Melanoma Flashcards
3 layers of the skin: Epidermis
Epidermis - outermost layer, protection, made of keratinocytes, melanocytes, langerhan cells, merkel cells
underlying layer, support and nutrients to the epidermis, made of collagen and elastin
Subcutaneous fat
inner layer, support and cushioning for the dermis and epidermis, made of fat cells called adipocytes, nerves, blood vessels
Function of the Skin
protect: barrier from impacts and pressure, wind, cold, temperature, UVR, Regulate: body temp, retention/absorption body fluids like sweat, vit D synthesis. Sensation: heat, cold, pressure, pain
Two types of ultraviolet radiation
UVA: penetrated depper, damage is indirect, mediated by free radicals, damages cell membranes.
UVB: erythema or sunburn, direct damage to DNA
UV Exposure
indoor tanning beds, locations close to the equator
Medications/Medical Tx Risk
psoralen, UVA light tx, neonatal blue lights
Environmental risks
Exposure to polyvinyl chloride in clothing, plastics, heavy metal, pesticide, radiation — leads to mutagenic change in DNA in melanocytes
Superficial spreading melanoma
75% of all melanomas. preference for back in men and legs in women. radial lateral growth before invasive growth. begins as asymptomatic brown black macule with color variations, notching and scalloping
Nodular Melanoma
15-30% of all melanomas. Common on sun exposed areas of head, neck, trunk. No radial growth, just vertical. dark shiny nodule. dark brown, black and most commonly blue, or pink or red
Lentigo Maligna
5% of all melanomas. Head and neck sun damaged areas. Age > 60, starts as a freckle tan macule gradually darker and asymmetric, 5% progress to invasive melanoma
Acral Lentiginous Mucosal Melanoma
<5%. palms, soles, under nails, mucosal membranes, in blacks and asians, dark brown black uneven patch, longitudinal band with or without nail dystrophy
use Tumor, Node, Mets staging
Tumor Category
depth: thickness in mm
subcategories: ulceration status, mitotis rate
If suspicion for melanoma is high, this bx needs to be done
excisional with 1-2mm margins or a deep shave with epidermal and dermal layers to get depth
Node category
presence and extent of regional lymph node mets. Subcategories: number of lymph nodes involved, micro or macro mets, satellite mets
Sentinel lymph node biopsy
staging to eval for microscopic regional node involvement, recc for MM > 1mm thick or < 1mm but ulcer or have a higher mitotic rate > 1
Clinical staging
microstaging of the primary tumor plus clinical or radiological date used in the evaluation of meds
Pathological Staging
microstaging of the tumor plus patho info about regional lymph nodes
surgery for primary melanoma
wide local excision, margins determined by depth of the tumor
surgery for advanced melanoma
lymph node dissection for palpable or rad detected lymph nodes. limb perfusion of chemotherapy intravascularly for recurrent or unresectable in transit mets
those where met focus can be completely resected, those with a solitary site of meds like skin, lung, lymph note, etc. Those with long distance free interval between disease recurrence
only used for adjuvent therapy for tumors w high risk recurrence or palliation for bone, brain, or spinal cord mets
stereotactic radiosurgery
for brain mets, fewer high dose treatments, spares healthy brain tissue, can treat limited mets in the body
Systemic Therapy
for high risk with survival < 50%. Interferon alfa2b, ipilimumab
Checkpoint inhibitors
agents that take the brakes off T cells and enhance anti cancer immune response, work through the immune system and do not have a tumor response.
Target Therapy
agents that inhibit cancer promoting genes (BRAF & NRAS)
activates cell immunity and tumor growth, IV infusion needs to be hospitalized
T-VEC Talimogene laherparapvec
modified oncolytic herpes virus to destroy melanoma cells and promote anti tumor response, intra tumor injections
salvage therapy, limited efficacy. DTIC Dacarbazine
Mucosal MM
Resp, alimentary, GU tracts which contain melanocytes. Worse prognosis.
tx mucosal MM
resection if possible, target therapy if possible
Ocular MM
iris, choroid, ciliary body. risks: light eye color, fair skin, burn easily, atypical nevi. visual symptoms or an incidental finding. dx on fundoscopic exam, bx not indicated radiotherapy tx