Medical SLP - Exam 1 Flashcards
What are the steps in cell division?
meiosis, haploids, 24 hours pass, mitosis (segmentation and cell differentiation)
- Chromosomes
- Zygote
special cellular division that creates the egg and sperm in the first place
- Ch: 46 total (2 sex)
- Zy: fertilized egg
cell division
(part of mitosis; also called cleavage) cell divides and creates another cell just like it.
Blastomere: cells within Morula
Morula: group of blastomeres in one cell after 72 hours
Cell Differentiation
6th or 8th day; mother cell has a baby cell that is different.
- Trophoblast
- Gastrulation
- Embryonic Disc
Lining, surrounds the inner mass, not a part of the embryo. Becomes placenta and umbilical cord.
9th and 12th day; inner cell mass turns itself inside out.
no success in this = miscarriage
Embryonic Disc
3 layers - organs are a combination of these layers
1) Ectoderm: outside - skin, hair, teeth, CNS&PNS
2) Mesoderm: middle - structural (bone, muscle, cartilage, tendons, blood vessels, connective tissue).
3) Endoderm: inner - lining of digestive tract and body cavities, inside tissue.
What governs all cell functions?
Genes, which are made up on DNA
smallest structure in genetic material, double strand in a double helix whose spine is made of deoxyribose. Contains Nucleotide pairs.
Nucleotide Pairs
instructions for cellular behaviors
Guanine, Cytosince, Adenine, Thymine
loss of one copy of a chromosome; the presence of a single copy of a chromosome
the gain of one extra copy of a chromosome for a total of 3 chromosomes
when part of a chromosome becomes separated and lost
occurs when a portion of a chromosome is turned 180 degrees from its usual orientation
the result of a transfer of genetic material between 2 or more chromosomes
- Variable expression
- Genotype
- Phenotype
- Incomplete penetration
Variable expression (translocations)
severity levels, functional levels
Incomplete Penetration (translocations)
have a genetic disorder but no symptoms
Common syndromes associated with cleft
down syndrome
growth process where a structure gets bigger. (how it grows/ strengthens/ widens)
process that develops the palate. When 2 separate structures grow towards each other and fuse together.
process of genetic formation. Because this thing happened, this thing happened.
Pierre Robin
a sequence causing cleft palate (embryo is hyper-flexed in uterus, neck causes the mandible to push up against the chest causing it not to grow. No place for tongue to go, goes up where the palate is suppose to be forming)
constellation of symptoms due to a genetic or chromosomal disorder
At 6 weeks…
palatal development begins. Fusion of 4 structures: nasal spine, L and R palatal shelves and premaxilla
Type of clefts (6)
Cleft lip, Cleft alveolus, Cleft of primary plate, cleft of secondary plate, submucous cleft, complete cleft.
Submucous cleft
Muscles of soft palate did not fuse together at midline to form muscular sling. Back of mouth comes to point (tenting)
Bifid uvula
Second type of submucous cleft. Looks like snake tongue; does not always indicate person has cleft
2 functions of the velum
voluntary and biological
Velopharyngeal Insufficiency
structural/anatomical etiology. surgical fix.
-platybasia: base of skull too far away
Velopharyngeal Incompetency
neurogenic etiology (e.g., stroke)
Velopharyngeal Mislearning
when other high pressure sounds are completely accurate and consistent, however they make consistent errors on specific high pressure sounds.
What are the 4 different patterns of VP closure?
- Coronal (most common)
- Circular
- Circular with PPW participation
- Sagittal
Coronal VP closure pattern
velum closes against the posterior wall
Circular VP closure pattern
velum moves part way and lateral pharyngeal wall moves part of the way to make a complete closure.
Circular with PPW participation VP closure pattern
(or with passavants ridge)
threads of muscle from posterior pharyngeal wall move and make a shelf. least common.
Sagittal VP closure pattern
superior pharyngeal constrictor closes to midline. velum doesn’t move, the lateral walls do.
Complete Cleft
cleft goes through whole palate and lip (including alveolar ridge and soft palate). Babies usually have difficulty feeding (slide 26)
Unilateral cleft
Goes through one side of face (lip). can be complete cleft or incomplete cleft. (slide 26)
Bilateral cleft
Neither palatal shelves make it to fuse with the nasal spine. Through lip, alveolar ridge, hard and soft palate on both sides. Premaxilla goes up not down.
Develop vertically; part of frontonasal process. Fuses to palatine process of the maxilla
Palatine processes of the maxilla (palatal shelves)
develop vertically, then move horizontal to fuse. NOT part of the MAXILLA
Front teeth.
canine teeth
when molars are not symmetrical.
Overjet malocclusion
when top front teeth are well in front of front bottom teeth. can be considered both overjet and overbite
Class I malocclusion
crooked teeth. molars are in incorrect orientation; but usually are simply crooked, twisted or stacked
Class II malocclusion
Overbite; molar relationship is not right. top molars are too far forward
Class III malocclusion
Under-bite. bottom molars are too far forward or in front of top molars
Cross-bite malocclusion
Upper dental arch is inside the bottom dental arch. can be anterior, can be posterior depending on case. Usually teeth are very crowded
Open- bite malocclusion
molars are touching but front teeth have large gap between them (problems with fricatives)
Posterior open- bite malocclusion
front teeth are touching but the molars do not touch. Can cut but cannot grind
Levator veli palatine
main muscle of velar elevation
superior pharyngeal constrictor
raises velum
Musculus uvulae
plural (comes in pairs) superior surface at mid-line; go off back of soft palate
Tensor veli palatine
open the eustachian tube by twisting. From middle ear to drain (every time you swallow)
Palatal pharynges
pulls velum down
Branchial Arches
5 pairs with clefts in between them
- Mandibular
- Hyoid
- Thyro-Hyoid
- 4&5 not distinct or named