How does the body fight Infectious Diseases Flashcards
The body has three main lines of defense to keep us healthy:
- First line of defense—physical and chemical defenses
- Second line of defense—inflammation
- Third line of defense—the immune system
Where are Mucous membranes located?
Mucous membranes, this protective lining around your nose, eyes, and mouth secretes liquid called mucous.
Why is Mucous inportant was does it do?
Mucous is very important because it can trap and get rid of dangerous pathogens, but there is also a chemical in mucous that fights the pathogens.
Physical Defenses:
- skin
- Moving of cilia
- Trapping of pathogens by mucous membranes
- Washing away pathogens by saliva and tears
- Motion of the digestive system that moves pathogens out
Chemical Defenses:
- The chemicals in the saliva and tears that attack pathogens
- The chemicals in the mucous that attack pathogens
- The chemicals in the digestive system that kill many pathogens
What is cilia was does it do?
Cilia helps move mucus and pathogens out of your body when you cough or sneeze
If pathogens are able to get past the physical and chemical defenses and begin to injure cells what happens?
your body is ready with its second line of defense—inflammation.
What is inflammation?
Inflammation fights infection and promotes the healing process.
What is an example of inflammation?
When you cut or injure yourself, you might notice that blood or swelling occurs. When blood rushes to the surface of the skin due to an injury, special white blood cells called phagocytes go to the area to destroy pathogens and help the healing process.
What are phagocytes?
special white blood cells called phagocytes go to the area to destroy pathogens and help the healing process.
However, inflammation and phagocytes can’t beat the pathogens by themselves; they need the help of what?
the entire immune system.
What does the immune system do?
The immune system fights disease by producing a separate set of weapons for each kind of pathogen it encounters.
What are lymphocytes?
White blood cells called lymphocytes carry out most of the immune system’s functions.
What is immunity?
Immunity is your body’s ability to destroy the pathogens that it has previously encountered before the pathogens are able to cause disease.
There are 2 types of lymphocytes what are they?
T cells and B cells
What are T-cells?
T cells—these T lymphocytes are a type of lymphocyte that helps the immune system destroy pathogens.
Give an example of T cells at work
For example, breathing in the same air as your friend who just coughed without covering her mouth. The pathogens storm your body through your nasal passage, anything that gets past the mucous in your nose is attacked by the T—cells as it enters your blood stream.
What are B cells?
B cells—these B lymphocytes produce antibodies. Antibodies are proteins that attach to the surface of pathogens or to the toxins produced by pathogens. This binding action keeps the pathogen or toxin from harming the body
What are antibodies?
Antibodies are proteins that attach to the surface of pathogens or to the toxins produced by pathogens.
Why do Lymph nodes become swollen when the body is fighting an infection?
Lymph nodes will become swollen when the body is fighting an infection because phagocytes and lymphocytes accumulate at the lymph nodes
Where does the doctor check for inflammation of the lymph nodes?
Many times a doctor will feel on the sides of your neck to check for inflammation of your lymph nodes.
What is the lymphatic system?
The lymphatic system is a network of vessels that collects fluid from your tissues and returns it to the blood stream.
Doesn’t it look like the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems are similar or even connected?
The systems are connected because the lymphatic system collects fluid from the body tissue and returns it to the bloodstream.
What are immunizations?
Immunizations, or vaccinations, are injections that contain small amounts of dead or modified pathogen or their toxins.
What is a vaccine?
A vaccine causes your immune system to produce antibodies against the pathogen, as if you had actually been infected.
How have immunization changed public health?
Immunizations have changed the face of public health. People are able to live longer, healthier lives because we have found cures for many of the diseases that killed people before. Doctors and researchers are trying to develop and test new vaccines all the time.
What stimulates the B cells to make antibodies?
Helper T cells
How do the antibodies destroy viruses?
They bind to the viruses and the viruses are destroyed by phagocytes.
After the viral infection is overcome, what happens to the B cells?
They continue to circulate for years, ready to produce antibodies quickly if the same kind of pathogen reenters the body.
Would this process be different if the pathogens were bacteria instead of viruses?
The process would be the same.
Which type of lymphocyte destroys infected body cells?
Killer T-Cells destroy infected body cells
Inflamation causes what symtoms?
redness swelling and soreness