Midterm Exam Flashcards
Types of Societies
Occupying at least 90 percent of human history
hunting and gathering
Simple gardening, supplementary to hunting and gathering
The domestication of animals in a semi-nomadic lifestyle
Societies whose economics are based on producing and maintaining crops and farmland
The worship of more than one god
necessitated the creation of a centralized government
The need to organize workers for construction and maintenance of the canals
3 main reasons for slavery in ancient times
- prisoners of war
- voluntarily selling themselves (escape starvation or satisfy debts)
- born a slave
Creates the first recorded Empire in Western Civilization
Sargon the Great
The river produced/ left _____ that enriched the soil and diluted harmful mineral salts
silt deposits
Compare and Contrast Mesopotamian and Egyptian religions
Compare- polytheistic
Sumerians built the ziggurats to pacify the gods thus avoiding divine punishment
The pyramids were constructed as burial complexes at which Egyptians could worship Egypt’s god-kings after they die
Israelites had to follow a strict religious and moral code
the 10 commandments
Greece’s most famous author, Homer who wrote the epic poems
The Iliad and the Odyssey
The most important oracle in Greece was the
Oracle of Delphi
Slaves of the Spartan city-state who were Greek in origin
31 Greek city-states formed a coalition called the ________
To resist Persian invasion
Hellenic League
An ancient Greek teaching style
Socratic Method
The new regime determined to settle the internal strife (desire for revenge) that threatened to tear Athens apart issued first known ______ in Western History
Plato Rulers
Philosopher Kings
List the three military reforms instituted by Phillip of Macedonia
-Philip was the first in the ancient world to create a professional army
- he nearly doubled the length of the spears in the traditional Greek phalanx
- used the calvary as a strike force to soften up the enemy
Alexander’s tutor
A ruler who holds absolute power, typically will exercise it in a cruel or oppressive way
The most famous and enduring government body of the ancient world
The Senate
The highest value was________ which emphasized strength, loyalty, and coverage, especially in war
A system/intuition based on a network of relationships characterized by mutual obligations
patron-client system
Who possessed the authority to veto any legislation
2 most significant Roman inventions
Roman Arch
2 sources of Augustus’ true power
controlled the state’s treasury
Loyalty of the army
Goal of the Principate
stability and order, not political freedom
Cornerstone of Christian faith
resurrection of Jesus
The biggest argument of the early church
Eliminated his last rival in 324 to become the sole ruler of a unified empire
Constantine the Great
a declaration and summary of the Christian faith
The Nicene Creed
Constantine-Establishing his new capital in the city of Byzantium in 324
Eastern Empire
For 20 years he attempts to reunite the empire
Justinian I
A massive tribal confederation who had set in motion the vast movement of numerous Germanic tribes into the Roman Empire contributing to its eventual collapse
The Huns
Islam means
submission to God
Revelations, the holy scripture of Islam
Two divisions of Islam
The most powerful men in Merovingian society
Catholic Bishops
Charles Martel called
Charles the Hammer
Charles Martel’s military brilliance
was his ability to pick the time and place of his battles
Coveted title in Western Europe
“Defender of the Faith”
Greatest king of the Middle Ages
Significance of the Battle of Tours
The decisive turning point in the struggle against Islam, a struggle which preserved Christianity as the religion of Europe
Period in the Byzantine Empire where images of Christian figures were banned from art and architecture called
The Abbasids will move their capital from Damascus to Baghdad
for its prosperous location near trade routes
Wealthy Muslims established and endowed schools for higher learning called
Just as Europe was on the verge of emerging from the Dark Ages, this will throw them back into it
the Viking invasions
Feudalism causes
- Collapse of the Carolingian Empire
-Attacks and Invasions by Vikings, Muslims, and Magyars
The individual who receives the land from the great landholders is called
Who dominated long distance trade routes during medieval times
the Italians
was the most significant conflict between Church and state in medieval Europe
Investiture Conflict
This will become the rallying cry for the Crusaders throughout the Crusades
“God wills it”
Legends of this orders secret rituals, huge wealth, and lost treasures have long fascinated conspiracy theorists for centuries
The Knights Templar
“magnificent” he was the most powerful and enthusiastic patron of the renaissance
lorenzo de medici
they were the most infamous family of renaissance italy
the house of borgia