Mendels genetics 2 Flashcards
How many chromosomes does a body cell have?
How many chromosomes does a sex cell have?
A trait that is carried on a gene on a sex chromosome
What is genetic sex determined by?
The presence or absence of the Sry gene on the Y chromosome
Only having 1 copy of each gene e.g XY
One of two female X chromosomes is switched off
Dosage compensation
ensuring that the same level of hormones are expressed in both males and females
Barr Body
The inactive X chromosome in females
When a person has 2 or more genetically identical different sets of cells in their body
Loss of function
Inactivation mutations (gene product reduced or lost)
Gain of function
activating mutations (increasing activity of an allele)
also known as Hybrid vigour, individuals that are heterozygous at many gene loci
The heterozygote produces a more dominant phenotype than the homozygote that is also superior
Polygenic inheritance
Two or more genes effect a single phenotype, e.g skin colour
The proportion of individuals in a group with a given genotype that express the corresponding phenotype
What is SRY?
the sex-determining region of the Y chromosome contains TDF
What is an example of overdominance?
sickle-cell anaemia
What is a mutation?
New alleles that can lead to a loss or gain in function
What is Genetic Drift?
Change in allele frequency based on random sampling effects
What is Gene Flow?
Due to Physical barriers, the population either side begins to differ, can be introduction of alleles on either side through immigration
What is an example of lyonization?
Tortoiseshell cats