Module 7.2 Flashcards
Before you begin necropsy
Document how animal was received-written and pictures
Photograph all layers of packaging of animal
Radiology and imaging studies
Perform whole-body radiographs/postmortem CT
Can find location of projectile, wound tracks, body fractures, previous healed injuries, natural dz, etc.
External examination
One of the most important parts
-nutritional condition
-external injuries
Document findings
Written description, photograph, diagrams
Diagram of injuries
Map injuries
External findings
-prior to clipping and after
Weapon characteristics
Internal examination
Perform internal exam
-skin removal (at least 75%)
-open body cavities
-organ exam
—within cavities
—removed from cavities
-sample collection
Use of histopathology (human)
Mechanism of death not shown by gross exam
-discovered in 40% cases
Cause of death established by histology alone
-8.4% of cases
Microscopic findings affected manner of death
-13% of cases
Traumatic lesions better documented
-22% of cases
Forensic histopathology
Evidence of intravital event (happened in life)
Age of injury
-myocardial infarct
-skin wound
Detection of foreign material
Detect natural disease