Branchial Arch derivative Flashcards
First Arch name
Mandibular Arch
First arch nerve
Trigeminal nerve (mandibular branch)
First arch muscles
Muscles of mastication (masseter, temporalis, medial and lateral pterygoids), mylohyoid, ant. belly of digastric, tensor veli palatani, tensor tympani
First arch skeletal
head of malleus
upper part of incus
meckel’s cartilage
First arch artery
maxillary artery
external carotid artery
Second arch name
hyoid arch
second arch nerve
facial nerve
second arch muscles
facial expression
posterior belly of digastric
skeleton of second arch
handle of malleus lower part of incus stapes styloid process lesser cornu/upper body hyoid
artery of second arch
stapedial artery
third arch nerve
glossopharyngeal nerve CN IX
third arch muscle
third arch skeleton
greater cornu lower body of hyoid
third arch artery
proximal part of common carotid
distal part of internal carotid
fourth arch nerve
Vagus Nerve
fourth arch muscles
Cricothyroid Salpingopharyngeus Palatopharyngeys superior, middle, inferior vegetarian Levator veli palatani palatoglossus
fourth arch skeletal
laryngeal cartilages (thyroid cartilage)
fourth arch artery
aortic arch
R. subclavian arch
5/6 arch nerve
cranial root of spinal accessory nerve via RLN
5/6 arch muscle
everything for fourth arch except cricothyroid
all intrinsic muscles of larynx
5/6 arch skeletal
laryngeal cartilages except thyroid cartilage
5/6 arch arteries
ductus arteriosus
proximal pulmonary artery
first pouch
ear stuff:
eustachian tube
middle ear cavity
mastoid antrum
second pouch
crypts of palatine fossa
third pouch
inferior parathyroid glands
fourth pouch
superior parathyroid glands
C cells of thyroid glands
First groove
External acoustic meatus
2-4 groove
common cervical sinus, typically obliterates. Can turn into branchial sinus which is pathology
first membrane
tympanic membrane
thyroid development pathology
descends through tongue into neck starts at foramen cecum can create: persisting thyroglossal duct pyramidal lobes persistant thyroglossal ducts thyroglossal cysts/sinuses ectopic thyroid glands