Module 4: Musculoskeletal system: skeletal system Flashcards
how many bones do we have?
what are the components of the skeletal system?
- bones
- cartilage
- ligaments
what is the funtion of the skeletal system?
- support and protection
- movement
- storage
- produce red blood cells in the bone marrow
what are the 5 shapes of bones?
- Long: humerus
- flat: skull
- short: carpals
- irregular: vertebrae
- sesamoid: patellar
what are the 2 layers of bones?
- compact: dense outer layer, resists and produces force
- spongy: made of small trabeculae
what is compact bone sandwiched between?
connective tissue membrane
1. periosteum
2. endosteum
what is the periosteum?
a membrane that covers the outside of compact bone
what is the endosteum?
a membrane that covers the inside of compact bone
what are the features of long bone?
- Epiphysis: very end of the bone
- metaphysis: neck of bone
- diaphysis: middle shaft of bone
what is the diaphysis of the long bone?
the tubular shaft that forms the long axis
what is the epiphysis of the long bone?
- either end of the bones
- it has a proximal and distal end
- forms joints to create movement and levers
what are bone markings?
site of muscle, ligament and tendon attachment on external surfaces
what are openings on bones?
areas involved in joint formation or passages for vessels etc to pass through
what is a crest on bones?
a thin ridge, illiac crest on hip bone
what is tuberocity on bones?
large, rounded projection: ball joint
what is an epicondyle?
raised area, found on femur
what is a tubercle?
small round prjection, closer to the metaphysis on the femur
what is a trochanter?
blunt, large, irregulas process
what is a line on bones?
a narrow ridge
what is a fossa on bones?
shallow depression
what is a foramen?
opening for blood vessels
how many bones does the axial skeleton have?
80 bones in 3 regions
what are the 3 regions of the axial skeleton?
- skull
- vertebral column
- thoracic cage: ribs, thoracic vertrbrae and sternum
what is the function of the axial skeleton?
- forms longitudinal axis of body
- supports head, neck and trunk
- protects brain, spinal cords and thoracic organs
which systems does the skull accomodate?
- first part of respitaroy
- digestive
what is the pterion?
spart of skull that that is above the ear, wealest part of the skull
how many bones does the cranial region have?
how many bones does the facial region have?
list the 8 cranial bones
- Frontal
- sphenoid
- ethmoid (in between the eyes, under the nose ridge)
- temporal x2
- occipital
- parietal x2
what are the 5 major regions of the vertebral column?
- cervical
- thoracic
- lumbar
- sacrum
- coccyx
how many bones are in each spinal region?
- cervical - 7 (breakfast at 7)
- thoracic - 12 (lunch at 12)
- lumber - 5 (dinner at 5)
- sacrum - 5 (fused into 1)
- coccyx - 4 (fused into 1)
what is the function of the vertebral column?
- provides surface area for muscle attachement
- supports and proects the spinal cord
- positions the head
- supports the upright position
what are the 2 curvatures of the spine?
- primary: thoracic and sacral (convex)
- secondary: cervical and lumbar (concave)
what are the 3 abnormal curvatures?
- scoliosis (sideways)
- kyphosis (hunchback)
- lordosis (belly pushed out)
what are the main features of rgw cervical vertebrae?
- 7 of them
- C1 is call atlas
- C2 is called axis
- has short bifid spinous process (except C7)
- has a large vertbral foramen
- has a small oval body
what are the main features of the thoracic vertebrae?
- 12 of them
- large transverse process
- spinious process is inferior
- small vertebral foramen
- heart shaped body
- has facets for articulation to the ribs
what are the main features of the lumbar vertebrae?
- 5 of them
- short, flat spinous process
- small transverse process
- triangular vertebral foramen
- large body (weight bearing)
what are the invertebral disks?
cushion like pads between the vertebrae that act as shock absorbers
what are the 2 regions of the vertrbral column?
- nucleus pulposus: inner gelatinous nucleus (elasticity)
- anulus fibrosis ( outer collar composed of collagen and fibro cartilage
how many ribs are there?
12 pairs
how many true ribs are there?
7, ribs 1-7 are attached to the sternum directly
how many false ribs are there?
5, ribs 8-12 are attached to 7, not the sternum
what is the function of the ribs?
- protects vital organs
- supports shoulder girdles and upper limbs
- attachment sites for muscles of neck, back, chest and shoulders
what is the primary function of the appendicular skeleton?
to position the hand in space and have fine dextric movement
what does the pectoral girdle do?
connects to the axial skeleteon and provides extra mobility
what is the glenohumeral joint?
shoulder joint
which bones in the appendicular body allow for length?
- humerous
- forearm
- wrist
- among others
what is in the pectoral girdle?
- clavical (collar bone)
- scapula (bone on back of shoulder)
how many bones in the upper limbs?
arm: humerus
forearm: radius and ulna
hand: 8 carpals, 5 metacarpals, 14 phalanges
what are phalagnes and how many do we have on our upper limb?
our fingers, distal (finger tips) intermdiate (middle part of fingers) and proximal (part of fingers closet to palm) 14 bones, thumb only has 2
how many bones of each do we have in our hand?
8 carpals (palm)
5 metacarpals (palm)
14 phalanges (fingers)
what is the primary function of the lower limbs?
weight bearing and locomotion
what are the bones of the lower limbs?
- pelvic girdle
- hip joint
- femur
- knee joint
- patellar
- tibia
- fibula
- ankle and foot
what are the bones of the pelvic girdle?
- sacrum and coccyx
- ilium x2 (superior)
- pubis x2 (inferiro to ilium and anterior)
- ischium x2 (inferior and anterior to pubis)
what are the features of the coxal bone?
- ilium
- pubis
- ischium
what are the bones of the foot called?
tarsals, same qty as carsals
what is osteoperosis?
reduction in bone mass
which biological gender is more likely to get oseoperosis?
what can trigger osteoperosis?
how can people with osteoperosis improve their symptoms?
resistance training