Mental and Emotional Health Disorders Flashcards
What is a mental disorder
A mental disorder is an illness that affects the mind and reduces a person’s ability to function, to adjust to change, or to get along with others.
Is there an exact cause of most mental illnesses?
The exact cause of most mental illnesses is not known; however, there are many factors that could contribute to a person being at risk for a mental illness.
Scientists have studied mental illnesses for decades and have made great progress in the diagnosis and treatment of many conditions. They agree that a mental illness can be linked to factors such as:
- Physical issues—for example, damage to the brain caused by a growth, an injury, an infection, or exposure to substances like poisons, alcohol, or drugs
- Heredity—an inherited tendency to have a mental disorder
- Early experiences—extremely negative experiences, such as neglect or abuse
- Recent traumatic experiences—those causing an intense reaction, such as the death of a loved one
What is anxiety?
Anxiety is fear caused by a source you cannot identify or a source that doesn’t pose as much threat as you think.
Fear vs anziety
Fear is usually a protective emotion that lets you recognize and prepare for danger; it can help you make decisions. But, you should not be constantly afraid. Constant fear stops you from participating in normal everyday activities.
How can fear affect your health?
Fear also affects the body physically as your heart rate and blood pressure often increase with fear. If you experience some element of fear almost every day, you may have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are the most common type of mental and emotional health disorder.
General anxiety disorder (GAD) is a type of anzeity disorder what is it?
A person with this disorder displays intense worry, fears, or anxiety most days for at least six months. There is no direct source of the worry; it occurs in different situations and at different times. Symptoms of this disorder include irritability, trouble falling asleep or concentrating, and panic attacks when asked to do a common task.
Phobia is a type of anzeity disorder what is it?
Anxiety that is related to a specific situation or object. Examples are the fear of flying or a fear of closed spaces.
Panic attack is a type of anzeity disorder what is it?
A sudden, uncontrolled reaction to a situation.
Symptoms of a panic attack:
A person having a panic attack may experience intense physical symptoms such as:
fast heart rate
rapid breathing
choking sensation
chest pain
belief that he is dying
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anzeity disorder what is it
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)—An unwanted thought or image that takes control of the mind is an obsession. An obsession may lead to a compulsion—an unreasonable need to behave in a certain way to prevent a feared outcome.
Someone with OCD might do what
A person with OCD, for example, may repeatedly check a locked door or open and close a drawer.
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a type of anzeity disorder what is it
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)—People with PTSD have survived life-threatening events but are left shaken and emotionally distraught. They still feel intense fear even though the event has passed.
What is a mood disorder
A mood disorder is a disorder characterized by extreme emotions. There are several types of mood disorders, each involving attitude, feelings, and emotions.
What is the most common mood disorder?
What is depression?
Depression is an emotional state in which a person feels extremely sad and hopeless.
One of the most severe mood disorder illnesses is schizophrenia. What is schizophrenia?
The word schizophrenia means split mind. People with this mental illness have impaired perceptions and thinking processes which can lead to severe trouble with an individual’s moods and behaviors. People with schizophrenia often appear completely normal; however, they can go through periods of inappropriate emotions, dress and act strangely, and often withdraw from others.
Impulse Control Disorders
People with impulse control disorders cannot control the impulse to act a certain way. These impulses often result in actions that hurt themselves or others. Common impulse disorders include the impulse to gamble or the impulse to steal.