Lang. Dev. Exam 4 Flashcards
American society for the positive care of children, 2015.
Over the past 10 years, more than 20,000 American children are believed to have been killed in their own homes by family members.
Sheehan Stanford Child Neurology: abused babies
25% die
Up to 50% survive with significant neurological defects
The failure to provide for a child’s basic needs
Can be physical, emotional, or educational
Children who experience physical neglect often experience this because…
Their parents are unable to provide what they need-they are poor.
May be inappropriately left home alone
Physically neglected children often have…
Trouble doing well in school-basic needs are not met
Hungry, cold, lice
Difficulty concentrating
A majority of the perpetrators of child abuse are…
Parents (78.5%)
Children who have experienced severe emotional neglect may…
Be lethargic and apathetic
Demonstrate learned helplessness
Have cognitive problems including difficulty with impulse control and problem solving skills.
Physical and sexual abuse of individuals with disabilities…
Runs 3-4 times higher than abuse in the general population
Disabled girls especially vulnerable targets; often, family members abuse them.
If disabled children report abuse, they often aren’t seen as credible because…
They can’t describe details correctly
SLPs ensure that interviews are conducted at the child’s appropriate…
Cognitive and linguistic levels
Moms of babies with craniofacial anomalies may be…
Less attached to and nurturing of their infants.
Decreased attachment increases risk of abuse and neglect.
This is one reason we need to provide medical care for these babies as early as possible.
Children with disabilities put a lot more stress on their caregivers, and when caregivers are stressed and have no respite…
They are more likely to neglect and abuse their children.
Caregivers may…
Not see the light at the end of the tunnel like parents of typically developing children.
Be stressed because typical child experiences aren’t available.
Special needs children and parents are isolated.
Children who have been abused and or neglected…
Very quiet
Have difficulties with expressive language
Lesser conversational skills
Less likely than peers to discuss info or volunteer.
Do more poorly in school, underperform academically.
More behavioral problems
A&N children’s specific difficulties with pragmatics
Less descriptive utterances
Lang. Is used to get things done with little social affect.
Poor conversational skills overall.
Inability to discuss feelings.
Lack of ability to take perspective of a conversational partner.
Absence of words for emotions
Mothers who neglect or abuse babies may…
Punish normal risk taking adventurous behavior
Not interact
Be unresponsive when babies initiate, so babies learn to be passive.
Shaken baby syndrome may occur, so we must…
Stress to caregivers that they should never shake a baby
This causes lifetime cognitive and linguistic damage
Sheehan Stanford Neurology: shaken baby.
Problem: when caregiver is done shaking, they usually slam the baby hard against a surface-wall, tables…
Traumatic brain injury
The highest rate of child abuse is experienced by children between…
Birth and 3 years of age
In assessment of A&N children, we especially need to focus on evaluating…
Overall expressive language skills
Pragmatic skills
Narrative skills
Intervention should involve…
Encouraging verbal expression, especially description.
Providing a warm, nurturing environment with clear rules and boundaries.
Increasing the child’s ability to accurately describe and appropriately express emotions (using your words not hitting and kicking)
Intervention may especially need to involve…
Providing dolls, action figures, art supplies, etc.
As the child is playing or drawing, describe their actions or drawings.
Culturally and linguistically diverse families may…
Especially need direct instruction about American child abuse laws.
Many refugee parents have…
Suffered great trauma
PTSD, may neglect and abuse their children.
Sheehan Stanford Neurology: caregivers.
Ask caregivers about needs and try to help.
Give key info about child development-their expectations may be too high.
Point out what they’re doing right.
Support groups
DVDs that model good parenting
Teach using Lang/words to discipline
Model Lang stimulation strategies
Parents who abuse…
Decreased ability to tolerate infant crying
Abused babies don’t cry more than other. Parents think they do-unrealistic expectations of baby behavior.
Child poverty rates are highest amongst…
Black, Latino, and American Indian children
Ethnicities of children in low SES homes (high to low)
African American
Children in the Hispanic community are…
Disproportionately impacted by poverty.
Many are children of migrant workers
Many migrant workers have less than a ___th grade education
Homeless children and youth lack…
A fixed, regular, and adequate night time residence.
Inability of people to pay for housing
When it is dangerous outside…
Children stay indoors and watch tv
Some low SES children watch up to 11 hours of TV a day
When financial resources are stressed, there are higher rates of…
Maternal depression
Low income mothers often show…
Lower levels of warmth, responsiveness, and sensitivity when interacting with young children.
Westby, 2015
Relationships are the cradle of all learning
Relationships between the adult and the child is the driving motivator of learning
Generational Poverty
Affects a family for 2+ generations
Welfare lifestyle
Lack of planning for future
“World owes me” mentality
Feeling of Hopelessness
Situational Poverty
Result of a particular set of circumstances
Shorter time
Have pride
Hopeful that they can overcome circumstance
People of generational poverty have an external locus of control
Future determined by luck and chance.
Don’t believe they can do anything to fix it
Not open towards intervention
People of situational poverty have an internal locus of control
Can influence the future by making good choices now
Believe they can shape their own fate
Open towards intervention
SES is more critical to a child’s language development than…
Ethnic background
Factor most highly related to SES is the mothers educational role
SES can predict a child’s…
Academic performance during the school age years
Low SES caregivers are more likely to…
Give more Commands and orders
Slap or spank
Low SES children tend to have…
Low vocabulary skills
Poorer grammar
Pragmatic problems
Talk about immediate daily living concerns
Casual talk
Familiar, concrete, social
Used to meet needs
Genuine ?s to gain info
Simple syntax, nonspecific vocab
Academic talk
Abstract, nonshared, contextual
Reflecting, planning
Complete syntax, explicit vocabulary
Known answer questions or rhetorical questions
Scheule, 2015
One classroom teacher says “use college talk”
How is reading style affected by being low SES?
