Muscles of the Back Flashcards
Lattimus Dorsi Location and Function
Superficial, large, sides of trunk; extension, adduction, rotation of shoulder joint
Location and Function of Rhomboid Major and Minor
Superficial, Under the trapezius; retract and rotate the scapula
Location and Function of Levator Scapulae
attached to scapula; elevate the scapula
Location and Function of Serratus Posterior Superior
Intermediate, under the trapezoids and rhomboids; Elevation of ribs 2-5
Location and Function of Erector Spinae: name the three sub-divisions
Deep, surrounding the spine; extend/bend vertebral column; Ilialcostal, longissimus; Spinalis
Location and Function of Trapezius
Superficial,center of upper back; shrugging motion
Innervation and Blood Supply of Trapezius
Motor: Spinal Accessory Nerve (CN XI)Proprioception: C3, C4; Branch of Transverse cervical artery/ Dorso scapular artery
Innervation and Blood Supply of Latissimus Dorsi
Thoracodorsal Nerve (C6-C8); Subscapular artery (thoracodorsal branch)
Innervation and Blood Supply of Rhomboid Major and Minor
Dorsal scapular nerve (C4, C5); Dorsal Scapular Artery
Innervation and Blood Supply of Levator Scapulae
C3,C4 and Dorsal scapular nerve (C4, C5); Branches from the transverse and ascending cervical arteries
Innervation and Blood Supply of Serratus Posterior Superior
(upper thoracic nerves) Intercostal Nerves, root value T2-5; Intercostal arteries
Innervation and Blood Supply of Erector Spinae
Dorsal Rami; lateral sacral artery, along with deep cervical arteries, posterior intercostal arteries, lumbar arteries
Innervation and Blood Supply of Serratus Posterior Inferior
(lower thoracic nerves) Intercostal nerves, root value T9-12; Inter-costal arteries, intercostal arteries
Location and Function of Serratus Posterior Inferior
Intermediate, deep to the lats; Depression of ribs 9-12, prevents ribs from moving when diaphragm expands so that the diaphragm will affect lungs
Transversospinalis Location and Function
Rotates and Extended vertebral column, directly lateral to spine
Transversospinalis innervation and blood flow
Dorsal Rami; lateral sacral artery, along with deep cervical arteries, posterior intercostal arteries, lumbar arteries