Music Section 2 Flashcards
What is programmatic music?
instrumental music that conveys a sense of a specific storyline but without the use of lyrics
What are the first two pieces of music mentioned in Section II of the Music Guide that are classified as depicting generalized scenes? (Hint: They are both titled The Sea)
Claude Debussy’s French symphonic work La mer (“The Sea”) (1905) and Frank Bridge’s orchestral suite The Sea (1924)
Who paid tribute to the Amazon Rive (second longest) in his 1999 ballet score Aguas da Amazonia (“Waters of the Amazon”)?
Philip Grass
Who became the first Black woman to have a symphony performed by a major orchestra? What instrumental composition depicting the Mississippi River did she compose in 1934?
the woman was Florence Prince and she composed the Mississippi River Suite
What is the name of the composition by Alan Hovhaness (completed in 1982) that commemorated the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980?
Symphony No. 50: “Mount St. Helens (it was completed in the same year that Congress declared the region of the eruption as a national monument)
What are ways composers portray the world with their compositions?
They make musical compositions that sometimes illustrate Earth’s geographic features, while other works might address the weather conditions. Composers showcased variety of things that reside on Earth as well.
The National Park suggests the Mississippi River might be the most musical river. What are three compositions created about the Mississippi?
- Mississippi River Suite (1934) by Florence Price, 2. Mississippi Suite: A Journey in Tones (1926) Ferde Grofé, 3. Reflections on the Mississippi (2013) Michael Daugherty
What was the first orchestra work by a black composer (William Grant Still) to be preformed by a major American orchestra?
Afro-American Symphony (1931)
What are the 5 subsections in William Grant Still’s American Scene (1957) where he surveyed most of the United States?
(In order, note all of these have “Suite” and the number 1-5 in front.) “The East”, “The South,” “The Old West”, “The Far West”, “The Southwest: A Mountain, A Memorial, and a Song”
Compositions that illustrate Geographical features have many works that celebrate geographic landmarks (such as rivers, lakes, mountains). What are the two types of depictions that are generally made?
Generalized: meaning it the composer did NOT write about a specific place. Precise: meaning the composer had an exact location in mind
Many composers do this in their music that helps reflect nature, & not humans?
they make their songs with no lyrics
Many depictions of nature are generalized. meaning that they…?
do not depict any specific place/thing
Many of Earths greatest rivers hove had music made after them. what were the 3 listed in the passage?
Amazon, Yellow, & Mississippi rivers
Ferde Grofe has made many ‘suites’ depicting geographical landmarks in America. what were the 6 listed in the passage made between 1929-1961?
Yellowstone, Niagara Falls, Death Valley, Hudson River, Grand Canyon. as well as ‘Dawn at Lake Mead’
In What year did Grofe fist visit the canyon that made him popular?
what Czech composer composed a song on the Vltava river
Bedřich Smetana
Who wrote the song yellow River canatat based of the Amazone river
Xian Xinghai
Who invoked the help of many chines composers to revised the old works of Xian Xinghai
Yin Chengzong
True or false. Over a thousand have addressed the Mississippi river
What two geographical features featuring water did Michael Daugherty compose songs on
This Mississippi, and Niagara falls
What time signature and Key is “Burro” motif from “On the Trail” (1929-31) Ferde Grofe?
6/8 Key of A
What Form is Grand Canyon Suite, “On The Trail” (1929-31) Ferde Grofe written in?
A-B-A-C-A Rondo form (rondo form is alternating contrasting themes, typically called “Episodes”)
What was the two main sources of inspiration for “Burro” motif from “On the trail” (1929-31) Ferde Grofe?
- five pile-drivers thumping along building operation in Chicago, the broken rhythm reminded him of metrical hoof-tap he heard a lot in Arizona. 2. The Melody was adapted from a 1926 popular song “Horses” by Bryon Gay and Richard Whiting.\
What as one of Frede Grofe’s main inspirations for “The Cowboy Song” motif in “On the trail” (1929-31)?