Families may be too poor to buy books.
Low educational levels leads to less reading.
Parents use lower level language, tell children to pay attention without interrupting, and ask basic questions that don’t require much thought.
According to Moran (, low income communities average about 1 book for every…
300 children
When children have reading difficulties…
It increases the odds a child will drop out of school and have a criminal record.
Over 70% of prisoners can’t read above a…
4th grade level
3/4 of 4th graders reading below grade level will…
End up in prison or on welfare
Many low SES children have substantial difficulty with…
Phonological awareness skills
Dr. Carol Hammer, ASHA 2015. Rhyming.
The foundation of phonological awareness.
Helps children learn to listen
Biases in standardized tests of language skills
Low SES students
Tasks are often decontextualized
At home, many children are not…
Encouraged to take verbal risks, and are asked to guess.
Exposed to school or test type tasks such as verbal displays of knowledge with an unfamiliar adult.
In order to validly evaluate the language skills of low SES children, we can use…
Language samples
Informal measures of language
Considerations in language intervention
Reach out to families by giving them lists of resources
Send books home
Send home DVDs that demonstrate language stimulation techniques
We need to focus on developing…
Correct morphology and syntax
PA skills
Literacy skills
Cesar and Nelson 2013, SALSA (supporting acquisition of language and literacy through school home activities)
Experimental group: children’s books and journaling activity of weekends.
Control group: just books.
Conclusion: for low literacy parents, drawing and simple writing may be easier than reading. Weekend homework effective because parents are tired during the week.
Neuman and Wright (2014) suggests that to increase vocabulary for literacy, we use knowledge networks
Multimedia is very effective
Hammer (2015) ASHA. Teaching vocabulary words.
Have children repeat words back to us aloud.
Creates phonological representation
Key steps in teaching vocabulary words
- Identify words that need to be taught
- Define words in a child friendly way
- Contextualize words into varied and meaningful formats
- Review words to ensure sustainability over time
- Monitor child’s progress and reteach if necessary
Executive functioning involves
Problem solving processes that are until used during a non automatic task.
Goal directed behavior we engage in to be successful in life
Thinking about and planning for future and considering choices and their consequences.
We can help children develop executive functioning skills by…
Initially providing a lot of structure
Choices and consequences
STAR-stop, think, act, review
To help students move out of poverty, we can…
Be caring, involved role models
Warmth and nurturance from caregivers promotes a secure foundation. When children reach adolescence, they are then motivated by…
A different kind of nurturance that includes being taken seriously and challenged to work hard and improve themselves-a growth mindset.
Research of carol dweck divides people into 2 types…
Fixed mindset: intelligence and other skills are inborn and not amenable to change.
Growth mindset: intelligence and overall skills can be improved with hard work
Children with prenatal drug or alcohol exposure are a very ____________ group
What is the leading cause of intellectual disability in the western world?
FASD (fetal alcohol spectrum disorder)
When is the embryo most susceptible to alcohol?
Weeks #2-8
A fathers ________ and _______ habits can increase a child’s risk of birth defects
Characteristics of children with FASD
Small head, growth problems and low birthweight, CNS distinction, ADHD, abnormal craniofacial features, malformations of major organ systems, behavior problems, swallowing problems, learning and school problems, speech problems, poor play and social skills, cognitive problems, language delays, hearing issues, auditory processing problems, sleep disturbances, wide set eyes.
In classroom settings we need to help FASD students be more…
Engaged and social
For mothers who use cocaine, this causes her blood vessels to constrict, thus reducing the…
Flow of oxygen and other nutrients to the baby
Cocaine alters action of the baby’s ________________
Behaviors and characteristics of drug exposed children
Poor visual tracking, motor problems, emotional lability, difficulty with transitions, tantrums, low problem solving skills, syntactic problems, word retrieval problems, attachment to new people, articulatory phonological disorders
What can we do to keep things structured and not over stimulating for children with ADHD?
Routine and structure
Announce transitions (no surprises)
Limit distractions and decrease outer stimuli
Children with ADHD often don’t retain what they learn, so we should…
Repeat things over and over
Use concrete hands on activities
Give directions slowly 1 by 1
Lewis (2013) Said children prenatal ky exposed to cocaine especially had difficulties with…
Syntax and phonological processing
What causes ADHD?
A combination of factors: genetics, dopamine imbalance, insufficiency of neurotransmitters
What are the 3 types of ADHD?
Primarily inattentive (20-30%)
Primarily hyperactive (
Basal Ganglia
Region of cerebellum is significantly smaller in children with ADHD
Nongenetic factors of ADHD
Premature birth, maternal drugs and alcohol during pregnancy, exposure to high levels of lead in early childhood.
Watching TV/screen time before 2 years of age is strongly correlated with…
Attention problems later
For children exposed to TV and screen time early…
School is boring, non interactive, and slow
Computer use and executive functioning (Morris and westby)
Computer use: drawbacks which affect EF skills
General browsing: multitasking and continuous partial attention (causes irritability, impairs cognition)
ADHD is most likely an impairment in the…
EF portion of the brain that regulates behavior, especially impulsivity
Owens, Farinella, and Metz (2015) says that children’s poor social skills can be attributed to…
Pragmatic difficulties
How is ADHD managed?
Stimulant medication that increases dopamine in the brain
Best: combo of pharmaceutical and behavioral approaches
What they say must relate to what other person just said
Kowalski ASHA schools conference about ADHD
Social etiquette poster, social autopsy, help them get organized, timed tasks
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation act of 1973
Prohibits schools from discriminating against children with disabilities
Eligibility based on physical and mental condition
ADHD students qualify for classroom accommodations if they can’t learn under typical circumstances