Minerals: Iodine/ Copper Flashcards
Copper recommedation
RNI 1.2mg/day
Copper food source
seafood/ legumes/ nuts/ liver
Copper deficiency
Menkes disease
- X linked genetic disorder (1: 300,000)
- Inability to transport copper around body
- Severe neurological impairment
- Wiry hair
- Connective tissue disorder
- Early mortality
Copper toxicity
Wilson’s disease
- autosomal recessive disorder (1:30,000)
- Defective copper transport
- Accumulate in liver, brain
–> Liver disease / motor impairment / psychosis/ Kayser Fleischer rings
Zinc therapy
Copper absorption
50- 75% absorbed
Antagonistic effects with other metals: Zinc, Iron, molybdenum
Copper transport by
Albumin (5%) & ceruloplasmin (95%)
Copper excretion by
mostly by break down by bile and excrete with faeces
~ 70ug/d via urine
Copper contain enzyme
- Cytochrome C oxidase
- Ceruloplasmin
- Hepaestin
- Superoxide dismutase
- Metallothionein
- Tyrosinase
Cytochrome C oxidase is involed in
- Electron transport chain
Ceruloplasmin involved in
Copper transport protein
Redox reactions
Hephaestin is involed in
Iron transporter
Superocide dismutase is involed in
Metallothionein is involed in
epithelial sequestering of metals
Tyrosin is involed in
Melanin synthesis, Albinoism
No observed adverse effect level
Lowest observed adverse effect level
Iodine recommended level
RNI 140ug/d
Iodine deficiency disease
Goitre , Cretinism
Iodine toxicity disease
Thyroid hormone
T3 - tri_iodo_thyronine [active form]
T4- Thyroxine [inactive form]
Thyroid hormone production
Hypothalamus sends Thyroid releasing hormone to pituitary
Pituitary sends Thyroid stimulating hormone to thyroid
At thyroid, TSH activated enzyme Thyroid Peroxidase to create T3 (7%) for immediate use by cells / T4 (93%); 60% is converted to T3 in liver & small amount converted to T3 in peripheral tissues
–>Then 20% T4 convert to Reverse T3 and excerted from body ; 20% T4 into inactive form T3S & T3AC –> and converted to T3 by bacteria in GI tract
Roles of thyroxine (T4)
- Regulation of metabolism
- Growth and development
Thyroxine disorder
Hypothyroidism - insufficient activity
- slowed metabolism
- cold intolerance
- Lethargy
- Increased metabolism
- Fidgety
- Weight loss
- Bulging eyes
Iodine deficiency at fetus stage
Abortion still born congenital abnormality increased infant mortality neurological cretinism myxoedamatous cretinism
Iodine deficiency at new born stage
Neonatal hypothyroidism
Iodine deficiency at child stage
Mental and physical retardation
Iodine deficiency at adult stage
Reactive hyperthyroidism
Iodine deficiency in world
EU > Mediterranean > Africa > SE Asia > US
iodine deficiency tactics
Iodisation of salt - switzerland, UN
Iodised oil injections- China and South Africa
suppress the function of the thyroid gland
Iso_flavones [from soy] interfer the synthesis thyroglobin send out from cell to thyroid
Iso_thio_cyanates [ from cassava & cabbage] interfer the Iodine uptake from blood
Polyphenols from variety of plant foods
Milk as an Iodine source found less in conventional milk than organic milk T/ F
less in organic than conventional
Iodine toxicity
Reactive hyperthyroidism
- Rapid heart rate
- Trembling
- Excessive sweating
- Lack of sleep
Skin conditions
- Acne outbreaks