MSK 34 - Lower Limb-V Flashcards
What type of joint is the ankle? What bones articulate in the ankle joint? What type of motion does this joint allow for?
What is the ankle joint stabilized by?
The medial (deltoid) and lateral ligaments
Describe the composition of the lateral and deltoid ligaments.
Describe what an inversion injury is and what is commonly damaged.
How can the ankle ligaments be visualized on an x-ray?
They usually can’t be seen on x-ray
Where is the tarsal tunnel located? What forms it and what are its contents?
What is the purpose of the arches of the foot?
To absorb and distribute downward forces from the body during standing and moving on different surfaces
List the muscles and ligaments that support the arches of the foot.
Name these conditions
Left - Hallux varus
Right - Hallux valgus
What is the mnemonic to remember which muscles the medial plantar nerve innervates?
First Lumbrical
Abductor Hallucis
Flexor Digitorum Brevis
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
mc/ic/lc - medial/intermediate/lateral cuneiforms
Discuss the superficial lymphatic drainage of the lower limb.
Discuss the deep lymphatic drainage of the lower limb.
Is venous pressure higher or lower in deep or superficial veins? Why?
Deep veins are found within the deep fascia which means their pressure rises when the nearby muscles contract (muscular pump). Superficial veins are outside the deep fascia and are therefore not exposed to these compression forces when muscles contract. Venous pressure is therefore higher in the deep veins.
What is the purpose of the venous valves?
What is and what causes a varicose vein? Which veins are most likely to become varicose?
Varicose veins are veins that have become enlarged and twisted. This usually occurs in the superficial veins of the legs when their valves become insufficient. This causes blood to backflow and for these veins to become engorged with blood.
Aside from cosmetic issues, what problems can varicose veins cause?
Which areas of the lower limb are most useful for testing the spinal nerves? Why and how?
How is the achilles tendon reflex test done and what does it test for?