His infant son, he was sleeping under a tree in Chicago and he was rocking his child so sleep when the “lullaby” came to him
Frede Grofe’s first Section A for “On the Trail” threw in a surprise using coconut shells to create what kind of sound? Additionally, what do some orchestras use as substitute?
The Clip-clop sound of hooves; some orchestras substitute temple blocks
The Intro form of Grand Canyon Suite “On the Trail” (1929-31), Has 5 notable time frames, One of which being where violin introduces the rhythm of the “Burro” motif, with an accelerando. What note does this accelerando end with?
A very High “E”
During the Waterfall and music-box section, what tone of color does Frede Grofe call for that was uncommon in 1931?
Celesta: a Small keyboard-operated percussion instrument that produces a bell-like sound
What Modern Day theme has made the celesta’s sound better known?
“Hedwig’s Theme” from Harry Potter Films
In “On the Trail” at the beginning, the harp ascends through an arpeggio, the members of the ensemble then sustain their pitches as what?
Fermata - a moment in a piece which the sense of moving forward motion stops briefly
What is a glissando?
a musical technique that involves sliding smoothly between notes instead of playing them individually
What part of “Horses” by Gay and Whiting, did Grofe use to adapt the melody for “Burro” motif?
The Chorus
What onomatopoeia was used throughout Grade Canyon Suite “On the Trail”?
What radio show used Grand Canyon Suite, “On the Trail” (1929-1931) composed by Ferde Grofe as its signature tune for twenty years?
the Philip Morris Radio Show
What era excelled in “stormy” aural depictions in music? (Option choices: Baroque era, Classic era, and the Romantic era)
the Romantic era which compromised most of the 19th century and it included the word of Ludwig van Beethoven (composer of Listening example #2)
As Baroque operas (theatrical works in which the performers sing their dialogue), what do the “Tempete” (“Tempest”) in Marin Marais’s 1706 opera Alcione and Act IV of Jean-Phillipe Rameau’s Hippolyte et Aricie (1733) have in common?
they both feature storm scenes
The Classical Era, which superseded the Baroque style and persisted into the 19th century, contributed additional “storms” (a common theme found in Baroque operas) especially in a new genre known as what? Define it as well.
symphony which is an orchestral genre compromised (customarily) of three or four contrasting movements
How did Beethoven differ from most composers in his time? (Hint: think in regards to employment)
he was one of the first composers to succeed in working “freelance” rather than as an employee of some patron. This allowed him to have free will for his artistic vision and compose what he wanted
True or False? Joseph Haydn, Beethoven’s colleague, did not have the free will to compose the music he wanted
True. Haydn was in service of, for most of his career, Esterhazys, a noble Hungarian family. Despite being a highly valued employee, Haydn was still a servant which meant he had to wear livery (household uniform) and obey commands as to what to write music about
What are the names of the five movements of Beethoven’s Sixth (“Pastoral”) Symphony?
1). Awakening of Cheerful Feelings on Arrival in the Countryside 2). Scene by the Brook 3). Merry Gathering of Country Folk 4). Thunderstorm 5). Shepherd’s Song. Cheerful and Thankful Feelings After the Storm
In what movement of Beethoven’s Sixth (“Pastoral”) Symphony– Listening Example #2– are bird calls imitated? What types of bird calls?
the bird calls of a nightingale, a quail, and a cuckoo are imitated in the second movement
In what movement of Beethoven’s Sixth (“Pastoral”) Symphony– Listening Example #2– is a programmatic storm presented?
the fourth movement which is titled “Thunderstorm”
How did Beethoven emphasize the sense of a storyline in his composition: Sixth (“Pastoral”) Symphony which is our Listening Example #2?
by having no breaks between the third, fourth, and fifth movements (this is in contrast to the brief “pauses” that normally occur between symphonic movements)
What did future generations characterize Beethoven’s distinctive [bombastic] opening motif as what because it was viewed as a metaphor for the heartbreaking onset of Beethoven’s deafness and his determination to fight onward as a composer? (Hint: This characterization did not come from Beethoven himself)
“Fate knocking at the door”
What is the musical technique tremolo?
a rapid repitition of a pitch or an oscillation between two pitches that creates a “trembling” effect
What usual combination of cultures is represented in Toru Takemitsu’s music?
