May Day Flashcards
May Day SOG
When should May Day procedures be utilized?
Any time a member is lost, missing, trapped or injured and in need of assistance at an incident in the Hot Zone.
Emergency Identification Button- orange button on top right side of portable radio.
What is the May-Day definition?
used to report your status as lost, hurt, or trapped and needing rescue in the Hot Zone
What is the definition of a Red Alert?
Term used to request priority radio traffic for all emergency transmissions that could affect life safety issue.
What is included in a May-Day transmission?
“May-Day, May-Day!” followed by your name, unit, location, and any other pertinent info.
How shall command maintain an awareness of the location of Emergency Personnel on the emergency scene?
The use of passport accountability system and incident assignments.
Who must monitor the assigned tactical channel crews are working on and at incident?
Command and/or operations, along with RIT and Safety Officer
What does the term “May-Day” indicate?
a lost, trapped or injured emergency worker in the Hot Zone that cannot remove themselves.
What should a rescue plan to fine a lost member include but not be limited to?
-Deploying RIT -Assign an Officer to continue ops -Change the strategy and plan to a high priority rescue effort -Ensure Lee Control is sending a May Day Response -Perform a PAR -May Day officer, Safety Officer, RIT and the unit reporting May-Day stay on tac. All others move to “May-Day Channel” and new Ops and Safety may be assigned -Assign another RIT
What are the responsibilities of all members during a May-Day?
- Do not self deploy 2. Continue with assignment unless otherwise directed 3.Every member on scene should be alert for a “May-Day” transmission as incident noise could cover a call for “May-Day”
What are the responsibilities of the Emergency personnel/unit in distress?
-Stay calm, conserve air -Stay with partner/crew if applicable -Initiate “May-Day” over the radio -Give name, last known 20, unit, conditions, actions, needs -activate PASS -monitor radio -use flashlights to signal -use tool/debris to alert rescuers -attempt to locate an exit or seek an area of refuge -move toward visible light -listen for sounds -search walls for windows or doors -search for hose line -attempt to locate a life line -assume a defensive posture: right lateral side, protect face piece with gloves
What is essential once communication has been established?
that it not be lost
What should follow after all “May-Day” or RIT deployments?
A formal post incident analysis to review, revise and/or update existing policies and procedures.
Following a “May-Day” or RIT deployment what should strongly be considered?
a request for assistance from the Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Team.