Module 8: L1 Flashcards
Organizational decision making has limitations and is under bounded rationality, meaning…(3x points)
- Limited knowledge of consequences
- No experience of the future
- Anticipated choices of few alternatives
A phrase related to organizational decision making limitations is: “satisficing” rather than optimal decisions. How does this work?
- Simplify the complex world
- Conduct information searching
- Disjointed incrementalism in policy
Decisions are not irrational. People have cognitive simplifications to help them, like…(3x points)
- Representativeness
- Availability: recalling the familiar
- Anchoring: initially presented value
Decisions are not irrational but have inherent limitations like…(3x points)
- Heuristic principles
- Structured by decision environment
- Structured to enable interactions
Decision making models operate along two dimensions, which are what?
- Goal uncertainty
- Procedural uncertainty
What is:
High Goal Uncertainty
Low Process Uncertainty
Political model
What is:
High Goal Uncertainty
High Process Uncertainty
Anarchy model
What is:
Low Goal Uncertainty
Low Process Uncertainty
Rational model
What is:
Low Goal Uncertainty
High Process Uncertainty
Process model
What are some procedures of the rational model?
- Task performance rules
- Records and reports
- Info handling rules
- Plans and planning rules
In the process model goals are clear but approaches to achieve them are not. What are their phases?
- Identification: of different means
- Development: searching and designing routines
- Selection
Organizational situations under the anarchy model are often not productive. Hence the name. T/F
False. Example is education. Educational goals still occur but specific goals and means are unclear.
In the anarchy model, decision are made by: _______, ______, _______
- Resolution: meaning and goals converge
- Oversight: not looking at certain aspects of the problem
- Flight: problems just go away
Factors of the ________ and __________ _________ ___________ shape decision making
context and inherent human limitations