Motivation (Test Jan. 17th, 2025) Flashcards
Factors that energize and direct behavior.
Biological motivation
Basic human needs and desires.
Safety, hunger, thirst.
Social motivation
Basic human needs and desires.
Anger, love, vengeance, sex.
Motivations in the real world
Excellence (sports, etc.), consumerism (why people buy what they buy), relationships, martyrism (dying for a cause you believe is greater than yourself), self sacrifice, thrill, etc.
Industrial-organizational psychology
Psychological principles in workplace used to solve issues in organizational context.
Three theories of motivation:
Subconscious, doesn’t need to be taught (sex drive, rooting instinct, etc.). Can work at the same time as drive-reduction.
Three theories of motivation:
Needs make us driven to maintain homeostasis such as eating to reduce hunger. Primary reinforcers (hunger, thirst) and secondary (money, etc). Can work at the same time as instinct.
Three theories of motivation:
Anything we try to achieve with out behavior. Better school grade, more money, etc. Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.
Evolutionary psychology
Behaviors that allow us to best pass on our genetic code.
Self-determination theory
Competence (need to be good at something), autonomy (control over your life), and relatedness (relationships).
Personality type T
Thrill seakers/ sensation seaking, searching for novelty/unique/weird things and might get bored in a relationship.
Health psychology
Includes hunger as motivation. The study of psychological behavioral process in health, illness, and healthcare.
Most important health aspect
Regulates and motivates hunger and emotional expression. Connection between eating and emotion.
Psychological factors on eating
How society/culture/surroundings effect behavior, effecting what and when you eat.
Hunger cues
Smell of food, appearance of food, other people eating, boredom and stress, body image, etc.
Pituitary gland
Most gland that produces hormones controlling many bodily functions, transferring signals from the brain. Includes: temperature, stress, growth, pain relief, etc.
Hormone produced by the stomach that activates hunger.