Module 3: L3 Flashcards
A completely “secure” system example: write info on paper, read it, burn paper, and scatter the ashes. What’s the problem here?
This is secure but useless. Protected info must remain available to legitimate users.
The role of preventing and recovering data leads to…(2pts)…which leads to…(2pts)
- Enhanced monitoring and more security controls
- Interference with work and delays of info usage
What is the acronym CIA?
Security involves adaptability. Conditions can change such as (3pts)…?
- Evolving external threats
- Changes in technology
- Internal changes of the organization
Security implementation has costs. What are 3x mentioned in the lecture?
- Takes time
- Requires human and financial resources
- Little to none short term contribution to output
Changes in user tasks…(3 words)
challenge security parameters
User perception of security effectiveness is based on (4pts)…?
- Worker skill level
- General IS support
- Degree of interference w/ work
- Detection of organizational fraud
What are some examples of security hindrances? (4x mentioned)
- Lost pws
- Inability to access info
- Additional steps to perform tasks
- System slowdowns
What are the two MAIN types of security hindrances?
- Interference with work processes
- System slowdowns
“Smart” use of IT applies to productivity as well as ________ ___________.
information security
Security effectiveness is greater if…(2pts)?
- Fraud has been detected and reported
- More security notices are circulated
Security hindrances are more or less likely if…(3pts)?
- Less likely for more experienced workers
- More likely if fraud detected
- More likely if more security notices are circulated