Module 11 Flashcards
name 3 requirements for both men and women before pregnancy
maintain healthy weight, balanced diet, physically active, receive medical care (be sure you are healthy), manage chronic conditions, avoid harmful influences
what are the lenght of each trimester
1st is 0 to 12 wks
2nd is 13 to 18 wks
3rd is 28 to delivery
nutrition affects fertility in both men and women
after how many weeks is the pregnancy considered ‘‘completed’’ ?
37 weeks
the umbilical cord depends on the placenta
the placenta health of the mother depends on her nutrition
the umbilical cord is connected to the placenta
the umbilical cord contains the blood vessels of the baby and they are not connected to the blood vessels of the mother. they lie side by side in a pool of the mother blood
how do the exchange of oxigen and nutrients happen between the mother and the child (umbilical cord)
the umbilical cord has fingerlike projections who extend into a pool of the mother blood. in here they absorb everything they need (oxygen, nutrients)
Poor maternal nutrition can cause what ?
this is a modification in the DNA of the baby and can impact even future generations
name the 4 stage of embryonic and fetal development
Newborn infant
after how many weeks is each stage of embryonic and fetal developement reached ?
embryo-1 week
embryo-5 weeks
fetus-11 weeks
newborn infant-9 months
in whick period does the embryo grows very fast
8 to 11 weeks
during which weeks is the embryo during its “critical period”
the first 8 weeks
Why is it called the critial period?
because it is a time of intense development, rapid cell division, only certain celluar activites occur during that moment and if something happens full recovery of the embryo is impossible
What tissues develop during the critical phase ?
Central nervous system heart ears eyes legs and arms teeth palate external genitalia
give an example of defect during those 8 weeks
Neural tube defect
it happens between the 17-30 days of the pregnancy and usually women dont know that they are pregnant
what are the consequences of the neural tube defect
If after the 6th week the neural tube is not closed there is high chances that the child might suffer from paralysis and brain defects
What are the 2 most common neural tube defects ?
Spina Bifida
Define the 2 most common neural tube defects
Anencephaly = the brain is missing or failed to develop
Spina bifida = incomplete closure of the spinal cord and creates a bulge in the back of the baby which causes pain and problems with nerves and other conduits
How do you prevent neural tube defects?
By having a folate supplement of 400mg min before pregnancy and 800mg during
What are the energy requirements for each trimester ?
1st - no additional energy needed
2nd - +340 cals
3rd - +450 cals
and ideally 175 grams of carbs daily
What is the recommendation for protein and fats?
- DRI for protein must be higher (an increase of 25g per day) cause proteon helps build tissue and organs
- The brain depends on fatty-acids (omega-3 and 6) for its growth so at least 5oz (140g) of fish per week
pregnant women can eat as much fish as they want
fish contains mercury which can impact brain development if consumed if high amounts
There are 2 nutrients that are highly needed during pregnancy, name them
Calcium and iron
Why should pregnant women take calcium and iron supplements?
because calcium absorption double during pregnancy (babies need a lot) and iron absorption triples
Which vitamin is reduced during pregnancy? and explain why?
Vitamin A, because it can affect the embryo and cause defects
Name 3 factors that place pregnant womans at health risks
- Age (adolescents are still growing)
- Many previous pregnancies
- short intervals between pregnancies
- history of poor outcomes
- Chronic diseases
- socio economic factors (money, family support, education)
- smoking/drugs
- twins or triplets
- too low/too much weight gained
weight prior to pregnancy can impact the embryo
what are the risks of being overweight prior to conception
- increased risk of gestional diabetes
- increased risk of gestional hypertensiom
- increased risks of medical complications during childbirth
- increased health risks for infant (heart problems
it is okay if a pregnant woman with obesity gains less weight than recommended
true, if the fetus is healthy then there is no problem
for underweight and normal weight woman it is okay to not gain any weight during pregnancy
false, it is highly recommended for underweight and normal weight woman to gain a certain amount
should pregnant women do physical activites?
yes, if they were active before pregnancy they can continue the same routine but adjuste with time (less intense close to the 40 wks)
and if they werent active then dont go to the extremes go for walks or slow joggings
what is the most important indicator factor of a infant?
the birthweight
it can affect the future of the baby and their offpsprings
how much weight is considered small for a baby? (pre term baby)
5 1/2 pounds, 2499 grams or less
Maternal health impacts the baby health?
example: diabetes impacts the transfer of nutrients for the baby so mothers should have a meal plan
healthy women can still have gestional diabetes
true, it can happen from various reasons like genetics
there are two gestional risks for pregnant women what are they ?
