Module 6.2 Flashcards
Forensic veterinary exam
Same process as traditional
-emphasis on signs that can act as facts
-Evidence to exonerate just as important as convicting evidence
Animal is first piece of evidence
-everything removed from animal also evidence
Forensic exam pt 2
Learn what questions to answer
-be clear if something can’t be
-non-biased approach
Learn what is known about scene
Be safe!
Do not proceed without authorization
Forensic exam pt 3
Some cases no history
Indicate who is giving hx
Be specific, use quotes
Use more detail than normal exam; describe
Specific identifier
All injuries documented and described
-lacerations/cuts/bruises measured
—groups can be documented as one (multiple scars on muzzle)
-scar charts/body diagrams
—any species
—use different colors to depict scars/other findings
Ddx may be more extensive
In clinical setting, develop code/system for suspect abuse or neglect
Further diagnostics/tx dictated by animal’s needs, then case
Financial constraints
Exam forms
Pre-printed forms
Helps not miss organ systems
Can include chain of custody/search warrant info