measurement of milk urea level, its role in diagnosis, practical applications. Herd and individual diagnosis based on milk and urinary ketone bodies in dairy cattle, ketonuric index: Flashcards
Physio of food/aa’s in the rumen
The CP in feed is broken down into NPN and true protein
The NPN is broken down to NH3 in the rumen
The RDP is broken down to amino acids in the rumen. The aa’s and NH3 are used to form microbial protein (along with FOM) and this with the UDP forms aa’s that are delivered to tissues
The milk urea level
Indicates the protein: E in the ration
if less than normal- then bad for milk production
if more than normal- then bad for repro!
When its higher, is usually caused by high RDP or low E
What is the optimal milk urea level and why does it change?
3.5-6 mmoll
Different phases of lactation
Max 2-4 hrs after feeding
Xs RDP or low RFC
Overfeeding of RDP- 6 points to mention
In rumen- ammonia
In liver- urea
Metab: incr BG, NEFA’s, E demand, MUN, PUN
Toixc: sperm, ovum, embryo
Endocrine: decr insulin, GnRH–decr LH and FSH, decr P4 from CL
NB to keep stable in the first lactation phase i.e 100 days post partum, because will alter pH of uterus and vagina- decreasing the conception rate and therefore decr fertility
Implications of high UDP and its max amount in the ration
if incr UDP at peak milk production– impaired fertility because the first estrus occurred later
Cows forced to mobilize body reservoirs- because if RDP is low- microbial prolif is inhibited and decr bact E production
UDP max is 40% of total dietary!!
What are foods high in UDP
Corn gluten
Dried distillers grains with solubles
Heat treated soya
Hot pressed rapeseed cake
What is the protein balance
MPN-MPE and should be +100-150
What are the milk and urinary ketone bodies levels??
Should conduct individual measurements to gain E statuses of entire herd!!
Acetoacetic acid <0.4 mmol/l
Acetone < 0.7 mmol/l
What is the Ketonuric Index and how is it measured
KB level and interval from calving Use Rotheratest (ketostix) which is Nitroprusside Na- purple ring appears when KB's are present (not for BHB though No KB when 0-4 even 5 +
Determination of Kentonuric index
10x the number of + and 2x the number of days before calving
Before calving is + because ketosis is more critical
After calving is -
(look at worked example)
Evaluation of Ketonuric index
> 20-25 the group is in NEB so improvement of E status is needed
40g/dl: life threatening
What happens when you decr E and incr NH3 of the ration
N is wasted in urine and milk
What happens when you incr E and decr NH3 of the ration?
Lactate is produced because the E is not used for protein synth
What causes the milk urea to be greater than optimal?
Excess RDP
Factors influencing the milk urea conc
Cow: state of nutrition, breed, maturity, health, BW
Environment: summer>winter, housing
Sample collection: afternoon>morning, skim-milk>whole-milk