Module 1.2 Flashcards
The link
Any association between all types of interpersonal violence.
I.e. graph with DV, elder abuse, child abuse, and animal abuse
4 greatest risk factors for determining a likely domestic abuser
- High school dropout
- Fair/poor mental health
- Excessive drug or alcohol use
- Pet abuse
What percent of animal abusers become human abusers?
Progressing violence
The idea that children who abused animals are likely to become violent adults
Ex: Jeffery Dahmer, The Boston Stranger, 43% of school shooters
What occur simultaneously?
Animal abuse and interpersonal violence (IPV)
Who is likely to participate in animal cruelty?
Children or young adults
Who is most likely to hoard animals?
Middle-aged and elderly
What is the greatest risk factor and predictor of increased risk of sexual assault of children?
Sexual abuse of animals
When does interpersonal violence increase?
After natural disasters
When is most domestic violence reported?
After the abuser leaves the home
How is most animal abuse reported?
When neighbors report or passerby report