Western and Asian
When was Tōru Takemitsu born and when did he die?
He was born in 1930 and he died in 1996.
What is a goal of sawari?
A goal of sawari is to reproduce the sounds of nature.
When did Toru Takemitsu secretly listen to a recording of a French popular song?
During World War II.
What did Toru Takemitsu do during his postwar work for the U.S Armed Forces?
He listened eagerly to the records his colleagues brought from America.
When was Kenzaburo Oe born and when did he die?
He was born in 1935 and died in 2023.
What is the Samanea saman commonly known as?
The “rain tree”
What short story did Kenzaburo Oe write about the “rain tree”?
“Atama no ii, Ame no ki” (“An Intelligent rain Tree”)
What collection won Kenzaburo Oe the Yomoiuri Literary Prize?
“Ante no ki o kiku on’natachi”
What does Ame no ki require the performers to play?
Keyboard percussion and crotales.
What percussion keyboard instruments does Ame no ki consist of?
Two marimbas and a vibraphone.
When was “Ante no ki o kiku on’natachi” published?
What is a series of works that Takemitsu created while pursuing sawari?
What motif is used in the Waterscape series?
The S-E-A motif
What three pitches is the S-E-A motif composed of in Rain Tree?
Eb-E-A which involve a rising half step followed by an upward perfect fourth interval.
How is Eb interpreted differently in German then it is in English? (Rain Tree reading)
Unlike the English interpretation of Eb being E-flat, German speaking musician would interpret this pith as Es. The “s’ in this case stands for sanft meaning soft which indicates lowering the pitch.
T/F. During section B, the vibrophone makes its first entrance in Rain tree.
What is trying to be resemble when the crotales are being improvised during section B in Rain Fall?
The improvisation seeks to mimic rain droplets.
What type of pattern do the marimbas players A and B perform during section three in Rain Fall?
Call-and response pattern in which precisely measured music is performed, playing patterns that mimic each other.
What role does player C (vibraphone) have during section C in Rail Fall?
Player C join the ensemble in minute 3:59, playing syncopated chords on the vibraphone (motor off).
What visual element is employed during the performances (on stage) of Rain Tree?
The stage is dark and spot of light fall under the three player at varied times which add add a compelling theatrical enhancement to the piece.
When did Rain Tree made it’s Japanese debut?
Describe section D of Rain Tree.
Player A and B improvise scattered rain drops behind the vibraphone solo; Player C starts with syncopated chords on the vibraphone and moves to busy arpeggios on crotales.
What 1985 famous film did Takemitsu wrote a film score for that expanded his international reputation?
He wrote the score for Akira Kurosawa’s “Ran” a movie which is still regarded as one of the greatest films of all time.
How long is flight of the bumblebee
1 minute and 22 seconds
What 5 forms dose flight of the bumblebee go through
A intro, A, B, A’, A coda
What year did flight of a bumblebee premier
What other famous song uses the name of the same animal as flight of the bumblebee made by François
L’Abeille (The Bee)
What song was used for the commercial LURPAK “Butter”, The Muppet show, and the 1948 bogie
flight of the bumblebee
What bird imitation is in Sumer is icumen in
A cuckoo.
What three types of birds are imitated during the song “Le chant des oyseaulx” (The songs of the birds)
Cuckoo, blackbird, and nightingale.
Who wrote the song “Le chant des oyseaulx” (The songs of the birds)
Clément Janequin
Who wrote “Quatuor pour la fin du Temps” (quarter end of times) and “Réveil des Oiseaux” (Awakening of the birds)
Olivier Messiaen
Where was the creator of “Quatuor pour la fin du Temps” (quarter end of times) when it was written and premiered
A WWII POW (prisoner of war) camp
How many bird imitations are there in “Réveil des Oiseaux” (Awakening of the birds)
What is the study of birds called
How did Ferde Grofe regarded himself as?