- gestional diabetes
- gestional hypertension
what are the consequences of these two gestional conditions
G. hypertension, -> can cause fetus death at birth
G. diabetes -> causes the child to be overweight, can cause complications during childbirth, increased risk of type 2 diabetes in later life
what is preeclampsia?
it is a malfunction in certain organs of the child which causes protein to be present in their pee/ it can cause death to the mother and fetus
also it reduces the bloodflow to the baby and can cause poor development of organs ( small liver, heart too small, etc)
how is preeclampsia prevented when detected?
the delivery is induced and childs are usually under developped (pre natal and lower weight)
age of the parents influences the development of the fetus
true, an older father can cause a pre-term birth
an older mother can cause pre-term birth, genetic conditions (down syndrome), death, chronic conditions
how do we make sure the growth of the baby is okay? what method do the doctors use
they do a genetic testing of the amniotic liquid found in the placenta of the mother/ this liquid contain the DNA of the infant and they can find out if there is any abnormalities
name 3 consequences of smoking during pregnancy
- restrict blood supply to the fetus
- interfere with lung growth (increased infections, asthma)
- reduced infant brain size
- complicated births
medicinal drugs are okay for pregnant women ?
false, no over-the-counter drugs should be taken by pregnant women only prescriptions by the doc
environmental contaminants can impact the fetus development
true, pollution can cause lung problems and even asthma in the infant
pregnant women are more at risk of food poisoning
true, because there is so many changes in the women body their immune system is not as strong so a simple infection can be really bad
what is listeriosis?
it is a bacterial infection caused by food it can cause miscarriage, still birth, severe brain problems and other infection to the fetus
what are the risks related to alcohol consumptio during pregnancy?
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
- Alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND)
- Alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD)
how can pregnant women get listeriosis?
it is a bacteria found in raw foods so meat, fish, poultry must be thoroughly cooked, wash all fruits and vegetables,
pregnant women can have a glass of wine every friday night
FALSE, alcohol crosses the placenta and goes directly into the fetus, this is very toxic and causes less oxygen transfer, slows cell division and reduces the growth of organs
give 3 physical characteristics of childs suffering from FAS
- small head
- receding chin
- extra skin folds on eyelids
- dropping eyelids
- wandering eyes
- ears are uneven
- flat or thin upper lip
how much alcohol is bad ?
1 drink per day = neurological development affected
4 drinks per day = physical malformations
There isnt a safe amount
name the two hormones involved in milk production
prolactin (for milk production) and oxytocin (for ejection of milk)
how long should a mother breastfeed their chil?
6 months only breastfeeding
6 to 12 months breastfeeding + foods
which nutrient is not present is the mothers milk?
vitamin D
it is recommended to supplement breastfeeding with vitamin D
the mothers milk stays the same during the whole breastfeeding process
false, the contents of the mothers milk changes depending on the infant needs.
This change occurs naturally because of the feedback between the child and mom.
this feedback happens during the suckling of the breast.
the production of milk is know as….
production of milk will continue no matter what
false. production of milk will continue if the breast if continuosly emptied
breast milk contains a lot of protein
false, breast milk contains low protein and high amounts of fat because fatty acids help with growth, brain development, nervous system development
breast milk is always white
the “first milk” is actually more yellow and thick like a serum because it is highly concentrated, contains antibodies and white blood cells
name 3 characteristics of breast milk
- naturally sterile
- first milk is yellow
- contains antibodies and white blood cells
- inactivates disease-causing bacteria
- helps build a healthy gut microbiome
name 2 benefits of breastfeeding for the infant
- protects against a variety of infections
- protects against food allergies
- provides hormones that promote physiological development
name 2 benefits of breastfeeding for the mother
- delays the return of regular ovulation
- may protect against breast and ovarian cancer
- helps with contracting the uterus to its normal size
what is the energy cost per day for women who breastfeed?
in total 500 calories per day
330 from food and 170 from fat stored during pregnancy
women who breastfeed have more weight loss
how much water does women who breastfeed need
3.8 L per day
malnutrition in women who breastfeed will reduce the quality of the milk
false, it will reduce the quantity but the nutrition quality will stay the same
what is the optimal food for infants? according to health canada
breast milk
women can restart drinking alcohol once the infant is born
alcohol can easily enter breast miulk and create taste alterations, sleepiness, and inhibit oxytocin
formula feeding is an acceptable alternative to breastfeeding
why is cow’s milk not good for babies under 12 months?
because it has more protein and less carbohydrates this can cause bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract of the baby