Module: Stainin Part III Flashcards
Is a nuclear or chromatin stain used for staining amyloid in frozen sections and platelets in blood
Crystal Violet
Crystal Violet + Methyl Violet + Dexterin +
Gentian Violet
Used for staining blood to differentiates leukocytes
Giemsa Stain
Is the stained used for metallic impregnation, made up of gold chloride and mercuric chloride
Gold sublimate
used for microscopic study of starch granules
Used for removal of mercuric fixative artifact pigments
Used for demonstrating mitochondria during intravital staining
Janus Green B
Used as a contrast stain for staining ascaris eggs and erythrocytes, and as a bacterial spore stain
Malachite Green
Also used both as a decolorizer and as a counter stain
Malachite Green
Stains chromatin green in the presence of an acid
Methyl Green
It gives false positive reaction with certain secretions as mucin
Methyl Green
Is a metachromatic dye formed whenever methylene blue is heated in fixed alkali carbonate coloring nuclei of leukocytes reddish-purple in the presence of methylene blue
Methylene Violet
Is a basic dye recommended for observing cell granules and vacuoles of phagocytic cell
Neutral Red
Used as a substitute for carbol fuchsin in acid-fast staining
Night blue
Is an excellent stain for elastic fibers (Tanzer Unna Orcein Method) especially recommended in dermatological studies
Fixative, used to stain fats
Osmium Tetroxide
Contrast stain to acid fuchsin
Picric Acid
Demonstration of connective tissue
Picric Acid
Used with osmic acid to fix and stain blood and glandular
Rhodamine B
Used in 10% aqueous solution to prepare various dilutions to be used in identification of spirochetes, reticulum and other fiber stains
Silver Nitrate
Is a nuclear stain for fixed tissues, used as a substitute for thionine in fresh frozen tissue sections
Toluidine blue
Recommended for staining of Nissl granules or chromophile bodies
Toluidine blue
Used for demonstration of neuroglia in frozen sections
Victoria Blue