Commercial- "Big Box' store appendices Flashcards
What is SOG
Commerical- Big Box store appendices
What is a large building with non-compartmented space(s), routinely 40,000 square feet or larger in area
Big Box Store
Tactical strategies in a big box store?
Exterior/Interior Size up assessment Supplement fire suppression systems Assess life safety and evacuation Determine fire location Extension considerations/prevention Confinement and extinguishment of fire Ventilation
When sizing up a big box store what factors should be considered?
Building factors: Smoke, air flow path, heat and flame
What are two of the most important indicators of fire behavior?
Smoke conditions and the pattern of smoke and air movement
When should IC and fire attack groups begin their assessment of smoke and air flow path indicators?
Form outside the building prior to making entry
If multiple calls are reported on a big box fire what should happen?
A second alarm should automatically be dispatched
What is the minimum number of sides that need to be observed on the initial size up of a big box store?
What step in a big box operation is crucial to limiting unnecessary exposure of crews?
A full recon observation of the structure
What SHOULD be an idicator of whether an entry is feasible of appropriate on a big box operation?
Smoke rising from an active fire versus cold smoke from a fire largely controlled by auto sprinklers
What SHOULD indicate an exterior attack on a big box operation?
Heavy fire conditions indicating involvement of any truss roof system
How may an appropriate view of the structure be completed on a big box operation?
Drive around, incoming resource recon, thermal imagery, elevated observation
On big box operations plate glass storefronts, loading dock doors, and multiple pedestrian entry doors offer potential points for what?
Observing interior conditions and determining if interior attack is possible or appropriate
What SHOULD be considered as immediate justification to abandon interior operations on a big box operation?
Indication of involvement in the structural area of the roof
On big box operations what is among the most effective methods limiting crew exposure to interior operations, while simultaneously addressing occupant life safety?
Supplementing the fire suppression system
What will assist the effort of supplying the correct system when multiple systems or split systems exist in a big box occupancy?
Reference to updated pre plans
When should standpipe utilization be considered effective?
Only for small incipient fire suppression or later overhaul operations.
What are two negative factors of a standpipe system in a big box store?
Limited flow capacity, non standard attachment sizes
What is the highest incident priority during a big box fire response?
Lift Safety
What is the most reasonable rescue attempt on a big box response?
focused area search
Big Box
If citizens are reported to be missing or trapped what information is necessary to acquire.
Number of citizens
Known location in Big box
Location of fire and/or fire conditions in relation
Are occupants in distress or trapped
Any method to communicate with those trapped
What should the IC consider as the best method of protecting trapped citizens.
Substantial direct fire attack with coordinated ventilation
What can easily hide fire, and heavy fuels in a big box operation?
Drop ceilings and other voids
What should be assumed about any exterior fire in a big box operation?
That fire has penetrated to the interior
What should be established prior to an interior operation on a big box fire
Appropriate sized and equipped RIT
Where should RIT be established on a Big Box operation?
At each crew entry point
How far should interior stretches be limited to on interior operations at big box fires?
150’ past the entrance point
If moderate to heavy smoke is showing at the ceiling, and hose-line crews have not reached the seat of the fire what should be considered?
Evacuating and initiating a defensive operation
If fire involves the open truss space of light weight construction, personnel should not do what?
Work on the roof
Why should we beware of a big box with tilt slab constructed walls?
they can fall outward if the roof loses stability
How can information about the seat of the fire be obtained on commercial fires
citizen accounts, enunciator panel indicators in the fire control room, visual observances upon arrival and use of TIC
What should you consider if unable to determine the location and magnitude of the fire on commercial ops
Expanding ventilation
Large caliber defensive tactics
PPV if extensive ventilation efforts fail to expose fire location/magnitude
What should be the primary responsibility of the first arriving crews be at a commercial fire
Life safety and exposure protection until efficient resources are in place.
Exposure protection could fall into what two categories
Internal and external exposures
Fire protection of internal exposures at a commercial fire consist of what?
Closing fire doors, exposure lines operated from a safe area in the uninvolved part of the structure and aggressive ventilation tactics
What guidelines should be followed with regards to fire confinement and extinguishment in Big Box structures.
Max hose line advancement
Fire attack should be initiated from the closest exterior entry point of fire
Utilized large caliber hose lines
If significant ventilation efforts are needed in order to make entry what should be considered?
Defensive op
What SHOULD be established quickly if crews are operating inside the building and conditions worsen?
Vertical ventilation
What will often be necessary for the safety of ventilation crews on big box operations.
opening skylights and operating from aerial apparatus
What tactic should only be deployed when interior crews have indicated that they are prepared to manage it on commercial fires?
Horizontal or mechanical ventilation
Unless fire is of electrical nature what utilities should only be secured on commercial fire?
HVAC and gas service