Dietetics of Obesity, Equine Metabolic Syndrome, Chronic Starvation of horses Flashcards
How is obesity measured in horses?
Hennekes 9 point system
Bofy fat> 20-25% of body weight
Overfed but undernourished
BCS of 7 is overweight
BCS of 8 or 9 is obese
Obesity type
Cresty neck/type score
Relationship between BCS and WAT
Nuchal/periorbital fat: poor indicator of total WAT
Heart girth: height at withers and US of retroperitoneal fat are good indicators of WAT
Contributing factors of obesity
- E intake and expenditure imbalance
- Genetic
- Hormonal
E intake and expenditures imbalance
E dense feeds
Ponies left to pasture will consume DM up to 5% of BW
Low exercise becuase of confinement
Grandma effect
Husbandry- winter associated weight loss
Genetical contribution to obesity
“easy keeper”
Inherited survival ability on low quality forages
Hormonal contribution to obesity
Resistance: decr leptin production
Hyperleptinaemia: decr insulin sensitivity
Conditions that mey be worsened by obesity
- Ortho
- Endocrine/metabolic
- Abd/intestinal
Ortho problems that can be worsened by obesity
Endocrine/metabolic problems that can be worsened by obesity
Insulinaemia/ dysinsulinaemia
Glucose intol
Hyperlipidaemia/ hepatic lipidosis
Abd/ intestinal disorders that could be worsened by obesity
Pedunculated lipomas
Misc disorders that could be worsened by obesity
Heat and exercise intolerance
Exacerbation of age related pro-inflamm states
Obese pregnant mares give birth to foals that have higher risk of developing DOD or dysinsulinaemias
What is EMS and how do you diagnose
!! insulin resistance
Can be acute or chronic and can be clinical or subclinical
Diagnose: with oral glucose tolerance test or IV glucose tolerance test- frequent sampling
Treatment and diet for EMS
Goal is weight loss
Should be hay based- soak to remove sugars
Limit grass: dry lots, grazing collar, turnout field
Supplements: vit E, mins, aa’s, Metformine and levothyroxine
Amount of hay in diet of EMS
1-1.5% of BW
Amount of vit E to supplement to EMS horse
1000 IU/ day