Ferde Grofé regarded himself as a “composer of Americana,” an achievement that was helped by his widespread exposure to the United States.
At what age did Ferde Grofe joined the Los Angeles Symphony?
He joined the Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra as a violist at age seventeen, playing with that ensemble for a decade.
What Orchestra made Frede Grofe famous?
Grofé would likely be unknown today if he had not joined the Paul Whiteman Orchestra as an arranger in 1920.
What type of symphonic arrangement did Grofe created of Rhapsody in Blue?
He created the symphonic jazz arrangement of George Gershwin’s two-piano version of Rhapsody in Blue (1924).
Into what type of Disney film Grand Canyon Suite incorporated to?
Walt Disney adapted this score for a 1958 short film depicting numerous vistas of the canyon; this film won the Academy Award for Best Short Subject (Live Action).
What group did Yin Chengzong lead in 1969?
Yellow River Piano Concerto.
When was Yellow River Cantana made?
What two things have addressed the Mississippi River many times?
Over a thousand songs and numerous instrumental pieces have addressed the Mississippi River.
When did the Mississippi Suite: A Journey In Tones premiere in New York?
When was the Mississippi River Suite made?
What is the significance of the Grand Canyon Suite in Ferde Grofé’s career?
It earned him lavish praise and contributed to his reputation as a “composer of Americana.
What year did the U.S. National Park Service take jurisdiction of the Grand Canyon as a national park?
What was the title of the first orchestral composition by Joan Tower?
Sequoia (1981)
In which year did Grofé create his own Yellowstone Suite?
What impact did Ferde Grofé’s early experiences in Arizona have on him?
They profoundly inspired his music, particularly his connection to the Grand Canyon.
The Grand Canyon Suite is split up into how many “moments”?
What is the most popular of the segments of the Grand Canyon Suite?
No. 3 On The Trail.
When was the Grand Canyon Suite released?
Nov. 22nd 1931
To help “the hee-haw business”, Grofe added a Violin What?
A violin Cadenza.
What does “Disjunct” & “Conjunct” Mean?
Disjunct: notes that are far away on a typical piano. Conjunct: The opposite, Notes that are really close.
The “Burro Motif” in the Grand Canyon Suite had 2 sources of inspiration. what were they?
Five Pile drivers thumping along in some building operation. & A song titled “Horses”
How long is “On The Trail”
5 Minutes & Ten Seconds
What is a Celesta?
“a small keyboard-operated percussion instrument that produces a bell-like sound”
According to Grofe, the “cowboy song” is really a What?
a lullaby, as he thought of the melody To help put his son to sleep
What is the first part of the Grand Canyon Suite that Grofe said “came right away”?
the hee-haw
Which Violinist was the soloist during the first recording of the grand canyon suite and thus “became the gold standard”?
Kurt Dieterele (1899-1994)
After the drum roll opening “on the trail”, the harpist ascends upwards through an arpeggio. What is an arpeggio?
An Arpeggio is when notes of a chord are sounded in succession rather than at once.
What does the title “Ame no ki” translate to in English?
Rain Tree
How many percussionists perform in “Ame no ki”?
Three percussionists
What is the function of the vibraphone’s motor in “Ame no ki”
It allows the pitches to pulsate using a technique called vibrato.
In which year did “Ame no ki” (Rain Tree) make its Japanese debut?
What visual effect is used in the performance of “Ame no ki”?
Performers are illuminated by spotlights while the stage remains dark.
What does Takemitsu’s use of improvisation in “Ame no ki” represent?
The unpredictable nature of rain droplets.
What is the significance of the “S–E–A” motif in “Ame no ki”?
It links the piece to Takemitsu’s overall “Waterscape” series.
Who was a significant influence on Rimsky-Korsakov’s early music education?
Mily Balakirev
How many operas did Rimsky-Korsakov complete during his lifetime?
