universal Music Group
c. Warner Music Group
d. Capitol Records:
e. RCA Records
RCA Records
Crotales are also called
antique cymbals
A scale in Dorian mode will have a half step interval between scale degrees
2 and 3
The B section of a song using 32-bar form is called a(n)
A bodhran would MOST likely be used in a(n)
folk song
What is the abbreviation for an enhanced sound?
Which musical technique MOST affects the perception of the meter?
a. grace note
b. hemiola
c. multi-tracking
d. leitmotif
e. double-stop
How does a fermata affect a note?
It extends its duration
An ornithologist studies
Sawari seeks to reproduce
natural sounds
Prepared piano requires a pianist to
place objects inside it
A sustained low pitch is called a
pedal tone
What type of song would MOST likely be performed at a funeral?
What is the musical texture of a chant?