Refers to the destruction of the red blood cells of a fetus and neonate by antibodies produced by the mother; could be due to ABO incompatibility or RBC alloimmunization
Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn
Destruction of fetal RBCs and the resulting anemia stimulate the fetal bone marrow to produce RBCs at an accelerated rate
Erythroblastosis fetalis
Severe anemia and hypoproteinemia caused by decreased hepatic production of plasma proteins leading to cardiac failure, generalized edema, effusions, and ascites
Hydrops fetalis
After birth, the immature infant liver cannot yet metabolize bilirubin efficiently, and this leads to the accumulation of unconjugated bilirubin and neonatal jaundice
Seepage of fetal RBC going to maternal blood circulation
Fetomaternal hemorrhage (FMH)
Important tests done for evaluation of newborns:
- ABO, Rh typing
- DAT (if + for HDN)
- AntibodyTiter
Reduces risk of maternal alloimmunization due to D antigen (less than 0.1% chance); RhIG attaches to fetal Rh-positive RBCs in maternal circulation, blocking immunization and subsequent production of anti-D resulting to prevention of producing anti-D
Rh Immune Globulin/ RhIG (RhoGAM)
Storage and shelf-life of RhIG (RhoGAM):
1-6C; 2 years
RhIG should be given to RhD-negative mothers
- Antenatal:
- Postpartum:
RhIG should be given to RhD-negative mothers
- Antenatal: 28 weeks gestation (before giving birth; 7 month pregnancy)
- Postpartum: within 72 hours after child delivery
U.S. regular dose vial (300 ug) protects against ___ mL of whole blood or ___ mL of PRBCs
30 mL of whole blood
15 mL PRBCs
Purpose of Rosette test:
Screening test for FMH
Purpose of Kleihauer-Betke:
Quantitates volume of FMH
Specimen used for Rosette test:
Maternal red cells
Specimen used for Kleihauer-Betke:
Maternal blood smear
Reagent used in Rosette test:
Anti-D (IgM/IgD)
Ficin-treated R2R2 cells
Reagents used in Kleihauer-Betke:
Weak citric acid
Wright’s stain
Kleihauer-Betke test result
Pink cells -
Ghost cells -
Kleihauer-Betke test result
Pink cells - Fetal RBCs (Hb-F)
Ghost cells - Maternal RBCs (Hb A)
VOFMH (Volume of Fetomaternal Hemorrhage) formula:
% of Fetal cells x 50 (constant) = VOFMH in mL
VOFMH/30 = number of required vials of RhIg
Primarily used to remove high levels of bilirubin and prevent kernicterus; also used for removal of maternal antibodies and sensitized RBCs
Exchange transfusion
note: exchange transfusion is rare for ABO, and common in Rh
Blood transfusion using the umbilical vein in the placenta; preferred is type O Rh D-negative irradiated RBCs, and less than 7 days old from collection
Intrauterine transfusion