Fifteen operas.
What position was Rimsky-Korsakov appointed to in the Russian navy that allowed him to focus on music?
Inspector of Naval Bands
What instrument did Rimsky-Korsakov learn to enhance his orchestration skills?
Various wind instruments, including the trombone, flute, and clarinet.
What major theme does “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” revolve around?
The magical transformation of Prince Gvidon into a bumblebee and his quest to reunite with his family.
Amy Beach got inspired by staying where?
Peterborough, New Hampshire (artists retreat named MacDowell)
What organism inspired Amy Beach?
who wrote Hermit Thrush at Morn
Amy beach
Who were Beach’s first audience?
people at MacDowel
t or f: bird’s Beach’s only inspiration
Hermit Thrush at Mon starts with what instrument?
final phrase ends on a what? (hermit thrush at mon)
unresolved C.
“Quasi valse lento” meaning
like a slow waltz
“Poco agitato” meaning
a little more agitated
t or f: “Tempo I” is the opening speed? (hermit thrush at morn)
what notes material simultaneously (hermit trush at mon)
a + b
The overall harmony of Hermit Thrush at Morn is what?
D minor
A composition conveying a storyline is BEST described as
“Vltava” is based on a
journey down a river
Which of the following compositions did Claude Debussy write?
a. “La Tempesta”
b. La mer
c. Yellow River Piano Concerto
d. Afro-American Symphony
e. Niagara Falls
La mer
The Yellow River Cantata is based on a river in
Which composition is arranged for tuba and wind band?
a. Dawn at Lake Mead
b. American Scene
c. Rhapsody in Blue
d. The Sea
e. Reflections on the Mississippi
Reflections on the Mississippi by Michael Daugherty
Who composed the Mississippi River Suite?
Florence Prince
Symphony No. 50: “Mount St. Helens” commemorates a(n)
volcanic eruption, of Mount St. Helens
The composer, William Grant Still, of Afro-American Symphony also wrote
American Scene
On what instruments did Ferde Grofé learn to play?
violin, alto horn, piano, viola
For what organization did Ferde Grofé work as an arranger?
Paul Whiteman Orchestra
Ferde Grofé became famous after arranging
Rhapsody in Blue
Native Americans lived in the region surrounding the Grand Canyon for approximately
13,000 years
Who composed Sequoia?
Joan Tower, it was her first orchestral composition
What composition is considered Ferde Grofé’s BEST work?
Grand Canyon Suite
What composition did Michael Daughterty write for the University of Michigan Symphonic Band?
Niagara Falls
Who is credited as the inspiration for “On the Trail”?
Eddie King
Info: Ferde Grofé, the composer of “On the Trail,” credits Columbia Records recording supervisor Eddie King as the inspiration
The FIRST movement of Grand Canyon Suite is called
An encore is a demand to
repeat the performance
The person credited with inspiring “On the Trail” worked at
Columbia Records
With what practice is John Hance credited?
placing tourists on mules
What musical device resembles a braying burro In “On the Trail”?
disjunct drop
Info: of the major seventh interval
What is the dynamic level of the opening timpani roll in “On the Trail”?
What technique is performed during the cadenza in “On the Trail”?
double-stop, done by the solo violinist, requiring them to play two strings at the same time
The cadenza in “On the Trail” is written for
solo violin
In “On the Trail,” the “Burro” motif was based on a popular song called
“Horses” by Bryon Gay and Richard Whiting in 1926
What diagram BEST represents “On the Trail”?
What meter occurs during the polymeter section in “On the Trail”?
6-8 and 2-2 time signatures
What percussion instrument produces a bell-like sound in “On the Trail”?
celesta, which is a small keyboard-operated percussion instrument
A cadenza will NOT include a(n)
a. piano dynamic
b. solo player
c. established beat
d. harmonic pattern
e. virtuosic technique
established beat
Who FIRST performed the cadenza in “On the Trail”?
