Muscle Flashcards
Ca2+ comes from an outside source in _________ muscle.
______ anchors actin to the Z disk
Function of gap junctions
Make sure entire cell can function as a unit
Dystrophin-associated protein complex= _________ complex + _________ complex
Dystroglycan; sarcoglycan
Finer movements have _______ presynaptic buttons innervating them.
Can cardiac muscle cells regenerate?
Development of skeletal muscle (Pathway)
Embryonic mesoderm cells -> Myoblasts-> Myotube-> Mature skeletal muscle fiber
Thick filaments
What are the three muscle types?
- Skeletal
- Cardiac
- Smooth
3 different types of troponin in the Troponin Complex. What are their roles?
- Troponin I- Inhibits binding to myosin
- Troponin C- Ca2+- binding site
- Troponin T- Binds complex to tropomyosin
Caveola in Smooth Muscle Role
Stretch sensing
The Golgi Tendon organ is important in_________
Plectin links _______ and _________ together
Desmin; actin
The H zone is made of what microfilament (s)
Which has a bigger sarcoplasmic reticulum cardiac or skeletal muscle?
The triad is found in ________muscle and is composed of 2_____ and 1________.
Skeletal; terminal cisterns of the sarcoplasmic reticulum; T tubule
Cardiac muscle (Location, Appearance, Type of Activity, Stimulation)
- Location: Muscles of the heart and adjacent portions of the great vessels (aorta, vena cava)
- Appearance: Branching and anastomosing shorter fibers with transverse striations running parallel and connected end-to-end by intercalated discs
- Type of activity: Strong, quick, continuous, rhythmic contraction; acts to pump blood from heart
- Stimulation: Involuntary; Intrinsically stimulated and propagate; rate and strength of contraction modified by autonomic nervous system
What is the most frequent early sign of myasthenia gravis?
A drooping eyelid
- Draw a sarcomere.
C protein and myomesin come together to form the ___ line
Connective tissue around the entire muscle
What two muscle types have striations?
- Cardiac
- Skeletal
Connective tissue around the fascicles
The M- line connects _______
_______ interconnects the bare region of myosin
Two broad types of muscle proteins in sarcomere
- Contractile
- Structural
Myosin I binds to _____
Fibers can change with training due to _________
A bundle of muscle fibers is called a _______ and is wrapped with _____
Fascicle; Perimysium
Twitch type IIB
- White
- Low myoglobin concentration
- Low O2 Concentration
- Fast
- Easily fatigue
- Mitochondria: Few
- Capillaries: Few
- Activities best suited for: Brief periods of intensity
Thin filaments
The desmin, plectin, αβ-crystallin, and Z disk form the _________ complex.
Dystrophin- associated
“Strained” applies to ______
Tendons is _______to__________
Bone; muscle
Which two muscle types are multinucleated?
- Cardiac
- Skeletal
Creatine Cycle
- Direct phosphorylation
- Oxidative phosphorylation
- Glycolysis
Troponin blocks_______
Myosin- binding sites
What sets cardiac muscle apart from both of the other two muscle types?
Presence of intercalated disc
Multinucleated muscle fiber/ cell
The action potential opens the _________sensitive Ca2+ channels
Contractile Proteins
- Myosin
- Actin
Gap junctions are______ junctions
Ligament is ________ to _________
Bone; Bone
The _______band is dark, which the _________ band is light
A; I
Most efficient energy supply for contraction
Aerobic respiration
_____________ cells differentiate in to muscle cells when muscle is ________.
Satellite; injured
Two types of intrafusal muscle fibers
- Nuclear bag fibers: consists of a central sensory bag-like region
- Nuclear chain fiber: Contains a chain-like array of nuclei
Action Potential
- Na+ channels open
- Cell is depolarized, due to having a more positive charge than the outside of the cell
- Action potential sent
- Action potential opens up Ca+ voltage-gated channels
- Ca2+ triggers exocytosis of neurotransmitter vesicles
- Acetylcholine released from presynaptic neuron
- Acetylcholine binds to its receptors that are a part of the sarcolemma
- More action potentials are fired
The neuromuscular spindle measures ___________