Module 4 - Lipids part 1 Flashcards
Why fat is important?
- building blocks for cell membranes
- padding that protects your organ from shock
- insulation to protect you from temperature extremes
- essential fatty acid
- raw material for important compounds (hormones and neutrons)
- carrier of fat soluble vitamin (A,D,E,K)
- in food they give satiety, taste, energy dense
true or false
Lipid are soluble in water
Give 3 examples of lipids
Triglycerides, phospholipids, sterols
Which lipid is found 95% of food and in the human body
Which lipid is found in cell membranes
Give 2 examples of sterols
Cholesterols, phytosterols
How is formed a triglyceride
By condensation reaction
What are the types of chain length in a fatty acid
Log-chain fatty acid
Medium chain
Short chain
Which chain of fatty acid is the most abundant one? And in what food are they found?
Long chain fatty acids (12 - 24C) they are found in meats, fish and vegetables
True or false
16 C is most abundant chain length in food
False, 18C
Saturated fat is solid or liquid in room temperature?
Does saturated fat contain double bonds
Does unsaturated fat have a double bond? And is he liquid or solid at room temperature
It contains one or more double bonds, and it is liquid at room temperature
What are the 3 ways that fatty acids differ form one another
- Length
- Degree of saturation
- Location of double bond
What are the name of the molecule of Omega 6 and Omega 3 and what are their saturation
Omega 6 : name - Linoleic acid, polyunsaturated with 2 double bonds
Omega 3: name - Linolenic acid, polyunsaturated with 3 double bonds
What are essential fatty acids?
Fatty acids that cannot be synthesized by humans
What are the most common and easily Omega available?
Omega 6
What are the functions of the essential fatty acids
- Provide raw material for eicosanoids
- Serve as structural and functional parts of cell membrane
- contribute lipids to the brain and nerves
- assist in gene regulation
- maintain outer structures of the skin thus protecting against water loss
- help regulate genetic activities affecting metabolism
- support immune cell function
Omega 3 and omega 6 has pathways, in which H is added.
In the Omega 6 pathways what is the carbon and the amount of double bond in : linoleic Acid and Arachidonic Acid
In the Omega 3 pathways what is the carbon and the amount of double bond in : eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid
Omega 6
Linoleic acid C18:2
Arachidonic acid C20:4
Omega 3
Eicosapentaenoic acid C20:5
Docosahexaenoic acid C22:6
What is the health benefits of linolenic acid (omega 3)
Heart health benefits Supports immunity Canaveral prévention Cell membranes Brain function and vision
What are the difference between eicosanoids that derived from omega 3 FA and those that derived from Omega 6 FA?
Eicosanoids derived from omega 3 FAs seem to have more cardiovascular benefits than those derived from omega 6.
Omega 6 eicosanoids tend to be pro-inflammatory and omega 3 are anti inflammatory
Omega 3 eicosanoids have benefits on what?
Cardiovascular benefits :
Lower blood pressure through vains dilatation
Reduce unwanted blood clot formation
Protect against irregular heartbeat
Reduce inflammation in small vessels and capillaires
Which foods you can find omega 3?
Fatty fish, walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds and eggs
How many times a week is recommended to eat fatty fish ( omega 3)
2 to 3 times/week
Why it is better eating real fish instead of fish oil supplements ?
- By eating fish oil supplements there is a lacking of other beneficial nutrients found in fish
- Fish supplements is often made from fish skin and liver and it may have accumulated toxic concentrations of pesticides, heavy metals, industrial contaminants
- High levels of vitamin A And D
Why eating unsaturated fat is recommended?
Because it may lower the bad LDL cholesterol and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease
Give some examples of healthy unsaturated fats
Nuts, seeds, avocado, fatty fish, vegetable oil, soft margarine
What are the benefits of monounsaturated fat
Lower bad cholesterol and keep the good cholesterol levels high
What is the nutritional table of nuts
They contain: mono and polyunsaturated fats, fibre, protein, photochemical- antioxidants, plant sterol
What are the % of milk fat
Whole milk 3.25%
Reduced fat 2%
Low fat 1%
Skim milk 0%
What is the equivalence in health consequences between saturated fat and trans fat
Both increase blood LDL “bad” cholesterol
Why trans fat was banned in Canada
Considered the worst type of fat for cardiovascular health
Where was found trans fat ?
Highly processed foods
What are the risks of trans fat in heart health?
Raise bad LDL cholesterol
Lower good HDL cholesterol
Produces inflammation in the body
Why did they hydrogenate the food to create trans fat ?
- to make liquid fat more solid at room temperature
- increases shelf life of food
What is the major function of phospholipids?
- Major constituents of cell membranes
- emulsifiers
- not essential in the diet
What is an emulsifiers
A substance that mixes with both fat and water and permanently disperses the fat in the water, forming an emulsion
What are sterols?
Large molecules consisting of interconnected rings of carbons atoms with side chains of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
What are the functions of sterols? And where are they found?
- subgroup of steroids - sex hormones
- naturally found in plants and animal based products
True or false
Cholesterol is not part of sterols
False , they are
What is cholesterol’s function ?
- Structural components of cell membranes
- precursor for making bile for the gallbladder
- precursor for steroid hormones biosynthesis (estrogen, testosterone, etc)
- precursor for vitamin D synthesis (fat soluble vitamin)