Kurt Dieterle, the principal violinist of the Whiteman orchestra when it was recorded in April 1932
The Baroque era dates from approximately
1600 to 1730
Who composed Le quattro stagioni?
Antonio Vivaldi
What composition has a movement called “Tempête”?
Alcione and Hippolyte et Aricie
For what royal family did Joseph Haydn work?
Esterházy, a noble Hungarian family
The opening motif of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony MOST likely alludes to his
a. determination to continue as a composer
b. passion for one of his piano students
c. interest in European political themes
d. admiration for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
e. love for the natural world
determination to continue as a composer
Ludwig Van Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony is called
What is the FIRST movement of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony?
“Awakening of Cheerful Feelings on Arrival in the Countryside”
What movement in Ludwig van Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony includes bird call imitations?
second movement, “Scene by the Brook”
Whatbird call is imitated in Ludwig van Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony?
What problem did Ludwig van Beethoven face during the concert in which the Sixth Symphony was premiered?
The theater was very cold in 1808
What composition premiered alongside Ludwig van Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony?
Choral Fantasy
Ludwig van Beethoven received a permanent annuity
to prevent him from leaving Vienna
Which composition was written during the Classic era?
a. Hippolyte et Aricie
b. Grand Canyon Suite
c. Symphony No. 8 “Le soir”
d. Alcione
e. “La tempesta di mare”
Symphony No. 8 “Le soir”
The opening motif of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony is phrased as
What is the overall key of the “Pastoral” symphony?
F major
The LAST measure of “Pastoral” symphony’s third movement contains the chord
C, E, G, B-flat
What is the FIRST pitch performed in the “Thunderstorm”?
What instrument performs a tremolo in the “Thunderstorm”?
cello and string basses
The opening dynamic level of the “Thunderstorm” is
In the “Thunderstorm,” the thunderclaps are performed using
sforzando chords
What form does the “Thunderstorm” use?
What movement in Grand Canyon Suite was inspired by the “Thunderstorm”?
What is the HIGHEST pitched instrument of the woodwind family?
What instrument performs the LAST musical phrase in the “Thunderstorm”?
In the “Thunderstorm,” the sustained high G-flat resembles what type of weather?
powerful wind gusts
What instrument plays repeated descending lines to resemble lightning strikes in the “Thunderstorm”?
bassoon and strings
Who composed the “Pastoral” symphony?
Ludwig van Beethoven
What movement number is the “Thunderstorm” in the “Pastoral” symphony?
The tempo indicator of the “Thunderstorm” is
MOST life on Earth requires what element?
Fauna is a term used to describe
animal life
What composer’s music MOST inspired Tōru Takemitsu?
Anton Webern
The goal of sawari is to
reproduce the sounds of nature
What are the intervals in the “S-E-A” motif?
m2, P4
m2 a half step
P4 an upward perfect fourth
Why did Tōru Takemitsu initially reject traditional Japanese music?
He was not allowed to listen to Western classical music.
Who views the “Waterscape” cycle as representing water in two directions?
Yukiko Sawabe
What plant is the inspiration for “Atama no ii, Ame no ki”?
Samanea saman, or the ‘rain tree’
In “Atama no ii, Ame no ki,” the rain tree serves as a(n)
metaphor for the universe
The German term for a flat is
What literary prize did the author of “Atama no ii, Ame no ki” win?
Yomiuri Literary Prize
The author of “Atama no ii, Ame no ki” wrote it after visiting
The process through which plants produce energy is called
What tradition believes in the concept of unity within multiplicity?
What instrument performs in the alternate orchestration of Ame no ki (Rain Tree)?
What instrument family performs in the PRIMARY orchestration of Ame no ki (Rain Tree)?
Info: original orchestration of Ame no ki (Rain Tree) includes two marimbas and one vibraphone.
A crotale is a(n)
small disk of brass that produces a very resonant sound
The vibraphone has a small motor that allows it to
pulse pitches
Ame no ki (Rain Tree) is BEST diagrammed as
Ame no ki (Rain Tree) uses the same form as what other work?
