The Di^a antigen is useful tool in anthropologic studies of ________________ ancestry
Mongolian, Asian, & South American Indians
Antigens of Cartwright (011) (Yta & Ytb) are located on ______________ which is an enzyme involve in neurotransmission:
Acetylcholinesterase (AchE)
Xg allele is located on the petite (short) arm of the __________ . Antigen is sensitive to most enzyme
X chromosome
note: The Xg antigen is common in females
Scianna (013) antigens are located on RBC adhesion protein - ______________
Erythropcyte Membrane associated protein (ERMAP)
Dombrock (014) Ags are located on _____________ that anchors them to the RBC membrane
GPI-linked glycoprotein (Glycosyl-Phosphatidyl-Inositol)
Colton (015) Ags are located on integral transmembrane protein known as __________, involved in osmotic water transport
Note: other name of Aquaporin-1 = Channel-Forming Integral Protein (CHIP)
The Landsteiner-Wiener (LW 016) antigens has phenotypic similarities with:
Rh Antigens
LW (016) antigens are located on a glycoprotein known as:
Intracellular adhesion molecule 4 (ICAM-4)
Chido/Rodgers (017) antigens are located on _____ and adsorbed from plasma onto the RBC membrane
Complement C4
- Antigens are sensitive/destroyed to most enzymes
- C4-coated RBCs is routinely used in Ab screening to confirm presence of Anti-Ch/Rg
Gerbich (020) antigens are located on ________________.
Glycophorin C or D
Three Gerbich-negative phenotypes:
- Yus type
- Gerbich type
- Leach type (null phenotype) associated with Elliptocytes
Cromer (021) Ags are located on ____________
Decay Accelerating Factor (DAF/CD55)
Note: DAF is a regulatory protein for Complement
Knops (022) Ags are located on ___________:
Complement receptor 1 (CR1/CD35)
Note: Found on RBCs
Indian (023) antigens are located on the _____________ glycoprotein, which is present on most tissues
CD44 glycoprotein
It’s presence in a complex with the Rh proteins is essential for Rh antigen expression (co-expressor of Rh antigens)
Rh-associated glycoprotein (030)
HLA Class I Ags detectable on mature RBC:
Bga - HLA-B7
Bgb - HLA-B17
Bgc - HLA-A28