The crotales are also known as
antique cymbals
What is the opening pitch of Ame no ki (Rain Tree)?
What musical technique does the third section of Ame no ki (Rain Tree) include?
call-and-response between the marimbas
Who composed Ame no ki (Rain Tree)?
Tōru Takemitsu
Ame no ki (Rain Tree) is classified as a
Info: it features three musicians: two marimbas and one vibraphone.
What meter does the third section of Ame no ki (Rain Tree) feature?
What is the orchestration of Rain Tree Sketch?
solo piano
The composer of Ame no ki (Rain Tree) also wrote the film score for
Ran, an Akira Kurosawa film
Bees use dance movements to
indicate the proximity of food sources
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov was part of a Russian composer group known as
“The Mighty Handful”
Who gave Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov informal music training?
Mily Balakirev
After receiving the title of “Inspector of Naval Bands,” Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov decided to
learn wind instruments
What is the genre of The Tale of Tsar Saltan?
opera with fairy-tale elements
Who does Tsar Saltan marry in The Tale of Tsar Saltan?
In “Flight of the Bumblebee,” the opening diminuendo emphasizes the
reduction in size of Prince Gvidon
What term describes a short musical phrase that serves as a symbol?
What instrument plays con sordino in “Flight of the Bumblebee”?
The effect of con sordino will MOST affect
dynamic range
What scale does the introduction of “Flight of the Bumblebee” feature?
What diagram BEST depicts the structure of “Flight of the Bumblebee”?
ABA, a modified ternary form
The opening dynamic level of the FIRST section in “Flight of the Bumblebee” is
What musical technique does the introduction of “Flight of the Bumblebee” feature?
sforzando chord
What is the time signature of the Prince Gvidon theme in “Flight of the Bumblebee”?
What is the genre of L’Abeille?
character piece for violin and piano
During what century did the Renaissance era occur?
sixteenth century
What work did Clément Janequin compose?
Le chant des oiseaux
Info: featuring sounds mimicking a thrush, blackbird, and nightingale
In Le quatuor pour la fin du temps, the birds MOST likely are
symbols of freedom beyond the prison in which he was kept
Scholars who study birds are known as
The Musurgia universalis was one of the FIRST attempts to
note the singing patterns of birds
How many tones can a skylark sing per second?
between 100 -103 tones per second
“Absolute pitch” is the ability to
identify specific pitches without a reference
Where did Amy Beach spend summers after her husband died?
MacDowell Colony in Peterborough, New Hampshire
What poet does Amy Beach quote in the written score for Hermit Thrush at Morn?
John Clare
What is the tempo indicator for Hermit Thrush at Morn?
“Quasi valse lento” which translates to “like a slow waltz”
What diagram BEST represents Hermit Thrush at Morn?
What is the overall harmony of Hermit Thrush at Morn?
D minor
What musical technique does the C section in Hermit Thrush at Morn feature?
counterpoint, also known as non-imitative polyphony
What is the time signature of Hermit Thrush at Morn?
3-4 time
Which composition was adapted for a 1958 Disney film?
a. Hermit Thrush at Morn
b. The Tale of Tsar Saltan
c. Hermit Thrush at Eve
d. Grand Canyon Suite
e. Ame no ki (Rain Tree)
Grand Canyon Suite
“On the Trail” opens with a(n)
drum roll
In “On the Trail,” the rhythm of the “Burro” motif originated from a(n)
construction site
What Beethoven symphony features “Gewitter Sturm: Allegro”?
Sixth Symphony
The form of “Gewitter Sturm: Allegro” is
What musical device mimics thunderclaps in “Gewitter Sturm: Allegro”?
sforzando accents
How does Tōru Takemitsu adopt the value of sawari in Ame no ki (Rain Tree)?
He reproduces sounds of nature
How many instruments perform in Ame no ki (Rain Tree)?
What composition did one of the members of “The Five” write?
“Flight of the Bumblebee”
What composer had absolute pitch?
Amy Beach